
Xiao Sa joked about marrying her when she was young, she was an 18-year-old beauty from Peking University, and now her achievements are comparable to superstars

author:He Yiyan in the south


The 9-year-old girl became popular with an 18-year-old Peking University beauty, and now her achievements are comparable to superstars

This is a story about Sa Beining's childhood promise and the girl he once had a crush on, Jin Ming. More than 30 years later, Sa Beining has a successful career, but Jin Ming was ridiculed by netizens because he was single. Let's reveal the oath of Sa Beining when he was young!

Sa Beining was 14 years old at the time, and swore to his parents: "When I grow up, I must marry her." "Who is this girl now?

Xiao Sa joked about marrying her when she was young, she was an 18-year-old beauty from Peking University, and now her achievements are comparable to superstars

remembers that in 1990, when he was in his prime, 14-year-old Sa Beining was immersed in the world of TV dramas, and he didn't know that fate was arranging a surprise for him. One night, he saw a girl who made his eyes shine, her name was Jin Ming.

Jin Ming in the TV series has long black hair, a pair of bright big eyes, and an innocent and lovely smile that makes Sa Beining unable to extricate himself. He was captivated by her beauty and liveliness, as if the whole world was lit up by her. The young Sa Beining couldn't help but say to his parents: "When I grow up, I must marry her." ”

Xiao Sa joked about marrying her when she was young, she was an 18-year-old beauty from Peking University, and now her achievements are comparable to superstars

However, life is unpredictable. More than 30 years later, time has brought Sa Beining to a completely different situation. He has become an acclaimed host, actor, and entrepreneur with a thriving career and a happy family.

But the girl Jin Ming in the TV series doesn't seem to have taken special care of her by the hand of fate. Jin Ming, who is now 42 years old, is still single and is regarded by many netizens with mocking eyes. But we can't ignore her efforts and achievements.

It turned out that Jin Ming was admitted to Peking University with excellent grades at the age of 18 and became an outstanding Peking University beauty. She is talented, not only has excellent academic performance, but also participated in some well-known TV series, which has attracted much attention. However, her career did not continue to develop like Sa Beining, but gradually faded out of the public eye.

Xiao Sa joked about marrying her when she was young, she was an 18-year-old beauty from Peking University, and now her achievements are comparable to superstars

However, we cannot deny Jin Ming's achievements and efforts. Today, she owns her own company, which is committed to philanthropy and is actively involved in environmental causes. She has also gained a high reputation in the industry and is known as the "goddess of modern public welfare".

Jin Ming's marital status has become the focus of attention from the outside world. But we should not measure a person's worth and happiness by being single. She chose to pursue her career and interests and contributed a lot to society. Everyone has their own lifestyle and values, and we should respect everyone's choices.

Sa Beining and Jin Ming's life trajectories seem to be incompatible, but they both shine brightly in their respective fields. Sa Beining has become a much-loved superstar with his talent and hard work, while Jin Ming has quietly contributed to society and shown the charm of a superstar.

We must not forget Sa Beining's oath to Jin Ming when he was young, which was a childhood promise and a teenager's dream. Today, Sa Beining has lived a happy life, and Jin Ming has proved her worth with her efforts and achievements.

The story of Sa Beining and Jin Ming tells us that life choices and destiny are unpredictable, but no matter what, we should insist on pursuing our dreams and values and take responsibility for our own lives. Everyone has their own light, whether it is Sa Beining or Jin Ming, they all shine with a unique light in their respective fields.

I hope that everyone can be like Sa Beining and Jin Ming, and move forward bravely on the road of pursuing their dreams, and not be swayed by the doubts and pressures of the outside world. Let's believe together that everyone can become a superstar in their own life!

The tweet aims to shed light on Sa Beining's vows as a young man and what Jin Ming has achieved today, and calls on readers to respect everyone's choices and values. Through vivid language and engaging narration, we hope to capture the reader's attention, make them think about the relationship between life and dreams, and give positive energy.

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