
Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

author:Upstream News
Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

In order to promote patriotic education, promote the recognition and support of military families for the military profession, and enhance the sense of mission and honor of military personnel. Recently, the second detachment on duty of the Chongqing Armed Police Corps held the activity of "Love in the Barracks, Celebrating New Year's Day". With infinite expectations for the barracks, military families experienced this "limited edition" national defense education at "zero distance".

First stop: military show

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

In the auditorium, the officers and men meticulously organized demonstrations of enemy capture, tactics, and assassination training. Their upright posture, loud slogans, and swift movements won the warm applause and cheers of the children and their families in the audience. "Mom, look, that's Dad, Dad is so handsome and mighty! When I grow up, I want to be like Dad, be a soldier and defend the country!" The little soldiers said excitedly after observing it.

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"
Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

Second stop: Hall of Honor History

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

"Wow! It's amazing to have so many pennants and medals!" exclaimed the soldiers. Under the leadership of the guide, the military families came to the detachment history museum, listened carefully to the explanations of the commentators, and felt the supreme glory of the soldiers.

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"
Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

The third stop: weapons and equipment display

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

A variety of guns made the children stop and experience the feeling of carrying steel guns and defending their families and the country. Anti-terrorist assault vehicles, EOD vehicles and other types of equipment were neatly arranged, and the narrator introduced the uses of the vehicles one by one, and the children rushed to take photos with the vehicles.

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"
Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

Fourth stop: Parent-child park

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

It's rare for a family to gather in the barracks, and interactive mini-games are a must-have. In this link, the officers and soldiers and their families participated together, and they were immersed in it and enjoyed the happy moment.

Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"
Barracks Open Day丨"Love in the Barracks, Celebrate New Year's Day"

"I didn't expect to be able to reunite with him in this special way, and I am very grateful to the organization for giving us this opportunity, which gave me a deeper understanding of his work, and I will continue to support him and let him work with peace of mind in the army and make contributions." The wife of the soldier Mu Yiming said.

Upstream News Special Photography Wei Chuan, Mu Hongchao, Liu Yang, Ren Jiaang Photo Report

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