
There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

author:Upward Warm Sunshine 21G

#q1# There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi and customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

## Description

There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

The Chinese New Year's Eve is a day full of festivity and traditional Xi. In China, people celebrate the arrival of the Chinese New Year with a series of unique and fun activities. Today, I will bring you the Xi customs of the Chinese New Year's Eve, and tell you how to pray for good fortune and good luck by "doing 5 things and 3 things" to make your new year smoother!

## Body

There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

**1. The god of the door welcomes the god of wealth**

One of the great traditions of the Chinese New Year's Eve is to paste the "door god". The door god is the god who guards the family, and sticking it on the door can ward off evil spirits and drive away evil spirits and bless the safety of the family. In addition, it is also necessary to welcome the arrival of the God of Wealth, because the God of Wealth will bring good luck and wealth to the family. So, on the morning of the Chinese New Year's Eve, don't forget to post the door god and sincerely invite the God of Wealth into your home!

**2. Cleaning to drive away bad luck**

There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

On the day before the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, every household will be cleaned. This is not only to welcome the new year, but also to banish old bad luck and bad luck. Clean the room, clean up the clutter, and incense to make the home full of peace. Not only does this move attract wealth, but it also helps to change people's mood and prepare them for the new year!

**3. Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner Reunion Sharing**

There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

On the evening of the Chinese New Year's Eve, the whole family gathers together for a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. The Chinese New Year's Eve meal is the most important meal of the Chinese New Year, symbolizing reunion and happiness. Every household prepares a variety of delicacies to show their good expectations for the new year. And when eating Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, there is also a traditional Xi - the whole family should sit around the table and taste various dishes together, which means that the whole family will unite and move forward together in the new year.

**4. Celebrate the New Year and Welcome the New Year**

There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

On the 30th night of the Chinese New Year's Eve, many people will observe the New Year. Keeping a New Year is a stay of sleep all night to show anticipation and prayer for the New Year. On this special evening, families spend a special time with each other, playing, singing, and dancing together. There is also an important Xi in the New Year - setting off firecrackers. The sound of firecrackers can dispel evil spirits and bring good luck and auspiciousness in the new year.

**5. New Year's greetings and blessings**

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, people will start to pay New Year's greetings. This is a traditional Xi and a way to express blessings. Friends and family meet to visit friends and family to exchange New Year's wishes and joy. When greeting the New Year, pay attention to neat dress, express your sincere heart, and wish the other person health, happiness and peace in the new year!

In addition to the above Xi, remember to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things":


There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

- Don't break things to avoid bad luck;

- Don't splash people with water, which means washing away good luck;

- 忌擦洗头发,会洗掉财气。


There are many Chinese New Year's EveXi customs, don't forget to "do 5 things and avoid 3 things", pray for blessings and auspiciousness, and the days will be smoother and smoother

- Make every meal a good indication of a hearty meal in the New Year;

- Do housework, clean the home will welcome good luck in the New Year;

- Make a good smile and smile to convey joy and happiness to your family.

The Xi customs of the 30th Chinese New Year's Eve are rich and colorful, and each Xi custom has a profound cultural connotation and beautiful meaning. On the occasion of the arrival of the new year, let us follow these Xi together, do a good job of "5 things to avoid 3 things", pray for blessings, and hope that in the new year, everyone's life will be smoother and more blessed!