
Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

Driving in a tunnel close to a vacuum, the speed can soar to 760 miles (1223 kilometers) per hour, which is equivalent to a direct trip from Beijing to Shanghai in just over an hour...

This guy is Musk's vision for Hyperloop Alpha ten years ago.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

However, just a few days ago, a startup called Hyperloop One announced that it was facing bankruptcy, which is equivalent to shattering Musk's "Hyperloop dream".

Although this company was not opened by Lao Ma himself, he did not invest any money.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Hyperloop One is no different from his own son...

After all, when Hyperloop One was founded, it was to build a hyperloop according to Musk's ideas.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

With Musk's light, Hyperloop One will naturally have no less attention.

Like the cover of Forbes magazine, it was easily on the second year of its existence.

And in the first two years, there was news of a financing of $50 million and $80 million.

At its peak, Hyperloop One was once favored by Virgin Group, the largest private company in the United Kingdom, and after the two sides reached a cooperation, the name was even changed to add the prefix Virgin.

It's just such a seemingly glamorous start-up that has now come to the point of laying off employees and selling assets.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

Sounds quite embarrassing.

However, after checking the information and understanding the status of Hyperloop One, Shichao felt that it was the best place to end up with the closure.

All this, we still have to start with the "hyperloop" white paper published by Musk.

In it, Musk called the "hyperloop" the fifth largest means of transportation after cars, trains, planes, and ships.

And it also has to combine the advantages of the previous four, faster, safer, cheaper, and so on.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

As for how to achieve the above characteristics, Musk pressed the treasure on the near vacuum and low pressure.

This hyperloop, in our vernacular, is to pass back and forth in a tunnel close to a vacuum, allowing the suspended capsule capsule to pass back and forth.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

And in the white paper, Musk is not stingy at all, and the 58 pages are sprinkled, explaining all the technical principles, orbit, cabin design and other details.

This is no different from throwing out a "project plan".

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

At the time, Hyperloop One's founder, Shervin Brown, was the founder of Hyperloop One. Pisheval, has coveted this idea of Musk for a long time.

So after the white paper was released, Shervin began to recruit a team non-stop like a treasure, and created Hyperloop One in early 2014.

There was even a former SpaceX engineer hired to be the CTO and co-founder.

It can be said that at the beginning, Hyperloop One was shrouded in Musk's shadow everywhere.

But whether it should be said or not, Musk's star effect is indeed very effective.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

In the first two years, Hyperloop One got tens of millions of financing with just a "someone else's" PPT without anything.

The real results will not come until 2017, when it was officially announced that they had completed the test of the hyperloop under vacuum conditions.

They tested two stages, the first of which was more than 5 seconds in a vacuum and reached a speed of 112 kilometers per hour.

In the second stage, the glide time doubled to 10.6 seconds, and the speed also soared to 310 kilometers per hour, which is about the same speed as our current high-speed train.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

After the initial test was successful, the Hyperloop One was directly floated, and the official flag was set that the hyperloop will definitely be used worldwide before 2020.

This wave of chicken blood is in place, and it will make Hyperloop One usher in its peak-

Refinancing $85 million at a valuation of over $700 million.

And even the well-known Virgin Group is among the "investor alliances".

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

Although the exact amount of investment has not been disclosed, what we do know is that after that, Virgin Group reached a cooperation with Hyperloop One, and the founder Richard · Branson also joined the board.

Even the name was changed to Virgin Hyperloop One.,I don't know and think Hyperloop One is a pony boy of the Virgin Group.。。。

After receiving the big financing, according to their previous flag, Shichao thought that Hyperloop One should take advantage of the victory and continue to test and prepare for the landing of the hyperloop.

Unexpectedly, we still overestimated its strength.

In the years that followed, Hyperloop One gave the impression that there was no real result, but it was still short of money.

What's even more outrageous is that their own senior management members are not doing their business, and scandals continue.

First, the former SpaceX co-founder was accused of sexual harassment, and the following year, another co-founder, Shervin, was also kicked out of office for sexual assault and misconduct.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

Before and after, only Branson, who later joined the board of directors, was struggling to make investments, and it was in order to be able to pay employees normally...

Although the company had a lot of trouble, it was fortunate that Virgin Group was backed by Virgin Group at the time, and it still raised $172 million in 2019.

But it's a mule or a horse, and it has to be pulled out for a walk, and the date on the flag is coming soon.

However, Hyperloop One's answer directly surprised a group of optimistic investors and completely punctured the company's bubble.

The hyperloop, which was supposed to be available for global use, turned out to be just an ordinary human passenger test, and the top speed was only 100 miles per hour, a far cry from the more than 700 miles per hour promised at the time.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

It was almost a watershed moment for Hyperloop One, and it's been going downhill ever since.

During the epidemic, even their own executives and founders lost much confidence in the hyperloop, and left one after another.

By last year, Hyperloop One still wanted to save itself, cut half of its staff, and prepared to fully face freight transportation and give up transporting people.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

But it still didn't work, and in November of the same year, Virgin also announced that it would no longer support Hyperloop One.

In April of this year, Hyperloop One also merged with a shell company, and the shareholders of this shell company became the sole owner of Hyperloop One.

At this point, the fate of this hyperloop enterprise is already ironclad, and it is only a matter of time before it closes.

Of course, there is not only one company that follows Musk's white paper to engage in hyperhiferum.

For example, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, which was founded around the same time as Hyperloop One, has not received as much financing as Hyperloop One, and the Hyperloop plan has been delayed again and again, and it is still stuck in the prototype stage.

Ten years of entrepreneurship has not been completed, and Musk's dream of hyperloop has been shattered

Finally, if we want to say that in the future, whether Musk's hyperloop idea can be realized or not, we can't pack tickets.

However, it is certain that with the current level of technology and market conditions, the realization of a cheap and fast hyperloop can only be on paper, at least in the short term.

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