
The world thought that Harden and the Clippers lost, but in fact, the Clippers' two consecutive defeats were two consecutive wins, breaking the curse of the rotation

author:Leave love to sports

Section 1: Rumors are spreading, and everyone is suspicious

After Harden joined the Clippers, fans were looking forward to seeing a strong performance from this team. However, the losses in the first few games left everyone disappointed and anxious. The media began to hype that Harden had problems with the Clippers' tactical coordination, and the rotation became a topic. Fans are expressing concerns, can the Clippers turn the tide?

The world thought that Harden and the Clippers lost, but in fact, the Clippers' two consecutive defeats were two consecutive wins, breaking the curse of the rotation

The second quarter: forbearance counterattack, two consecutive wins who could have predicted

Just when everyone thought the Clippers would lose again, they had a fierce battle with their opponents with a strong fighting spirit. Harden led the team and played well. With his excellent playmaking skills and extraordinary scoring ability, he broke the rumors and doubts. The two-game winning streak caused a stir, and everyone praised the spirit and strength of the Clippers.

The world thought that Harden and the Clippers lost, but in fact, the Clippers' two consecutive defeats were two consecutive wins, breaking the curse of the rotation

Section 3: Breaking the curse, rotation is no longer an obstacle

The Clippers have won two in a row, and more importantly, they have successfully broken the curse of the rotation. In the past, the rotation was often seen as a sign of lack of confidence or laziness, but the Clippers have shown the world that the rotation is not a failure, but a better way to maintain fitness and fitness. They have an orderly rotation schedule to keep the team's main players in top shape at key moments and then achieve victory.

The world thought that Harden and the Clippers lost, but in fact, the Clippers' two consecutive defeats were two consecutive wins, breaking the curse of the rotation

Section 4: Turning the tables against the wind, unity is strength

The Clippers' counterattack not only demonstrated Harden's leadership charisma, but also showed the unity and cooperation of the whole team. When they lose, they don't blame each other, but actively communicate and find ways to solve problems together. This tacit understanding and team spirit became the key to their ability to rise to the occasion and the secret of their success in breaking the curse of rotation.

The world thought that Harden and the Clippers lost, but in fact, the Clippers' two consecutive defeats were two consecutive wins, breaking the curse of the rotation

Behind the two consecutive victories of Harden and the Clippers is their firm belief and tenacious hard work. They proved that they had found a breakthrough in the difficult situation, and smashed all the doubts and rumors of their opponents with practical actions. Both fans and spectators should have a heartfelt admiration and appreciation for the Clippers' performance.

The world thought that Harden and the Clippers lost, but in fact, the Clippers' two consecutive defeats were two consecutive wins, breaking the curse of the rotation

Let's cheer for Harden and the Clippers as they show the world with courage and perseverance that any obstacle can be overcome as long as we have strong faith and determination to work together! The Clippers' two consecutive wins will become a legend in basketball history and inspire the next generation of basketball enthusiasts. I believe that in the future, they will bring us more surprises and wonderful!