
The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Workers' Daily]

Five months ago, Peng Qinglin, a takeaway brother in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, jumped off a bridge to save people, and five months later, Zhou Hai, a takeaway brother in Meishan, Sichuan, jumped off a bridge to save people.

What do we expect to see after the news of "the takeaway boy jumped off the bridge to save people"? It must be that we hope that every mortal act of kindness can get a warm and positive response.

Peng Qinglin's life has changed a lot, and honors and applause have followed, which is the praise he deserves for his righteous and courageous actions. Among them, in the past 11 months, he has a lot of new identities: he was selected into the third quarter of the "China Good People List", settled in Hangzhou, became a new Hangzhou native, and especially became a college student, studying in the modern logistics management professional class of the Experimental College of the Open University of China......

How will he face these honors and applause? The outside world is observing with curiosity, and Peng Qinglin also has a rational understanding. Since the end of October, he has restarted delivering takeaways, and has also become a rider team leader, responsible for the daily running orders of more than a dozen younger brothers. Peng Qinglin puts food delivery in the first place, and work is "the basic guarantee for a foothold in Hangzhou" - although fate has quietly changed dramatically, Peng Qinglin still has to live a good life in a down-to-earth manner.

Peng Qinglin said that the people who have been helped understand the power of love the most, and they are also the most eager to pass on love and warmth. Before he became a delivery boy, he was a cyclist, and he received a lot of care from strangers on the way, maybe it was an umbrella in the heavy rain, or maybe it was an invitation to enter the door when he was soaking wet, these kindnesses from all over the world touched him, so he also wanted to pass on this love and kindness.

There are many more takeaway guys who lend a helping hand when others are in need.

At the end of November, in Meishan, Sichuan, Zhou Hai, a takeaway brother, bravely jumped down when he encountered a person who fell into the water on the way to deliver food. "You can't watch your life disappear", this is the subtle words of an ordinary person; he didn't stay too long, left the scene and continued to deliver orders, which is a matter of brushing off his clothes and hiding his body and name.

The takeaway platform applied for the honorary title of "Pioneer Rider" for Zhou Hai, promoted him to the reserve station manager, and rewarded him with 50,000 yuan, and the local government also said that it would declare righteousness and courage for him. Peng Qinglin is a reference sample, and the admirable and moving "jumper" should not be lost in the vast sea of people. Commending the good deeds of ordinary people with "fanfare" is the desire of the people, and it is a strong signal to the society, so that more people dare to act bravely and bravely.

Peng Qinglin, Zhou Hai and other takeaway brothers are representatives of the new employment form of labor, running around the streets and alleys of the city to serve the people's better life. Today, when the labor of ordinary people is more and more valued, they need to treat each other more gently, so as to enhance their sense of gain, happiness and security.

At the 18th National Congress of Chinese Trade Unions held in October this year, among the delegates were Hong Chengmu, a takeaway brother who successfully helped hundreds of lost people reunite with their families, Wang Zhe, a takeaway brother who impressed thousands of netizens with perseverance and sincerity in one-armed delivery, Guan Liping, a courier driver who performed well in actively donating blood and fighting in the fire, and "strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment" was also written into the report of the 18th National Congress ......of Chinese Trade Unions.

The love they give to this world is also warmed by life.

The protection of rights and interests is multi-dimensional, and it requires the joint efforts of multiple parties. Peng Qinglin is also a reference sample, he returned to work as a rider team leader, was included in the ranks of reserve station masters, career space expansion at the same time need to improve the ability to improve, so go to college, to improve the level of knowledge and skills, broaden horizons...... In this way, his career development path has been strongly escorted.

Among the thousands of workers in the new form of employment, Peng Qinglin is the one who has stepped into the spotlight, and the praise he received after his righteous and courageous deeds is actually to prove to thousands of ordinary workers that cherishing life, loving life, and protecting others will be seen, concerned, and recognized - this is the meaning of struggle, the answer to serious life, and the true meaning of being a human being.

Author: Chen Junyu

Source: Editorial Department of Trade Union Information

The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".

Quick Facts of Trade Union Information, Issue 23, 2023

The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".
The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".
The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".
The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".
The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".
The love and kindness behind "Jumping Forward".

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