
The snack packaging space is shared, and consumers are deceived?

author:Entertainment headlines

Recently, the issue of snack packaging has once again become a hot topic in society, especially the phenomenon of "shared area", which has aroused widespread attention. This phenomenon refers to unnecessary excess space in snack packaging, such as dents in cookie boxes, desiccant in seaweed packaging, and empty cardboard in milk cartons. These practices make snacks look more "ingenious", but in fact they mislead consumers and make them feel cheated.

The snack packaging space is shared, and consumers are deceived?

When consumers buy snacks, they find that the packaging looks plump, but in fact the interior space is taken up by a lot of filling, resulting in the actual edible part being much less than expected. This phenomenon not only misleads consumers' purchasing decisions, but also raises concerns about waste of resources and consumer protection.

The snack packaging space is shared, and consumers are deceived?

In September this year, the new national standard implemented by the State Administration for Market Regulation put forward specific requirements for food packaging, aiming to reduce excessive packaging. It is stipulated that food packaging should not exceed three layers, the cost should not exceed 20% of the product sales, and the void rate of food with a net content greater than 50ML/g should not exceed 30%.

The snack packaging space is shared, and consumers are deceived?

However, while facing cost pressures and market competition, the snack industry also needs to actively respond to the improvement of environmental awareness, optimize packaging design, and achieve sustainable development. For consumers, increasing the attention to packaging information and rational consumption is also an important way to protect their own rights and interests. These measures are of great significance to reduce the waste of resources and protect the rights and interests of consumers.

The snack packaging space is shared, and consumers are deceived?

This phenomenon of "shared area" is actually a manifestation of excessive packaging, which is a kind of deception and misleading for consumers. The criticism and concern about this phenomenon also reflect consumers' concern about waste of resources and the integrity of goods. At the same time, for the snack industry, it is necessary to pay more attention to environmental awareness, optimize packaging design, comply with the provisions of the new national standard, and achieve sustainable development. This is not only in line with market demand, but also a responsible initiative for the environment and consumer rights. Therefore, the snack industry needs to actively respond to this problem, protect consumer rights and reduce resource waste.

The emergence of this phenomenon, in addition to the positive response of the snack packaging industry, also requires government departments to introduce stricter regulatory measures, fines and penalties for enterprises that violate regulations, strengthen market supervision, and safeguard the rights and interests of consumers.

All in all, the issue of "shared area" in snack packaging has aroused social concern, but it is actually consumers' concern about waste of resources and product integrity. Solving this problem requires not only industry self-discipline and rational consumption by consumers, but also the government's strengthened supervision and joint efforts to achieve sustainable development.

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