
15-point reversal! CBA Dangerous Upset: The veteran deliberately lost the penalty to win, and the weak team with foreign aid was still honored

author:Pacific Rim old masath

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15-point reversal! CBA Dangerous Upset: The veteran deliberately lost the penalty to win, and the weak team with foreign aid was still honored

On December 25, Beijing time, the 21st round of the CBA regular season continued to compete, and Beijing Enterprises hosted Ningbo. Before the game, Beijing Enterprises ranked 12th and were on the verge of the playoffs, while Ningbo was only third from the bottom. Just when everyone thought that BEWG could win easily, they didn't want BEWG to play extremely hard and suffered a huge impact from the Ningbo team. After 4 quarters of hard fighting, Beikong reversed by up to 15 points and defeated Ningbo 98-96.

Beikong invited Min Lulei to come out of the mountain this season, and experienced a honeymoon period at the beginning of the season, the team worked hard and the results have also improved significantly. However, recently Beijing Enterprises lost to Jilin and Zhejiang Shuangxiong suffered three consecutive defeats, and this time in the face of Ningbo, which is ranked lower, Beijing Enterprises is determined to win. However, the Ningbo team is not the fish belly team that was once bullied, this season they have faced strong opponents many times and fought until the last moment, and lost to Shenzhen in the last round and missed three consecutive wins, but won the respect of fans.

15-point reversal! CBA Dangerous Upset: The veteran deliberately lost the penalty to win, and the weak team with foreign aid was still honored

In terms of starters, the starting five tigers of the Beijing Enterprises team were Liu Xiaoyu, Zhang Fan, Yu Changdong, Sampson, and Liao Sanning, and the Ningbo team sent Luo Kaiwen, Ning Hongyu, Yuan Zhenliang, Wang Junjie, and Duosen. In this campaign, Ningbo only had Duosen's single foreign aid to play.

In the first quarter of the game, the Ningbo team quickly reversed the away game, Dosen scored 5 points in a row, Wang Junjie went to the free throw line, and Luo Kaiwen scored three points and one arrow through the heart. With Dosen's counterattack, the Ningbo team led by 9 points in less than half a quarter and stopped the North Control team. After the pause, the Beijing Control team, under the leadership of Zhang Fan, launched a counterattack, narrowed the score difference and completed the overtake. However, in the last two minutes of the first quarter, the North Control team did not score a point, and fell behind again 20-24. In the second quarter, as soon as the Ningbo team came up, Arslan distributed three cannons, and then the two sides entered a tug-of-war in several rounds. In the middle of the second quarter, Ningbo built another wave of three-point rain to establish a double-digit advantage, leading by as many as 15 points, and the North Control fell behind 43-54 at halftime, which was a big surprise.

15-point reversal! CBA Dangerous Upset: The veteran deliberately lost the penalty to win, and the weak team with foreign aid was still honored

In the third quarter, Yibian fought again, according to the previous Ningbo, this section could be on the double foreign aid, but this time Ningbo only had a single outside, and even when Dosen was resting, Ningbo could only fight in the whole Chinese class. Under the leadership of Zou Yuchen and Zhang Fan, Beijing Control quickly narrowed the gap and tied for a time, and the Ningbo team withstood the pressure and led 74-71 into the final quarter. In the final quarter, Liao Sanning hit a shot to help Beikong overtake, and the competition between the two sides entered a white heat. With the advantage of the inside, the North Control team has established an 11-point advantage in the halfway point of the final quarter, and victory is just around the corner. But the Ningbo team did not give up, and chased the difference to within 1 goal in the last 1 minute. At the last moment, the Ningbo team fouled the tactics, trailed by two points in the last 0.3 seconds, and sent two free throws to Beikong. In the case that Zhang Fan missed the first penalty, the second penalty simply missed the penalty on purpose, so that the time ran out and Ningbo was not given the last chance to attack. In the end, Beijing Enterprises narrowly defeated Ningbo 98-96.

15-point reversal! CBA Dangerous Upset: The veteran deliberately lost the penalty to win, and the weak team with foreign aid was still honored

Bilateral data

North Control: Zhang Fan 15 points, 3 rebounds and 6 assists, Yu Changdong 2 points and 2 rebounds, Sampson 6 points and 2 rebounds, Liao Sanning 11 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists, Zou Yuchen 29 points, 17 rebounds, 2 assists and 4 blocks, Felder 13 points, 8 rebounds and 12 assists, Meng Zikai 12 points and 8 rebounds, Lin Yanting 7 points and 4 rebounds, Lile 3 points

Ningbo: Luo Kaiwen 9 points, 8 rebounds and 3 assists, Ning Hongyu 22 points and 4 rebounds, Yuan Zhenliang 6 points and 8 rebounds, Wang Junjie 13 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists, Dosen 25 points, 10 rebounds and 8 assists, Arslan 16 points, 2 rebounds and 6 assists, Ma Yong 3 points and 2 rebounds, Ma Xinxin 2 points and 2 rebounds

15-point reversal! CBA Dangerous Upset: The veteran deliberately lost the penalty to win, and the weak team with foreign aid was still honored

After the end of this game, the Beijing Control team fought for the first win in 4 rounds and walked out of the haze of consecutive defeats, while the Ningbo team once again fell at the last moment. However, in this game, Ningbo's single foreign aid stumbled three foreign aids, and they really did a good job, although they were defeated.