
The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

author:Records of the world
The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

In 1947, General Xu Shiyou witnessed a ridiculous incident.

On this day, it was supposed to be the wedding day of his right-hand man Zhou Zhijian, but in the middle of the night, someone reported that the groom Zhou Zhijian was missing!

A division commander left the ranks without permission and could not find anyone! This is a big deal, and if the enemy comes, how can the troops be brought with them?

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Taking 10,000 steps back, there is also a possibility that the division commander was kidnapped or took the initiative to defect to the enemy, which made Xu Shiyou uneasy, and he ran all over the military region to find people. I can't find it and scold:

"Where the hell did this little blacksmith go to desert in the middle of the night, and when he came back, Lao Tzu was going to cut off his head!"

Blacksmith Zhou

Zhou Zhijian, formerly known as Zhou Yufa, was born in Hubei Province in 1917. At the time of the story, he was serving as the division commander of the New Fifth Division of the Jiaodong Military Region and was a subordinate of Xu Shiyou.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Zhou Zhijian is the fifth son in the family, the family environment is very poor, he was born only half a year ago, his father was arrested by the Kuomintang and tortured to death. When he was 8 years old, his mother couldn't bear the double pain of illness and hunger and left.

At that time in the Republic of China, there were not a few such families, adults were still sick and starved to death, and children should not live long if nothing happened.

But Zhou Zhijian encountered an accident.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

When Zhou Zhijian's brothers went to the landlord's house to work and earn a living, for some reason, the daughter of the landlord's family suddenly fell in love with Zhou Zhijian's eldest brother and accepted him as a son-in-law. But instead of improving, Zhou Zhijian's life is getting worse and worse. Originally, the daughter of the landlord's family was a master with a very bad personality, otherwise she would not have found a homeless person like Zhou Zhijian's brother to be her son-in-law. After marriage, Zhou Zhijian's younger brothers became a thorn in the eye of his sister-in-law, not only because they were a "family" but also because they could not get any remuneration, but they also often endured the beating and scolding of their sister-in-law, which was called "education".

Unable to stand the treatment, Zhou Zhijian escaped from that home and joined the Young Pioneers under the leadership of nearby Red Army guerrillas, when he was 13 years old.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Later, after more than three years, Zhou Zhijian grew rapidly, and in order to welcome the revolution, Zhou Zhijian changed his name and has been called Zhou Zhijian since then. He started as a soldier and was promoted one after another in the ranks of the Red Army, and later it was the instructor of the unit who took the initiative to pull him into the party.

In 1934, less than two years after Zhou Zhijian joined the party, with the expansion of the original army, Zhou Zhijian's military position rose even higher. Although he is only 17 years old, he is already the deputy head of the regiment. At this time, Xu Shiyou was the deputy commander of the Red Ninth Army, and he happened to be Zhou Zhijian's superior.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

In the anti-encirclement and suppression operations, Zhou Zhijian was very impressive with his unique combat style, and he often flexibly used the tenacious spirit of the Red Army ranks, but he was not confined to frontal confrontation, and with mutual cooperation, he was often able to strike an unexpected blow to the enemy. Described as a "hammer", his fighting style is both fierce and varied, and can be effective against any tough enemy. Therefore, Zhou Zhijian is also known as "Zhou Blacksmith".

Love with a difference of 12 years

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

But often walking by the river, how can there be a reason not to get your shoes wet, not long after becoming the deputy commander, Zhou Zhijian was shot twice in a battle. One shot hit the left hand, and the other went straight through the chest to the back. Fortunately, the bullet that passed through the chest did not hurt any organs, and it was healed after the sterilization operation. Since then, Zhou Zhijian has continued to take the lead and has often been injured. According to the statistics of his family and himself, Zhou Zhijian has at least 50 scars left on his body in his life.

After the end of the Long March, Zhou Zhijian was assigned to the New Fourth Army to fight against the Japanese army in Hubei. Later, when he came to the Liberation War, he returned to Xu Shiyou's command.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

In the summer of 1947, when Zhou Zhijian was dealing with the Eighth Independent Brigade of Chiang's army, he insisted on going to the front line to command, but he was shot in the thigh and carried back to the rear.

As with the previous one, the bullet was scary, but the injury was not serious. But the only thing that is more embarrassing is the location of the wound.

Although the People's Liberation Army at that time was relatively enlightened, it was not so enlightened that men could casually show their crotches, which was called hooliganism. And Zhou Zhijian himself is ashamed to mention his injury. In order to give Zhou Zhijian better treatment, the hospital had to find male doctors and male nurses to accompany him. But even so, Zhou Zhijian still felt itchy in his heart.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

The thing that made Zhou Zhijian unable to lie on the hospital bed the most was the 18-year-old nurse Jiao Ming, who often came to see him.

Zhou Zhijian, who was ashamed to let people see people in the affected area, had repeatedly explained to the hospital that he did not want female nurses to take care of him, but the war was urgent, and the doctors and nurses were very busy, and often did not take care of any male and female nurses. Jiao Ming was very dissatisfied with this, thinking that Zhou Zhijian looked down on their lesbians.

Jiao Ming often went to Zhou Zhijian's hospital room and quarreled with him about women's liberation. After this quarrel, the relationship between the two became more and more familiar, and then the two began to develop feelings for each other.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

However, Zhou Zhijian was against the union of the two at first, he had been married before, and he and his ex-wife had a son and a daughter. Not long after the two divorced in 1947, Zhou Zhijian didn't want to get married so soon.

On the other hand, the pretentiousness made him a little excited, but the little girl was just 19 years old, and he was already running for three. If you marry such a young wife for the second time, you will inevitably be gossiped about in the military region after that.

Wedding night

Although Zhou Zhijian was so cowardly, the military region did not think so.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

You must know that the war situation at this time is at an extremely delicate juncture. The momentum of the Kuomintang's all-out offensive has slowed down, and it has become the end of a strong crossbow, and the PLA is preparing to launch a strategic counteroffensive.

On the other hand, the Kuomintang mobilized more and more troops in the Central Plains battlefield, which was also the tip of the iceberg revealed by the Kuomintang's "key offensive" strategy later.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Obviously, the situation that the Shandong Military Region will face is that it will not only have to resist the enemy's key offensive, but at the same time it will also need to launch a counterattack and extend the battlefield to the nationalized region, and casualties will probably be indispensable.

Before that, letting commanders and fighters at all levels, especially the command level, settle their household affairs first, is conducive to maintaining morale in subsequent operations.

For this reason, Secretary Wang in the hospital has become a part-time matchmaker for major troops. He saw that Zhou Zhijian and Jiao Ming were interested in each other, but he didn't dare to mention it. So he took the initiative to find Zhou Zhijian to do work for him.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Through Secretary Wang's adjustment, Zhou Zhijian and Jiao Ming finally let go of their shyness a little and began to seriously consider the future of the two. In order to add a handful of fierce material to the two, Secretary Wang directly informed Xu Shiyou of this matter, General Xu Shiyou hated this kind of mother-in-law and mother-in-law thing, and immediately gave instructions to Zhou Zhijian, asking him to get married and return to the army as soon as possible, and he was still busy fighting in the future, but he didn't have time to waste time on his children's relationship.

Zhou Zhijian and Jiao Ming were united by the chance of being injured, and the military region was full of voices congratulating the two on their marriage. But Zhou Zhijian is a conservative old man after all, and he has never dared to think about such a thing as holding a beauty. But now that he really has this condition, he can't sleep after tossing and turning, and he always feels unreal.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

On the wedding night, watching Jiao Ming next to him slowly fall asleep, Zhou Zhijian's spirit became more and more full. This energy... How do you vent?

He thought silently, then made a plan on his own, and then secretly put on a military uniform and went out without his wife.

After waiting for a while, when Jiao Ming turned over, he found that the abnormality was unusual, and the husband next to him suddenly disappeared, and Zhou Zhijian had been a little reluctant to marry her before marriage. No matter how strong a woman is, she can't help but muttering in her heart, and this trouble woke up the nearby guards, and the guards conveyed the matter to the chief Xu Shiyou.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

When Xu Shiyou heard this, he thought that Zhou Zhijian had escaped from marriage, and he was immediately furious. It is said that there is a wedding in the story that escapes marriage on the spot, but how can there be a cave house that runs away after the candles are spent? If it is really a marriage escape, according to military discipline, Xu Shiyou really has the urge to cut Zhou Zhijian.

I went to earn a bride price in the middle of the night

Since receiving the news, Xu Shiyou has been contacting people from various departments of the military region, asking them if they have any news about Zhou Zhijian. But nowhere could he be found, and there was one less platoon in his troops. A thought shocked Xu Shiyou's heart,

"This, don't defect with troops..."
The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Before the seriousness of this matter continued to escalate, Zhou Zhijian reappeared. He was accompanied by seven or eight warriors and several large boxes full of weapons and equipment.

It turned out that Zhou Zhijian had excess energy in the middle of the night and personally led his troops to attack the Kuomintang stronghold.

When Xu Shiyou got the news, he felt so angry and funny that he carried out military activities in private without notifying his superiors, and at worst, this is called engaging in a warlord style. Leaving his wife dry in the middle of the night, he also has problems in his personal life. If it is put in some sensitive periods, Zhou Zhijian can be sued just because he went out in the middle of the night to "move".

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

His wife Jiao Ming was finally relieved, and her husband went out to fight on the wedding night, who had heard of this. If you accidentally lose your hooves and can't come back, what is the correction that is being dried?

What Zhou Zhijian did really made people afraid when they remembered it.

The "Iron General" who liberated Xiamen

In the later stage of the War of Liberation, Huaye was no longer what it used to be, from the Central Plains all the way to the southeast coast of the motherland, and they never flinched in front of difficulties. As the last battle of our army outside Kinmen, the battle to liberate Xiamen was led by Zhou Zhijian's troops.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Liu Ruming, the defender of Xiamen, swore to Chiang Kai-shek that he would fight against the tide and build Xiamen into a fortress city like an iron bucket. It was extremely difficult for the People's Liberation Army to cross thousands of meters into the sea to attack Xiamen, and Zhou Zhijian and the 31st Army took out all their family resources, roads, supplies, and so on. As they had envisioned when they went to war, this battle would be their last.

After paying huge casualties, as the landing force of the People's Liberation Army penetrated into the depths of Xiamen, victory also came naturally in the loud trumpet of the People's Liberation Army.

The 30-year-old teacher married his 18-year-old wife, but the wedding night was gone, Xu Shiyou: Very good, I didn't forget my roots when I got married

Zhou Zhijian and Wang Jinshan are Xu Shiyou's two favorite subordinates, Zhou Zhijian was named a lieutenant general after the war, died in Wuhan in 2005, for such a man covered with gunshot wounds, 89 years old is not easy. This resolute "Iron General" also slowly returned to the soil.

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