
Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

author:Pilot-driven slurry

In the ancient Tang Dynasty, a story of power, prophecy and family fate unfolded quietly. Xu Maogong, the former wise man and important minister of the imperial court, left an incredible last words at the end of his life: "If my descendants are high, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel." This sentence, like an unsolved mystery, is deeply buried in the history of the Xu family.

In that era full of change and uncertainty, Xu Maogong's grandson Li Jingye was young, intelligent and full of vision for the future. His heart is full of dreams of changing the world. However, Xu Maogong's prophecy was like a shadow, always hanging over his head. Li Jingye had heard his grandfather's words, but he never took them to heart as advice.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

1. Xu Maogong's wisdom and foresight

Xu Maogong, an ill-fated but skeletal figure, left a deep imprint on the political arena of the Tang Dynasty. He was born into an ordinary farming family, and the original trajectory of his life seems to have been decided—farming, getting married, having children, and then growing old in obscurity.

However, fate seemed to have arranged something else for him, and his ingenuity not only made him stand out, but also gave him a place in the center of power in the Tang Dynasty. Xu Maogong's early life was full of hardships. He worked hard in his hometown, but he was not willing to be ordinary. Wisdom and diligence made him stand out and attracted the attention of the magistrates.

His talent was given a chance to be displayed, which led him to eventually enter the imperial court and become an official. In the court, with his unique insights and extraordinary wisdom, he won the appreciation of Tang Gaozong Li Zhi and the crown prince Li Hong.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

However, Xu Maogong's life journey was not all smooth sailing. In his later years, he was plagued by illness, which left him in a hospital bed, unable to worry about state affairs anymore. His family brought in a famous doctor for him, hoping to prolong his life. But Xu Maogong has his own opinions. In his opinion, life and death are fateful, and it is useless to force them.

He refused the famous doctor arranged by his family and insisted on taking the medicine given by Li Zhi of Tang Gaozong and Li Hong, the crown prince. Xu Maogong's choice left his family confused and uneasy. They did not understand why he had given up the treatment of the famous doctor and insisted on taking the medicine given by the emperor.

Facing the doubts of his family, Xu Maogong said in a deep voice: "My life is determined by heaven, why should I ask the doctor to renew my life?" This sentence reveals his deep understanding of fate and open-minded attitude towards life and death.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

Xu Maogong's condition is getting worse day by day, and he knows that his time is short. In the last stages of his life, he began to think about his life. He not only made a difference in politics, but also contributed to the prosperity and stability of the Tang Dynasty.

However, he is more worried about his family's future. He knew that prominent people in the family could cause jealousy and hatred because of their talents, which could bring disaster to the Xu family.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

2. The dying feast and last words

At the end of his life, Xu Maogong felt that his days were numbered. In the face of the impending end, he did not show fear or sadness, but rather took it at ease. He decided to host a feast at his home and gather his family to convey his well-thought-out decision.

Xu Maogong knew that his decision might cause an uproar in the family, but he firmly believed that it was for the future safety and stability of the Xu family. The banquet at home was simply and solemnly arranged. Xu Maogong sat on the top, although his face showed traces of disease, but his eyes still flashed with wisdom.

The family members sat around him, some anxious, some curious, and everyone's hearts were full of questions: What was the real purpose of Xu Maogong's summoning of them? The banquet began, and although the atmosphere was harmonious, there was a faint hint of tension. Xu Maogong slowly raised his wine glass and looked around at every family member present.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

His gaze is deep, as if he has penetrated the long river of time and seen a certain fragment of the future. He took a deep breath and began his words: "If there is a superior person in the family, he must be killed." Otherwise, there will be a rebellion, and the whole people will be harmed. These words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking all the family members present.

They looked at each other, unable to believe that this was the words that came from the mouth of their beloved Xu Maogong. For a moment, the atmosphere at the banquet became heavy. Xu Maogong's eldest son couldn't help but ask, "Father, why did you say this?"

Xu Maogong's expression was solemn, and he replied: "Although I am in the court, I also understand the temptation of power. If there is a talent in the family, it will inevitably lead to trouble. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, "This is the crystallization of my years of political experience, and it is also my last care for my family." Xu Maogong's words caused great controversy in the family.

Some family members think that his words are too pessimistic or even absurd, while others believe that Xu Maogong, as an experienced politician, must have deep meaning in his words. In those turbulent times, the rise and fall of the family was often closely linked to political changes. Xu Maogong's remarks are undoubtedly an early warning of possible political turmoil in the future.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

3. The fate of the Xu family and the rise of Wu Zetian

The death of Xu Maogong caused quite a stir in the Tang Dynasty. Tang Gaozong Li Zhi, the former monarch, felt extremely sad after learning the news of Xu Maogong's death. He was on the bed, his body was getting weaker and weaker, but the pain in his heart was surging like a tide. Xu Maogong is not only his loyal minister, but also his mentor and friend. His departure made Li Zhi feel an irreparable emptiness.

Li Zhi's illness worsened, and the government became increasingly unstable. At this critical moment, Wu Zetian began to gradually grasp power, and her influence expanded rapidly in the court. Wu Zetian was not only smart, but also thoughtful, and she quickly took the lead in the government. Li Zhi was on the sickbed, and although he was unable to directly intervene in political affairs, his heart was full of worries.

He knew that Wu Zetian's ambition was not small, but he also knew that he was powerless to change the situation. After Wu Zetian seized power, he began to intervene in the affairs of the succession to the throne. Her two sons were successively made princes, but for various reasons, they failed to finally sit on the throne of the crown prince.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

Wu Zetian's series of operations aroused the dissatisfaction of many officials in the DPRK and China, but her power was no longer matched. The power game in the court is becoming more complex, and the situation becomes unpredictable. Li Zhi's condition deteriorated day by day, and he often recalled Xu Maogong's advice and wisdom on the sickbed.

He deeply felt that if Xu Maogong was still there, the government might not be so chaotic. He said to the courtiers beside him on the sickbed: "If Duke Xu Mao is here, my court will not come to this." His words revealed a deep sense of regret and powerlessness. During the years when Wu Zetian was in power, the political situation in the Tang Dynasty became more and more delicate.

Her rule was both resolute and ruthless, so that many officials who had been loyal to Li Zhi had to bow to her. In this situation, Li Zhi felt more and more like a nominal monarch.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

He was extremely saddened by the death of Xu Maogong, not only because of the loss of a loyal courtier, but also because of the loss of a clear stream in the government. While Li Zhi gradually became seriously ill, the power struggle between the DPRK and China became more and more intense. Wu Zetian's influence grew, and her control over the government became tighter.

In this process, Xu Maogong's prophecy seems to be slowly coming true. He had predicted that if there was a talent in the family, it might lead to trouble. And now, the situation in the Tang Dynasty has become unpredictable precisely because of the power struggle.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

Fourth, the struggle of Xu Maogong's grandson and the fulfillment of the prophecy

Xu Maogong's prophecy was like a shadow of the future, hanging over the Xu family. His grandson, Li Jingye, is young and ambitious. In the era of Wu Zetian's rule, he saw too much injustice and oppression, and gradually accumulated feelings of rebellion in his heart.

Li Jingye had heard the words of his grandfather Xu Maogong, but his young heart prevented him from fully understanding the deep meaning behind these words. Li Jingye's position in the family became more and more prominent, he was intelligent and charismatic, and soon gathered a group of like-minded people. They gathered in the dead of night to discuss the corruption of the imperial court and the tyranny of Wu Zetian.

Li Jingye's words were full of passion: "We can no longer endure such oppression, we must stand up for justice!" His companions were inspired by his words and expressed their willingness to follow him.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

However, Xu Maogong's prophecy was like a sword hanging over the head of the Xu family, ready to fall at any time. Although Li Jingye's actions were justified, in that turbulent era, any resistance could lead to disaster. Wu Zetian's intelligence network was extremely developed, and Li Jingye's actions quickly attracted her attention. She was determined to eradicate this potential threat.

At a secret meeting at night, Li Jingye and his companions were surrounded by Wu Zetian's spies. They desperately resisted, but in the end could not escape. After Li Jingye was arrested, Wu Zetian ordered severe punishment. This incident caused a huge shock, and the Xu family suffered an unprecedented blow as a result.

Xu Maogong's prophecy unfortunately came true, and the Xu family was wiped out by Li Jingye's actions. Many members of the family have been implicated, even those who have nothing to do with it. The Xu family's mansion was seized, the property was confiscated, and for a time the family fell into deep despair.

Xu Maogong's last words: If my descendants are superior, they will be killed, otherwise they will rebel, and it will really come true

In this disaster, the members of the Xu family felt deep powerlessness and sorrow. They recalled Xu Maogong's prophecy before his death, and couldn't help but regret it. If they could have understood Xu Maogong more deeply, they might have been able to avoid this disaster. But everything is irreparable, and the fate of the Xu family has changed.

As Li Jingye reflected on his actions in prison, he began to understand the wisdom and worries of his grandfather, Xu Maogong. He realized that in those days, any challenge to authority could spell disaster for the family. Li Jingye's heart was full of remorse, and he felt deep remorse for his reckless behavior and disregard for Xu Maogong's wisdom. The demise of the Xu family became a legendary tragedy in the Tang Dynasty.

Xu Maogong's wisdom and prophecy have left a deep mark on the long river of history. His life is not only an exploration of personal destiny, but also a profound reflection on power, family and social responsibility. The story of Xu Maogong has become the object of reflection and Xi for countless people in later generations, and his wisdom and tragedy have become part of history.


[1] Xu Maogong: The Last Hurdle of Fate[J].All Walks of Life,2014(8):57-59