
The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

author:Xiaoyi world

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Text/Editor|Xiaoyi World


North Korea's latest military moves have once again attracted global attention. Recently, it has made remarkable progress in ICBM technology, especially the successful test launch of the Hwasong-18 missile, demonstrating its technological breakthrough and strategic transformation. In the face of the challenge of limited geographical and naval resources, how can North Korea break through the limitations through innovative means and then compete with the global military powers?

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

North Korea faces a particular challenge: due to the country's limited land area and the limitations of its naval strength, it is unable to conduct long-range missile tests in real situations. North Korea overcame this obstacle by an innovative approach, namely conducting a "high-trajectory launch test". The test involves launching the missile vertically upwards into the air and then letting it fall back to the ground. Although this method is limited in terms of actual range on the ground, it can effectively simulate the entire flight process of the missile and calculate its theoretical range.

North Korea conducted one such test of the Hwasong-18 missile. According to information released by the DPRK, the launch height of this test reached a staggering 6518 km, while the actual range on the ground was 1000 km. Based on these data, we can speculate that the theoretical range of the Hwasong-18 missile may exceed 15,000 kilometers. This data not only reflects the development of North Korea's missile technology, but also has a significant impact on the global security situation.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

North Korea's high-trajectory launch test method provides a way not only for the country to test its long-range missile capabilities, but also for other countries to study and analyze important data on North Korea's missile capabilities. Although such tests have certain limitations in terms of actual range, they are able to accurately estimate the ultimate range of the missile through exhaustive calculations and simulations. This represents not only a major breakthrough at the technical level, but also a key consideration at the strategic level.

North Korea demonstrated its achievements in the field of missile technology with high-ballistic launch tests. The test not only overcame the geographical and resource constraints facing North Korea, but also provided us with critical insight into its missile capabilities. This information is critical to understanding North Korea's military power and its impact on the global security landscape.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

North Korea's Hwasong-18 missile is a notable achievement in the field of its intercontinental missile technology. The solid-state ICBM has a unique design that resembles a giant ballpoint pen and is mounted on a highly maneuverable, off-road "log transporter." This design allows the missile to be quickly deployed and launched at any time in a variety of field environments, which greatly enhances its flexibility and concealment.

North Korea has recently made significant advances in the field of intercontinental missile technology, especially in engine technology. The DPRK has made a major breakthrough in the field of solid rocket engines, successfully developing a large-diameter model with a diameter of more than 2 meters. This achievement demonstrates not only the technological progress of the DPRK, but also its competitiveness in this field of technology comparable to that of China and Russia. A major leap forward in North Korea's intercontinental missile technology is reflected in its latest solid rocket engine, the diameter of which serves as a key measure of long-range ballistic missile technology and directly determines the missile's payload and range capabilities. The development of this engine is not only a key achievement of North Korea in the field of intercontinental missiles, but also marks a new stage in its technology.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

This technological advancement by the DPRK not only demonstrates its expertise and innovation in missile technology, but also has an important impact on the international security environment. Through the use of large-diameter solid rocket engines, the DPRK is able to create missiles with higher payload capacity and longer range, which is a factor that cannot be ignored in the international strategic balance.

The launch platform of the "Hwasong-18" missile, the high-mobility off-road transport vehicle, is also a highlight worthy of attention. The flexibility and stealth of such vehicles provide North Korea with more tactical options, increasing uncertainty about its missile deployment and launches, thereby enhancing its deterrent.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

North Korea's remarkable achievements in intercontinental missile technology are reflected in the design and function of the Hwasong-18 missile. The missile's large-diameter solid rocket motor not only marks North Korea's technological advancement, but also arouses widespread attention at the international strategic level. The high mobility and stealth of its launch platform also provide North Korea with more strategic flexibility. These advances have sparked widespread concern and discussion in the international community about North Korea's future military movements and strategic intentions.

North Korea's recent launch of its advanced Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile marks a significant technological advance in this area. It is estimated that the missile carries a large-diameter solid rocket motor with a diameter of more than 2 meters, which has high thrust. This conclusion is based on a comparative analysis of the engine by experts with its launch vehicle. This data shows that North Korea has reached a new level in the development of ICBM technology, which is comparable to the achievements of China and Russia in similar large-caliber solid rocket engine technology.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

The design features of the Hwasong-18 missile are very similar to those of the Russian Yars intercontinental missile, indicating the direction of development of North Korea's missile technology. This similarity is not only in appearance, but also in performance and technical characteristics, such as range, load capacity, and launch mode. By developing this advanced solid rocket engine, North Korea has demonstrated its technological autonomy and innovation in the missile field.

North Korea's development of the Hwasong-18 missile is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a major strategic advance. North Korea's adoption of large-diameter solid rocket engines provides more powerful capabilities for its intercontinental ballistic missiles, a technological advancement that has had a significant impact on its military strategy and standing on the international stage. North Korea's achievements in this area highlight its potential role in the global military balance compared to their counterparts in other countries.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

Further analysis of the design and launch of the Hwasong-18 missile is also worth paying attention to. The way the missile is deployed and the process of preparing for launch demonstrates North Korea's efforts to increase the flexibility and speed of response of its strategic weapons systems. North Korea has also made important improvements in ensuring the concealment and survivability of its ICBM systems.

The design and technological advancement of North Korea's Hwasong-18 missile not only marks the country's major progress in the field of intercontinental ballistic missiles, but also demonstrates its ability to integrate with mainstream international missile technology. Such advances not only enhance North Korea's defense capabilities, but also provide the international community with an opportunity to gain insight into its missile technology and strategic intentions. Against the backdrop of international security and geopolitics, this technological development of the DPRK will continue to attract global attention.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

In a recent test launch, North Korea's Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile performed well, meeting a series of compelling technical indicators. Data from this test launch showed that the missile reached an altitude of 6,648.4 kilometers, flew 1,001.2 kilometers, and landed accurately in a predetermined area in the Sea of Japan after 74.85 minutes of flight, about 270 kilometers west of Okushiri Island in Hokkaido, Japan.

A major feature of this test launch was that the three stages of the missile adopted different flight modes. The first stage uses a standard ballistic flight mode, while the second and third stages use high-angle flight. Based on this unique flight pattern, experts speculate that the maximum range of the Hwasong-18 could be more than 14,000 to 15,000 kilometers. The test set a new record for the flight time of a North Korean ICBM, and its performance is already comparable to that of similar ICBMs of the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

The success of this test not only marks a significant advance in ICBM technology by the DPRK, but also attracts widespread attention in the international military balance. With its record-breaking flight altitude and duration, as well as its unique flight patterns, the strategic importance of the Hwasong-18 on a global scale cannot be overlooked. Its successful test launch is a testament to North Korea's ability to develop intercontinental ballistic missile technology, as well as its growing strategic strike capabilities.

The results of this test launch have also brought more attention to North Korea's military capabilities to the international community. In particular, the missile's long-range capability and accurate hit rate show that North Korea has made important progress in improving its long-range strike capabilities. This is not only a milestone in North Korea's own technological development, but could also change the regional and global security posture.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

North Korea's latest test launch of the Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) demonstrates the country's remarkable progress in this critical area. Its performance parameters, including maximum range, flight altitude and time, as well as precise landing point control, show that North Korea's technological level is on par with that of the world's leading countries. These achievements have not only had an important impact on the DPRK's national defense strategy, but also had a profound impact on the international security landscape.

Looking at the launch technology of ICBMs around the world, China, Russia, and North Korea have successfully achieved mobile launch capabilities. Of particular note is the fact that the DPRK has mastered the technology of cold launch of mobile automatic launch vehicles, as can be seen from the DPRK's launch video. This technology, which is mainly used in China and Russia around the world, has the advantage of significantly reducing the destructive nature of missile launches on launch platforms, thereby extending the service life of launch vehicles and significantly reducing costs.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

Cold emission technology has significant advantages over traditional thermal emission methods. The hot launch caused serious damage to the launch vehicle and silo by the high temperature tail flame generated during the launch of the missile, while the cold launch technology uses a special mechanism to first eject the missile from the launcher and then ignite the missile engine at a certain height. This technology not only reduces thermal damage to the launch platform, but also increases the speed and flexibility of the missile's launch readiness.

The implementation of cold launch technology is not easy. It requires extremely high-precision ignition control and sophisticated attitude adjustment capabilities. The overcoming of these technical challenges demonstrates the technological progress of the DPRK in the field of ICBMs. Joining China and Russia, North Korea is one of the few countries in the world to master this advanced cold launch technology.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

North Korea's successful implementation of cold launch technology not only reflects the progress of its military science and technology, but also represents the country's strategic transformation in the field of intercontinental ballistic missiles. By employing this advanced launch technology, North Korea is able to deploy its missile forces more effectively, while also increasing the survivability and concealment of its strategic weapons.

The application of cold launch technology also reduces the visible signs during missile launch, thereby increasing the suddenness and tactical surprise of the launch. In the context of the global strategic balance, the mastery and application of this technology means that the DPRK's influence in the field of international security has increased.

The DPRK military successfully test-fired the most powerful intercontinental missile, and its key indicators surpassed that of the Chinese and Russian missiles! The United States and the ROK have become deterrents

North Korea's progress in cold launch technology has not only enhanced its position in the field of intercontinental ballistic missiles, but also strengthened its capabilities in the global military-technology competition. With the application of this technology, North Korea's strategic weapons systems will become more efficient and covert, with a more far-reaching impact on the international security landscape.


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