
Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

Fan Bingbing's comeback: The beginning of a stunning return after five years of banning

Fan Bingbing, a superstar in the entertainment industry, after the five-year ban period, like a phoenix nirvana, officially announced his comeback. This news shocked netizens and caused heated discussions for a while. Once controversial for evading personal income tax, she has now made a foreign appearance as a judge for Hong Kong directors' same-sex films, injecting a new element into her comeback.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?
Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

Behind the comeback

, the once smash hit actress, embarked on a bumpy road in 2018 because of a Weibo. Weibo uncovered the shady curtain of tax evasion in the domestic entertainment industry, and Fan Bingbing became a victim of it. The exposure of the yin-yang contract made her pay a hefty fine and was completely blocked. Many of the film and television works she starred in disappeared from the screen, and her once brilliant career came to an abrupt end. But this is not the end of her, during the time she left the entertainment industry, she tried live broadcasting, and set a proud record of "selling 17 million in 7 minutes". In addition, she also actively donated money and materials during the flood in Zhuozhou to contribute to the society.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?
Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

The Road to Comeback: Challenges and Responses

Although Fan Bingbing has been repeatedly frustrated in the face of the iron law of resolutely banning bad artists in the entertainment industry, in recent years, the audience's fatigue with the aesthetic fatigue of the heroine in film and television dramas and the plot of "overlord" have made some voices call for Fan Bingbing to return to the entertainment industry. However, this raises a profound question: should the supervision of the comeback of bad artists be relaxed because she has fewer acting skills and works?

Fan Bingbing's international comeback

Perhaps because of the shield of the domestic market, Fan Bingbing found new opportunities abroad. She tried a new direction after the boycott of her controversial spy film in China. This year's appearance of Fan Bingbing as a judge at the Oscars shows that she has transformed from a high-profile news figure to a well-known phenomenon.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

Movie premieres and reviews diverged

After the 8th Asian Television Festival was broadcast, screenings were held at the 71st Cannes International Film Festival, the 28th Busan International Film Festival, and the 3rd Bangkok International Television Festival. Although the same-sex film has caused controversy overseas, the large-scale bed scenes in the film have received mixed reviews. It has not yet been released in China, but Fan Bingbing's international comeback has become a topic of great concern.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?
Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

The hard work and dedication behind the comeback

After experiencing the ban, Fan Bingbing did not give up lightly despite facing the ban of the entire network in the entertainment industry. She chose to partner with foreign actors in this film directed by a Hong Kong director, and seemed to be working hard for her comeback. While the comments were polarizing, for her, it was the first step forward.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

The reaction and social impact of the domestic audience

In China, Fan Bingbing's comeback still caused a lot of controversy. Despite her previous efforts to regain her exposure in acting, there is still uncertainty about how the artist in question is viewed. Some are in favor of providing artists with a chance to start anew, while others are not in favor of lowering the legal boundaries. In this process, her efforts have become a contest of ethical and legal standards in the entertainment industry.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

Singapore Film Festival and Fan Bingbing's statement

Fan Bingbing's comeback is not just a hot topic in China, her appearance has also attracted international attention. At the Singapore Film Festival, she was the center of attention, attracting crowds to take photos and get autographs. She expressed her emotion many times at the press conference, expressing her thoughts on the trough of the past four years, and at the same time thanking her fans. Her statement drew the audience's attention to her future direction.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

The challenge of the comeback road

However, despite the five-year hiatus, Fan's comeback path remains challenging. In front of the red line of the law, the audience's support and opposition are intertwined.

Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?
Fan Bingbing's stunning comeback! The movie caused controversy on a large scale, and netizens speculated: The legal red line was broken?

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