
The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

author:Xiaoyi world

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Text/Editor|Xiaoyi World


As the global security situation continues to change, how Russia adjusts its military strategy to meet new challenges becomes a key issue. In particular, in the rapid development of its nuclear submarine forces, we have seen how Russia is reshaping its naval power to enhance the country's strategic deterrence capabilities. Let Xiaobian Xiaoyi take you to find out.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

In order to enhance its nuclear counterattack capabilities and respond to possible security threats, Russia is accelerating the expansion of its naval forces, especially in the production of strategic missile nuclear submarines and multipurpose nuclear submarines. In his recent speech in Severodvinsk, Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned that according to the national military development plan, shipyards in the region will complete the construction of three strategic missile nuclear submarines of the Boreas-A type in the next few years, and it is planned to deliver these submarines to the Russian Navy.

The main goal of the development and construction of these nuclear submarines is to increase Russia's influence in the international strategic landscape and ensure that the country is able to respond quickly and effectively in the face of potential threats. In addition to the Boreas-A submarines, Russia is also working on the construction of five Yasen-M multipurpose nuclear submarines, which are also an important part of the Russian Navy's modernization program.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

Putin pointed out that the addition of these advanced submarines will greatly enhance the combat capability of the Russian Navy, especially in the event of a potential maritime conflict. This is also an important move by Russia to respond to changes in the international security situation and strengthen its strategic deterrence forces.

Equipped with state-of-the-art missile systems and nuclear reactors, these new nuclear submarines are capable of long-term, long-range maritime patrol missions. They can not only carry nuclear warheads, but also perform a variety of strategic tasks, including reconnaissance and special operations. Putin stressed that the deployment of these new submarines will greatly enhance Russia's global naval influence, while also providing it with a more powerful strategic deterrent tool.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

At a critical stage in the development of the Russian Navy, in particular, in terms of the construction of nuclear submarines, shipyards in Severodvinsk are currently working on the production of 5 nuclear submarines of the "Yasen-M" type. To speed up the process, about 60,000 skilled workers and engineers are working overtime. The expansion plans of the Russian Navy in the coming years include the addition of eight new nuclear submarines, three of which are advanced strategic missile submarines of the Boreas-A type. While the Russian Navy is trying to move forward and expand, this process faces no small challenges.

First of all, the shipbuilding industry in Russia faces a number of challenges. This industry not only requires a large number of labor and high-end technology, but also relies on a complex industrial chain. In order to move from backward to advanced, the country needs to pay a huge price. Due to the overall weakening of the shipbuilding industry, Russia is experiencing difficulties in building and maintaining a large naval force.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

In stark contrast to this is China's shipbuilding industry. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese government has begun to develop the shipbuilding industry, which has experienced long-term accumulation and development since the beginning of reform and opening up. By the 2010s, China's shipbuilding industry accounted for only about 5% of global orders. Over time, the global market share of China's shipbuilding industry has grown to about 60%, becoming an important force in the global shipbuilding industry.

This outstanding achievement reflects China's unremitting efforts in technology accumulation and industrial labor training over the past 60 years. The rapid development of China's shipbuilding industry is also supported by its strong industrial system, including the steelmaking and chemical industries, as well as an advanced education system. Together, these factors have contributed to the rapid development of China's shipbuilding industry and its important position in the global market.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

Returning to Russia, despite the challenges facing its shipbuilding industry, Russia is still trying to upgrade its naval capabilities, especially in the construction of nuclear submarines. Russia is focusing on building up its naval capabilities, particularly through the introduction of new submarines, which will greatly improve its ability to carry out ocean-going missions and strategic deterrence. In the face of various internal and external challenges, Russia remains steadfast in investing in the naval sector with the aim of safeguarding national security and safeguarding its strategic interests on a global scale.

Recently, Russia's naval forces, especially its nuclear submarine forces, have experienced a significant increase. At the heart of its military power are technologically advanced nuclear submarines, including strategic missile submarines of the Boreas-class and multifunctional nuclear submarines of the Yasen-class, which have reached a global leading level.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

The Boreas-class nuclear submarines, considered one of Russia's most sophisticated submarines, have impressive strategic capabilities. Such nuclear submarines are capable of carrying 16 submarine-launched ballistic missiles with a range of up to 8,000 km, which allows them to carry out strategic strikes around the world with a strong deterrent.

The Yasen-class multipurpose nuclear submarine also shows the progress of Russian military technology. Such submarines are capable of being armed with Caliber cruise missiles with a range of up to 2500 km, which not only have a long range, but are also capable of carrying nuclear warheads with a yield of more than a thousand tons. This makes the Yasen-class a key strategic weapon for Russia against potential maritime threats, such as the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

Russia's nuclear strategic capabilities are considered leading in the world. These advanced nuclear submarines are a key component of Russia's all-round nuclear strike capability, and their presence significantly improves the country's defense capability. The deployment of these submarines not only enhances Russia's nuclear strike capability, but also provides an important guarantee for the country's ability to respond in the face of major security threats.

In the current international security environment, the presence of these nuclear submarines is of great significance. These high-tech military equipment not only embody Russia's technological progress, but also play an important role in maintaining national security and maintaining territorial integrity. With these advanced nuclear submarines, Russia is able to demonstrate its military power on a global scale and, if necessary, deliver effective strategic strikes. The commissioning of these nuclear submarines will undoubtedly further consolidate Russia's position as a global military power.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

A striking feature of Russia's nuclear military strategy is its all-encompassing nuclear strike capability, which includes nuclear weapons deployed on land and at sea. The nuclear strategic plan developed by the Russian military clearly mentions that the eight newly built nuclear submarines will play an important role strategically. These will include Boreas-class and Yasen-class submarines that will be deployed in key areas of the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean to carry out classified missions and be ready to launch nuclear strikes against North America if necessary to enhance Russia's nuclear deterrent.

The deployment of these nuclear submarines demonstrates Russia's determination to maintain the global strategic balance. They are not only a symbol of Russia's military might, but also a strong warning to potential adversaries. These submarines are equipped with advanced nuclear weapons and missile systems, capable of reacting quickly in extreme situations and delivering precise nuclear strikes.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

In addition to their direct military role, these nuclear submarines also play an important role in the international political arena. They have become an important tool for Russia to demonstrate its global military influence and safeguard its national security interests. The strategy of demonstrating the power of nuclear submarines is one of the key elements of Russia's foreign policy.

In Russia's overall defense strategy, the role of nuclear submarines cannot be ignored. They not only represent Russia's advanced level of nuclear technology and military engineering, but are also an indispensable part of Russia's efforts to maintain its global position and influence. The presence of these submarines, at the same time, is a response to the international security situation, demonstrating Russia's readiness and capabilities in the face of various global challenges.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

By developing and deploying new nuclear submarines, Russia has not only significantly strengthened its nuclear strategic capabilities, but also strengthened its position on a global scale. The introduction of these advanced submarines underscores Russia's growing power in the international military arena. Russia's military position has become increasingly important on the global stage, especially through the demonstration of its advanced submarines. These submarines not only enhance Russia's nuclear deterrent capabilities, but also highlight its determination and progress in strategic strikes, thus playing a key role in the international military balance.

Given Russia's economic resources and geopolitical limitations, maintaining a naval force of eight surface ships is both an economic burden for Russia and cannot fully meet its military needs. This reality has prompted Russia to pay more attention to the development of its nuclear submarines, making them a central part of the country's military strategy.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

The current international environment and the needs of Russia's defense strategy make nuclear submarines the key to the development of the Russian Navy. The advantage of nuclear submarines is their concealment and the ability to carry nuclear weapons, which makes them ideal for conducting strategic deterrence and long-range strikes. Russia's military center of gravity is shifting from traditional surface ships to relying more on nuclear submarines.

Much of this shift is driven by economic and strategic considerations. Nuclear submarines are relatively cheap to operate and maintain, while their strategic utility is very high. Russia is aware that nuclear submarines are the key to maintaining its military influence in the face of limited resources and an increasingly complex international situation.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

Over time, the development of the Russian Navy is increasingly dependent on these advanced submarines. These submarines are not only a symbol of the power of the Russian Navy, but also an important part of its global strategic layout. By developing nuclear submarines, Russia is able to maintain its military presence in the international arena at a lower cost and, if necessary, respond quickly and effectively to global security challenges.

The advantage of nuclear submarines is also their technological advancement and versatility. They are capable of carrying out not only nuclear strike missions, but also reconnaissance, surveillance and special operations missions, which makes them an indispensable part of Russia's military strategy.

The nuclear submarine production line is running at full speed, and 60,000 people are working overtime to rotate in a row: 8 giant boats are ready to be launched

Russia's shift from relying on surface warships to focusing on the development of nuclear submarines is a clear and irreversible trend in its military strategy. This transformation is not only an adaptation to current economic and geopolitical realities, but also a strategic adjustment by Russia to meet its changing defense needs. Through this transformation, Russia hopes to respond more effectively to global security challenges while maintaining its military strength.
