
668 million people are at stake! There is finally a "way" for the management of online games

author:South + client

This article is included in the album #Shushuo Netinfo#

On December 22, the National Press and Publication Administration issued the "Measures for the Administration of Online Games (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Draft") and released it to the public for comments.

668 million people are at stake! There is finally a "way" for the management of online games

Previously, according to the data released at the 2023 China Game Industry Annual Conference, the number of game users in China has reached 668 million, which has reached a record high. In addition, the actual sales revenue of China's game market in 2023 will also exceed the 300 billion yuan mark for the first time. It is not difficult to see from the numbers that the game industry has gradually returned to the right track of development thanks to the orderly distribution of edition numbers.

668 million people are at stake! There is finally a "way" for the management of online games
668 million people are at stake! There is finally a "way" for the management of online games

However, behind the record high sales revenue and user scale of the game industry, the string of game product supervision still cannot be relaxed. Therefore, at the end of 2023, the National Press and Publication Administration finally released the long-awaited "Measures for the Administration of Online Games" (draft for solicitation of comments), which includes provisions such as online games shall not set up inducing rewards such as daily login, first recharge, and continuous recharge;

Although the release of the draft has had a short-term impact on the game industry in public opinion, it is not difficult to find that in fact, the relevant regulations and requirements are all that game products should comply with, and at the same time, the requirements are further clarified for a number of common problems in online games. Nowadays, the comprehensive standardized management of online games through the complete "Measures for the Management of Online Games" is actually the "assist" for the management department to put the development of the game industry on the right track: from the orderly issuance of edition numbers to the current "Measures for the Management of Online Games", it is undoubtedly a manifestation of the standardized management of the game industry.

Southern + reporter Ye Dan


【Author】 Ye Dan

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client