
Exploring the "Liwan Sample" of Intangible Cultural Heritage Development in the New Era

author:New Express

Let intangible cultural heritage "gather", "live" and "fire".

"Very satisfied!" In the Liwan intangible cultural heritage agglomeration area of the Pearl River Piano Dream Park, Zhai Huiling, a national-level Guangcai master, told reporters that she moved the studio into the agglomeration area as a whole, with an exhibition hall, a warehouse, a creative design area, a kiln area, and a shooting, "The environment here is very good, and after the subsidy in Liwan District, the rent is only 10 yuan per square meter, and I feel that the government's support for intangible cultural heritage has really been implemented and solved what we need most." ”

In recent years, Liwan has deeply implemented the high-quality development of intangible cultural heritage, continuously explored new paths and new ideas for the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage, guided the gathering and development of intangible cultural heritage, activated the power of youth inheritance, explored the marketization of intangible cultural heritage, and made the "pearl" of intangible cultural heritage glow with new brilliance of the times.

Exploring the "Liwan Sample" of Intangible Cultural Heritage Development in the New Era

■On June 28, the Liwan Intangible Cultural Heritage Cluster was opened in the Pearl River Piano Dream Park, which is currently the first productive intangible cultural heritage cluster in Guangzhou.

Build Guangzhou's first productive intangible cultural heritage cluster

The thousand-year-old commercial capital is a brilliant intangible cultural heritage. Ivory carving, jade carving, brick carving, Guangcai, Cantonese embroidery, Cantonese opera, paper-cutting...... When it comes to the intangible cultural heritage items in Liwan, there are really countless of them. It is understood that there are 60 intangible cultural heritage items in Liwan District, including 1 at the national level, 10 at the provincial level, 19 at the municipal level and 30 at the district level, ranking first among all districts in Guangzhou, and there are 98 intangible cultural heritage inheritors, including 3 national intangible cultural heritage inheritors.

To explore the agglomeration and development of intangible cultural heritage, Liwan District plans to build a comprehensive intangible cultural heritage agglomeration and development platform integrating production, display, experience, training, research and development, and exchange. On June 28 this year, the Liwan District Intangible Cultural Heritage Cluster was officially opened, which is the first and only productive intangible cultural heritage cluster in Guangzhou, with the goal of protecting and inheriting, living display, and ecological continuation, and introducing 20 high-quality intangible cultural heritage inheritor studios in Liwan District in the first phase.

"The studio settled in the intangible cultural heritage gathering area, and enjoyed a very preferential rent, only 10 yuan per square meter, which can be seen that the support is very large. Zhai Huiling told reporters. According to reports, the construction of the agglomeration area adopts the tripartite signing method of "state-owned enterprises make a little profit, the government supports a little, and the inheritor bears a little", and gives the tenant site rent support to the inheritors, and encourages the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to vigorously develop production and survive and develop in the market.

"This model breaks the subsidy method for the protection of traditional culture, which is a challenge for the support of traditional culture, but it is also a new way of thinking. The relevant person in charge of the Liwan District Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center said that although the support model has changed, the things about the intangible cultural heritage project ontology have been retained and respected to the greatest extent. In the intangible cultural heritage master studio, it is not only clear that the inheritor must bear the obligation to inherit the intangible cultural heritage, but also requires the combination of intangible cultural heritage traditional technique display and experience training.

"After moving into the gathering area, there were a lot of research teams to visit and experience, and we received groups of students to come to study and Xi. Zhai Huiling told reporters that in the past, intangible cultural heritage production was distributed in different locations, and citizens and tourists needed to feel and experience intangible cultural heritage, and they needed to search for intangible cultural heritage inheritors everywhere.

In Zhai Huiling's Guangcai Studio, dozens of intangible cultural heritage products were exhibited. Thermos cups, bookmarks, refrigerator magnets, mobile phone cases, bucket bags, ...... "In order to make Guangcai closer to the young market, we cooperate with some enterprises to develop some cultural tourism products with Guangcai elements, and these items are also a way to promote Guangcai. Zhai Huiling said that in addition to the traditional handmade Guangcai porcelain, every year will also find a factory to make several mass-produced Guangcai porcelain, one of which is a Fulitu European-style single cup is welcomed by the market, has been reproduced several times, sales reached 2,000 pieces.

From heavy excavation and declaration to heavy market development, Liwan District has opened the prelude to the innovative protection of intangible cultural heritage. In the gathering area, many master studios have also set up online live broadcast positions to carry out publicity and drainage, broaden market channels, and let intangible cultural heritage move from the niche to the "public", so as to achieve the sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage.

Exploring the "Liwan Sample" of Intangible Cultural Heritage Development in the New Era

■Wang Xinyuan taught the art with apprentices.

Exploring the "Liwan Sample" of Intangible Cultural Heritage Development in the New Era

■The "New Era Youth Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors' Works Exhibition and Intangible Cultural Heritage Market Experience Activity" was held at the Liwan Museum in Lychee Bay.

Exploring the "Liwan Sample" of Intangible Cultural Heritage Development in the New Era

■Zhai Huiling introduced Guangcai cultural and creative products.

The Liwan District Youth Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors Association was established

In the Guangxiu exhibition hall of the Liwan intangible cultural heritage agglomeration area of the Pearl River Piano Dream Park, there are a dazzling array of Cantonese embroidery gifts, brooches, earrings, hats, hairpins, pendants, sachets...... These products are sold all over the country and are loved by consumers.

"We, the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, should not only bow our heads to do our craft, but also raise our heads to do operations. Wang Xinyuan, the representative inheritor of Guangxiu City, was deeply touched by this. "First of all, you have to survive and survive, you can't get out of the market. We think about how to integrate Guangxiu into life and better adapt to the market, so that this ancient skill can be better inherited. ”

Through apprenticeship, Wang Xinyuan has trained a total of 130 embroiderers in Qingyuan, Guangdong and Bijie, Guizhou, driving rural women to expand employment and entrepreneurship channels, achieving the purpose of increasing income and getting rich, and also expanding the inheritance team of Guangxiu.

"Inheritance is not conservative, innovation does not forget the roots. Wang Xinyuan said that young intangible cultural heritage inheritors need to unite and help each other, jointly create industry norms, and work together to develop the intangible cultural heritage market.

Under the guidance of the Liwan District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Tourism and Sports, on November 12 this year, the Liwan District Youth Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors Association was inaugurated, with the purpose of "serving young inheritors", covering 26 intangible cultural heritage items and hundreds of related intangible cultural heritage enterprises. At present, there are more than 70 registered young inheritor members, mainly post-80s and post-90s inheritors. In addition, nearly 20 senior representative inheritors at the national and provincial levels have been hired as senior consultants of the association.

As the president of the Liwan District Youth Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors Association, Wang Xinyuan told reporters that he hopes to build the association into an industry benchmark. "After the establishment of the association, we have negotiated with some shopping malls, book shopping centers, and tourism companies, and in the future, we will introduce young intangible cultural heritage inheritors, build intangible cultural heritage shopping malls, and develop intangible cultural heritage products. ”

According to reports, in recent years, Liwan has attached great importance to the development of young intangible cultural heritage inheritors, and has taken multiple measures to create better conditions and environment for young people to devote themselves to intangible cultural heritage. In order to attract young inheritors to start a business in Liwan, more than half of the space in the Liwan intangible cultural heritage cluster is provided to outstanding young intangible cultural heritage inheritors as industry-university-research studios.

Changing to "blood transfusion"

It is a "hematopoietic" support model

"Liwan District has established the first productive agglomeration area in Guangzhou, which wants to solve the problem that intangible cultural heritage needs production sites, intangible cultural heritage needs to be developed in clusters, and group development, so as to avoid these intangible cultural heritage items from moving out of the city or no longer engaging in this industry because the rent is too high, but the most important thing is to enhance the self-hematopoietic ability of intangible cultural heritage inheritors. Xie Deming, director and deputy research librarian of Liwan District Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, said, "To guide intangible cultural heritage masters to take the route of cultural creativity and vigorously develop the intangible cultural heritage economy, in fact, it is hoped that Liwan District can find a new way to change the 'blood transfusion' to 'hematopoietic' protection, and the intangible cultural heritage project can realize its own hematopoietic development." ”

To this end, Liwan District explores the establishment of a long-term support mechanism in the form of normative documents, and strengthens the institutional design of key links in the support of intangible cultural heritage, consolidates the foundation for protection, and provides policy escort for the development of intangible cultural heritage.

On October 24, 2022, Liwan District formulated and promulgated the "Measures for Promoting the High-quality Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in Liwan District", setting up a special fund for intangible cultural heritage protection and support, and spending tens of millions of yuan of "real money" every year to reward, fund and subsidize representative projects, inheritors and inheritance bases of intangible cultural heritage, so as to promote the high-quality development of intangible cultural heritage protection. It is reported that this is also the most extensive, strongest and most abundant support method for intangible cultural heritage units in mainland China, with the aim of realizing "project protection with policies, innovation and development with platforms, and market development with helpers", and broaden the channel for inheritors to transform into intangible cultural heritage entrepreneurs.

In addition, Liwan District has innovatively explored "intangible cultural heritage" + "copyright", launched Guangzhou's first district-level copyright service and protection workstation, took the lead in building the "Liwan intangible cultural heritage copyright trading platform" in the city, and used the new platform to explore the "metaverse" technology to empower "intangible cultural heritage" + "copyright" to create an immersive experience space for intangible cultural heritage.

Through activities such as the exhibition of works of young intangible cultural heritage inheritors, the experience of intangible cultural heritage bazaars, the display of intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine, and the introduction of intangible cultural heritage into schools and communities, intangible cultural heritage skills can be brought closer to people's lives.

■Written by: New Express reporter Xie Yuanyuan

■Photo: New Express reporter Bi Zhiyi