
What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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In our daily diet, turnips are undoubtedly a common vegetable. However, did you know that the nutritional value and health effects of raw and cooked radishes are different.

Mr. Zhao is a busy white-collar worker, who usually eats and eats simply, and rarely has time to cook by himself. Due to eating out for a long time, Mr. Zhao often chooses salads for lunch, among which raw radishes are his first choice.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

Recently, however, he began to feel indigestion and an upset stomach. He decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. At the hospital, Dr. Li learned about Mr. Zhao's dietary Xi habits and told him that eating raw radishes retained more vitamin C.

Dr. Li advised Mr. Chiu to adjust his diet Xi habits appropriately and try to eat radishes cooked. Dr. Lee explained that cooked radishes can reduce the spicy ingredients in radishes, making them more suitable for people with sensitive stomachs.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

Cooked radishes also better promote the absorption of some nutrients, especially those that are released during the cooking process. For example, the dietary fiber in cooked radishes is easier to digest and helps promote gut health.

Following Dr. Lee's advice, Mr. Zhao started cooking at home, using radishes as an ingredient in stews or soups. Soon after, he noticed that his stomach upset had improved.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

At the same time, he also found that he was very satisfied with the taste of the cooked radish. Dr Lee also advised Mr. Chiu to pay attention to a balanced diet. He reminded Mr. Chiu that while it is a good idea to adjust the way food is cooked, it is more important to maintain a balanced diet.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

Eating garlic raw versus cooked garlic also differs in nutritional value and health effects. Eating raw garlic is higher in allicin, a powerful natural antibacterial substance that has a significant effect on boosting immunity.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

However, eating garlic raw is also more irritating and may cause adverse reactions in people with sensitive stomachs. On the other hand, cooked garlic although the allicin content will be reduced a lot.

But the taste will be milder and will not cause much irritation to our stomach, which is suitable for most of our people to eat it.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

In addition, similar foods include onions. Eating raw onions contains more sulfides, which can help purify the blood, but may also cause stomach upset.

Cooked onions are milder and aid digestion while retaining some of the nutritional value of the sulfide. Another example, potatoes. Cooked potatoes completely destroy this toxic substance, releasing more starch and providing energy.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

These examples show us that understanding the different ways in which food is eaten can help us make better use of the nutritional value of food. The best way to consume each food depends on its characteristics and the individual's physical condition.

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition

What do you think about how to eat radish? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

What is the difference between eating radish raw and eating radish cooked? Doctor: Eating radish in this way is the highest nutrition