
Focus on the "three services of walking relatives and connecting hearts" Fuyang experience 丨 District Supply and Marketing Corporation: Service sent to the heart of the kanli People say that good is good

author:Fuyang release

On the morning of April 30 this year, a Bus No. 2311 drove steadily into the bus stop in Xiangjia Village, Chang'an Town. On that day, many villagers stayed at the station waiting for this moment to arrive, because at that moment Xiangjia Village will officially bid farewell to the history of bus-free. Speaking of the opening of the bus line, while the villagers thank the government, the cadres of the district supply and marketing corporation often hang on their lips.

Focus on the "three services of walking relatives and connecting hearts" Fuyang experience 丨 District Supply and Marketing Corporation: Service sent to the heart of the kanli People say that good is good

At the end of March this year, the leader of the district supply and marketing cooperative led the research team to Xiangjia Village to carry out the "three services of walking relatives and connecting hearts" to carry out the research activities of "three services of walking relatives and connecting hearts", and in the process of visiting, listening to and recording the villagers' "urgent difficulties and worries" problems, and relieving the villagers' worries. The lack of bus lines is the first problem collected by the research team, and it is also the problem that the people reflect the most. After verifying the problem, the research team reported to the district "three services" work leading group in a timely manner, and brought good news to Xiangjia Village in less than a month.

Focus on the "three services of walking relatives and connecting hearts" Fuyang experience 丨 District Supply and Marketing Corporation: Service sent to the heart of the kanli People say that good is good
Focus on the "three services of walking relatives and connecting hearts" Fuyang experience 丨 District Supply and Marketing Corporation: Service sent to the heart of the kanli People say that good is good

Crouch down and listen, and the people say "good" to send the service

Before the investigation and investigation of the squatting point began, the cadres of the District Supply and Marketing Corporation made detailed arrangements and learned about the situation in Xiangjia Village. This village is located in the easternmost part of Chang'an Town, most of the young and middle-aged people in the village work outside the village all year round, some villagers move to the urban area for their children to go to school, some families with good conditions move to Hangzhou, Shanghai and other places, and return to their hometowns every New Year's Festival, and the permanent population in the village is mostly empty nesters and left-behind children.

"The first time I visited a villager's home, I communicated with 5 families, and 4 of them reflected to us the problem of bus lines not being connected." Yang Hongdao, secretary of the party committee of the District Supply and Marketing Corporation, said that when they learned of this situation, the members of the research team were surprised. The research team observed that there were bus stops and waiting points at the mouth of the village, but the villagers reported that the station had been built for a period of time, looking forward to it day and night, and did not wait for the bus.

Xiangjia Village is more than 3 kilometers away from Chang'an Town, the villagers have fields at home, and there is never a shortage of vegetables in the field, but if you want to buy some meat vegetables, you have to go to the town's vegetable market, and you can see a doctor and buy medicine. Because there is no bus, many villagers will ride battery cars to the town, and the older ones will take the villagers' three-wheeled motorcycles, but in bad weather, travel becomes very difficult and unsafe. Some villagers choose to walk, but it takes forty or fifty minutes to walk from the village to the town, and they can't eat it when they are old.

"After a detailed understanding of the situation, we sorted out and reported this issue to the 'Three Services' Campaign Office, and the District Transportation Group was responsible for implementing this issue." Yang Hongdao said that in order to let the villagers of Xiangjia Village get on the bus in front of their homes as soon as possible, the District Supply and Marketing Corporation also took the initiative to contact the District Transportation Group to understand the relevant situation. He said that after the opening of the line, when the research team re-entered the village, they could feel the smiles on the faces of the villagers and the welcome to them.

Xiang Yequan, an old party member in the village, had undergone two major surgeries, and every time he wanted to go to the town or the city, he had to call the juniors to pick him up, and with the bus, he could go out by himself. "It's much easier to go out, and you don't have to bother the juniors every time." Xiang Yequan said that the bus is clean and comfortable, the fare is reasonable, and people like their elders are still free of charge. "You guys are so efficient, it took less than a month to help reflect, and things were done, thank you." Xiang Yequan said thanks.

Based on professional advantages, innovative methods help Xiangjia Village "thinning"

Before the investigation of the squatting point began, the District Supply and Marketing Corporation formed 6 research groups led by the team leaders, and every Tuesday was their fixed day to go to the countryside. "Every time I go to the village, the uncles and aunts will greet them kindly, 'You are here again', in fact, many old people have no other requirements, and they are very happy to be with them." Yang Hongdao said that such a service is really "walking with relatives and hearts", and the cadres of the research group have really solved the difficulties for the villagers through research, which is also an incentive for the cadres. He said: The starting point and foothold of the work of the district supply and marketing cooperatives is to "serve the peasants." In the work of "three services for taking relatives and connecting hearts," the district supply and marketing cooperatives have also given full play to their professional advantages, used innovative methods to promote the increase of villagers' incomes, and assisted Xiangjia Village in taking off the hat of an economically weak village.

Xiangjia Village does not have village collective economic income, and the cadres of the District Supply and Marketing Corporation have been thinking about what methods can be used to increase collective economic income since the beginning of the investigation and investigation of the squatting point. "Last month, our company established the Xiangjiacun Sweet Potato Professional Cooperative, which cooperates with the online e-commerce platform to make the land play a greater economic benefit in the mode of 'land trusteeship'." Liu Jun, head of the business section, said that during the visit, they found that the soil in Xiangjia Village was suitable for sweet potato cultivation, so they decided to adopt the "land trusteeship" model to serve farmers.

What is "Land Trust"? Liu Jun introduced that the villagers in the Xiangjia Village Sweet Potato Professional Cooperative use the land to buy shares, integrate the scattered land of the villagers through the cooperative, and provide seedlings, fertilizers and planting technology guidance by the professional cooperative, and purchase and sell them in a unified manner. "It turns out that the villagers are only self-sufficient in farming, and through this model, the villagers can get additional benefits while paying the same amount of labor energy." He said that through new varieties and new planting techniques, the sweet potatoes that could only be planted for one season can now be planted for two seasons, and the unified acquisition has further guaranteed the income of villagers. At present, more than 10 villagers have reached the intention of planting, the district supply and marketing cooperatives plan to vigorously promote the cultivation of sweet potatoes from next year, through professional technical guidance, the yield of sweet potatoes per mu can reach 1500 to 2000 jin, which is expected to increase the annual income of villagers by about 10,000 yuan per mu.

Source: District Rong Media Center (Reporter Xu Jingnan) Photo: Dong Yinling

Edit: Jiang Qun

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