
69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

author:Honey snow lily honey

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My name is Li Hong and I am 69 years old. My story is a story that revolves around family, affection and reality. I used to be an ordinary housewife, until three years ago, everything changed. That year, my mother suffered a stroke and was paralyzed, and since then, I have been taking care of her. And that's where my story begins.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

I live in an old neighborhood, and my neighbors know that I am a dutiful daughter. My life revolves almost entirely around taking care of my mother, from morning to night, day in and day out. My mother's illness made it more and more difficult for her to take care of, but I never complained.

My husband, Li Guoqiang, is an ordinary worker, and he knows very little about my efforts, and there is less and less communication between us. We have a son, Xiao Qiang, who works in the field and can't go home a few times a year.

It was in such a quiet and boring life that my neighbor, Aunt Zhang, broke into my life. Aunt Zhang is a lively old lady who often comes to my house to chat, which brings me a little joy. She always said to me, "Li Hong, you have to have your own life, you can't always be like this." ”

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

However, my life didn't change because of Aunt Zhang's words until I met Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen is a new single old man in our community, and his appearance has made waves in my peaceful life.

One day, I met Mr. Chen at the supermarket. He took the initiative to talk to me about daily trivial matters. His conversation was gentle and elegant, and I felt a kind of care and warmth that I had not felt for a long time. At that moment, I realized that I had always longed for the feeling of communicating with people.

As time went on, Mr. Chen and I got closer and closer. We would chat on the benches in the community, talk about life, talk about the past. His concern for me made me feel needed for a long time.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

But just as my relationship with Mr. Chen was gradually warming, new problems arose in my family. My son Xiaoqiang suddenly announced that he was going to divorce, and his wife Wang Lili filed for divorce on the grounds that Xiaoqiang was too busy with work and hardly cared about his family.

Xiaoqiang's marital problems plunged the whole family into chaos. My husband Guoqiang was very angry about this, and he thought that Xiaoqiang did not have the responsibility to be a good man. I, on the other hand, was worried about Xiaoqiang's feelings, and at the same time I was thinking about my relationship with Mr. Chen.

This series of events made me start to reflect on my own life. I began to realize that my life was not just about taking care of my mother, but also about my own happiness and future.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

However, just as I was trying to find a new direction in my life, my mother's health took a turn for the worse. All this has put me in an unprecedented predicament......

As my mother's condition worsened, I had to devote more time and energy to her care. When I wake up every morning, the first thing I do is visit my mother, freshen up and take care of her, and then the whole day of feeding, dressing, and massage. At night, I also keep an eye on her breathing and sleeping. This day-to-day life makes me feel exhausted.

At the same time, Xiaoqiang's divorce issue is becoming more and more complicated. The conflict between him and Wang Lili continues to escalate, and even involves the division of property and the custody of children. Whenever he came home, he always had a sad face, and I felt uncomfortable. I tried to comfort him, but I had too many worries and feelings of powerlessness myself.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

In this case, Mr. Chen became my only consolation. Whenever I felt lonely and tired, he always found a way to comfort me. We would sit on a park bench and watch the sun go down and chat about light-hearted topics. His presence makes me feel a glimmer of warmth and hope in life.

However, my relationship with Mr. Chen did not escape the eyes of those around me. Aunt Zhang began to remind me indirectly, "Li Hong, you have to pay attention, a widow and an old man get too close, what will others think of you?"

One night, Xiaoqiang suddenly returned, with anger and disappointment on his face. He told me that he and Wang Lili had broken up completely, and that their children had chosen to live with Wang Lili. When I heard the news, my heart was cut like a knife, but there was nothing I could do.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

Xiaoqiang's situation made me think more about my family. I began to reflect on my marriage, although my husband Guoqiang is not a bad person, our relationship has long been in name only. The communication between me and him became less and less, and I could even say that I was a stranger. I'm beginning to wonder if there is any point in continuing such a marriage.

In the midst of this complex emotional entanglement, my mother finally passed away. The moment my mother died, I felt relief and sadness like never before. Although I lost my loved one, it also meant that I ended my three-year life of caregiving. I felt an indescribable emptiness and freedom.

At my mother's funeral, my family came. Although Guoqiang comforted me on the surface, I could feel his absent-mindedness. Xiaoqiang is immersed in his own pain, and the communication between us is almost zero. At this moment, Mr. Chen also quietly came to the funeral site, and he stood silently on the side and gave me a comforting look. At that moment, I realized, or

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

What I really need is not just a family responsibility, but a deep emotional connection.

After the funeral, my life began to change significantly. Without the burden of motherhood, I began to have more time to think about my life. I realized that I could no longer live for others like this endlessly, and that I also needed to think about my own well-being.

Guoqiang seemed a little uncomfortable with my changes. He began to notice the relationship between me and Mr. Chan and showed obvious displeasure about it. One night, he finally couldn't help but burst out, "Do you have something to do with that old man? Don't forget that you're still my wife!"

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

I looked at Guoqiang's angry face, but my heart was unusually calm. "Guoqiang, there is no affection between us anymore, I don't want to deceive myself anymore. I said calmly.

These words made Guoqiang stunned. He looked at me with a flash of sadness in his eyes, then turned and left the room. At that moment, I knew that our marriage was dead in name only.

At the same time, Xiaoqiang's condition has also improved. He began to accept the reality of the divorce and tried to start his life anew. He even started sharing with me the little things about his work and life, which made me feel very gratified.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

In the course of this transformation, my relationship with Mr. Chan has also grown. We often walked together, chatted together, and even went to nearby towns together. His company made me feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction that I had never felt before.

However, just as I began to enjoy this new life, Aunt Zhang came to me again. She said to me mysteriously, "Li Hong, do you know Mr. Chen's past? ”

Aunt Zhang's words made my heart tighten. I pressed her to ask her about the situation, but she was vague and just let me find out for myself. My heart was filled with doubts and uneasiness.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

Under this doubt, I began to observe Mr. Chen, trying to find some clues from his words and deeds. But Mr. Chen is still the kind person who cares about me. I began to hesitate, was I too suspicious?

It was at this time that I stumbled upon some old photos in Mr. Chen's house. Mr. Chan is pictured in a photo with a young woman. I can't help but wonder, who is this woman, and what is the story between them?

With these questions in mind, I decided to talk to Mr. Chen. That afternoon, we were sitting on a park bench, and I handed him the picture and asked him directly, "Who is this woman? What happened between you?"

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

Mr. Chen looked at the photo with a complicated expression on his face. He took a deep breath and began to slowly recount his past.

It turned out that the woman was Mr. Chen's lover when he was young, named Lin Yue. They used to love each other deeply, but because of the species

for some reason, in the end, they couldn't come together. Lin Yue chose to leave Mr. Chen and marry a wealthy man because of family opposition and other pressures. Mr. Chen has never been in a relationship since, and he has put all his energy into his work and his own life.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

Listening to Mr. Chen's story, my heart is filled with compassion and understanding. I realized that everyone has stories about their past, and these stories are an important part of what we are now.

After learning about Mr. Chen's past, I have a deeper understanding of him. Our relationship has become deeper as a result. I'm starting to believe that maybe life will really surprise you inadvertently.

However, just as my relationship with Mr. Chen gradually stabilized, a new change occurred in my family. Unable to accept the breakdown of our marriage, Guoqiang began to drink heavily, and even sometimes yelled at me when he was drunk. His behavior made me feel very painful and helpless.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

At the same time, Xiaoqiang's work also encountered difficulties. His company began to lay off employees because of poor management, and Xiaoqiang's job was in jeopardy. His mood became more and more depressed, and he even began to doubt his abilities.

In this situation, I try my best to comfort and support them. I told Xiaoqiang not to be discouraged, any difficulties are temporary, and he is fully capable of overcoming them. For the strength of the country, I try to avoid conflict as much as possible and do my best to maintain peace in my family.

It was in the midst of this family crisis that I received unexpected news. It turned out that before my mother died, she left a will and left a property to me. This was undoubtedly a huge surprise for me. I never thought that my mother would leave me such an inheritance.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

This property is located in a nice location in the city centre and could fetch a good sum of money if sold. I started to think about whether I should sell the house and use the money to improve my life or even start a new life with Mr. Chen.

I told Mr. Chen about this idea. After hearing this, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Li Hong, this is your choice, no matter what you decide to do, I will support you." ”

With the support of Mr. Chen, I decided to sell the house. However, when I began to deal with these things, Guoqiang strongly objected. He believes that the house is our common property and it should be up to us to decide what to do with it together.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

This issue sparked a heated argument between us. I was very disappointed by Guoqiang's attitude, and I began to realize that the rift between us could not be repaired.

In this tense atmosphere, I received a call from Xiaoqiang. He told me that he had decided to leave the city and go somewhere else to start over. He said he needed a new environment to regain his confidence and motivation.


69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

I was both surprised and understood by the strong decision. I knew he needed to change, he needed a fresh start. Although as a mother, I am saddened by his departure, I also support his choice. I told him, "Wherever you go, remember that you will always be my pride." ”

Guoqiang is angry at Xiaoqiang's decision, believing that it is an escapism. He and Xiaoqiang had a fierce quarrel because of this. I tried my best to mediate, but I found myself increasingly unable to control the family's situation.

In this family crisis, Mr. Chen became my spiritual support. He often came to visit me, took me out for a break, and gave me some comfort during this difficult time. Our relationship grew deeper and deeper, and I began to consider the possibility of living with him in the future.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

However, at this time, Aunt Zhang came to me again. She told me that she had found out something about Mr. Chan that might affect my opinion of him. I was shocked and uneasy, and I didn't know what Aunt Zhang really knew.

Aunt Zhang told me that Mr. Chen was actually a person who had been married before, and that his ex-wife divorced him because of his affair. The news came as a bolt from the blue to me. I can't believe that Mr. Chen, who is usually mild-mannered, has such a past.

I decided to confront Mr. Chen. He looked shocked when I told him about it, but then he admitted it was true. He explained that it was a mistake he made when he was younger, and that he deeply regretted it. He said he hadn't told me because he was afraid it would affect our relationship.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

Listening to Mr. Chen's explanation, I felt very conflicted. On the one hand, I understand that people make mistakes, and Mr. Chan did give me a lot of care and support, but on the other hand, I felt deceived and didn't know if I could still trust him.

In this conflicted mood, I decided to distance myself from Mr. Chen for the time being and give myself some time to think and calm down.

At the same time, I started to deal with the property left behind by my mother. After some consideration, I decided to sell the house and use the money to improve my life. I knew it could lead to more fights in the family, but I decided to face these challenges bravely for the sake of my future.

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

In the process of selling the house, Guoqiang's attitude became more and more intense. He thought I was taking away his rights. Our relationship has become more strained as a result. Eventually, I decided to separate from Guoqiang and end this loveless marriage.

After the separation, I felt a sense of ease and freedom that I had never felt before. The future is unknown, but at least I can live my life on my own terms. I started planning to use the money from the sale of my house to travel and see different worlds.

In the process, I am also reflecting on my relationship with Mr. Chen

69-year-old aunt: Serving her paralyzed mother alone for 3 years, she didn't know until after her mother's death that family affection is more realistic

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!