
Scalpers customized number grabbing software to grab the expert number for profit, sentenced!

author:New Hunan

Have you ever had such an experience, when you or your family members encounter incurable diseases and want to hang up the expert number of a well-known hospital, you always open the online registration system but always take a slow step, and see that the expert number is empty in seconds as soon as it is released. In addition to the shortage of high-quality medical resources, there may also be a situation where some people use "number-grabbing software" to turn the registration of expert numbers into a business opportunity to obtain ill-gotten gains. A few days ago, the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate reported a case of using a customized version of "number grabbing software" to grab the number of a well-known hospital in Beijing.

Scalpers customized number grabbing software to grab the expert number for profit, sentenced!

Criminals customize "number-grabbing software" online

According to the prosecutor handling the case, the main defendants in this case of using a customized version of "number snatching software" to grab and sell expert numbers are Jing and Zhang. Jing is a number peddler, and Zhang Moumou opened a store on the Internet to undertake software production business. In April 2019, Jing found Zhang Moumou through the Internet and proposed to develop a software that can preempt the number of a well-known hospital in Beijing.

The two initially aimed at the registration system of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, but because Zhang Moumou could not break through the technical barriers of the registration system, they started the idea of another well-known hospital. After several tests, Zhang Moumou finally developed an App that integrates functions such as number grabbing, number return, and automatic payment.

Scalpers customized number grabbing software to grab the expert number for profit, sentenced!

Li Yinghui, Prosecutor of the Second Procuratorate Department of the Xicheng District Procuratorate of Beijing: After opening this App, it will have a login interface, and after logging in, it will be the account and password interface for logging in to a hospital App. In this case, the account and password registered in a well-known hospital for the patient who needs to grab the number are entered into an operation. After logging in, I saw a registration interface, which is the same as our normal registration software, you can see the registered department, as well as the type of registration, the name of the registered doctor, you can choose the source of the medical treatment you need, and then click on the automatic number grab.

Li Yinghui, Prosecutor of the Second Procuratorate Department of the Xicheng District Procuratorate of Beijing: It is a simulation of high-frequency clicks by human hands, like our hands may click twice per second, but this number-grabbing software may be able to click dozens of times per second. It's equivalent to when we queue up to register, all of a sudden there are 10 people standing in front of you, so in the process of grabbing the number, basically we can't grab the number.

In half a year, 188 treatment numbers were seized and transferred to patients at a higher price


Li Yinghui, Prosecutor of the Second Procuratorate Department of the Xicheng District Procuratorate of Beijing: Generally, Jing's price increase is 100 yuan to 300 yuan, and then the middle number dealer is also different according to the type of number source, for example, you may add 200 yuan to 300 yuan for the ordinary number, and 300 yuan to 600 yuan for the expert number. Then the special needs number may have a higher markup, which is equivalent to the intermediate link and the upstream is a layer of price increase, and then finally resold to the patient.

Because he is familiar with the rules of the hospital's well-known experts, Jing sometimes takes the initiative to hoard some scarce sources and transfer them to patients in urgent need at a high price.

By obtaining the hospital's registration records and Jing's payment records, the prosecutor handling the case determined that from November 2020 to April 2021, Jing used the software to grab 188 numbers, and Jing's illegal gains exceeded 18,000 yuan based on the minimum price increase of 100 yuan per number source.

Scalpers customized number grabbing software to grab the expert number for profit, sentenced!

Li Yinghui, Prosecutor of the Second Procuratorate Department of the Xicheng District Procuratorate of Beijing: He has seriously undermined the function of our registration system to register fairly and justly, especially these patients who are seriously ill. It is also very necessary for our procuratorial organs to crack down on this kind of behavior.

The two defendants were sentenced for the crime of sabotage of computer information systems

Jing's conduct complied with the provisions of Article 286 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, that is, "violating state regulations by deleting, modifying, adding, or interfering with computer information systems, causing computer information systems to fail to operate normally, with serious consequences". Zhang XX clearly knew that Jing X was selling medical treatment numbers, but made destructive software for him and helped him maintain and improve it, and his conduct was an act of assistance to Jing X in carrying out acts of sabotage of computer information systems, constituting an accomplice to the crime of destroying computer information systems.

Li Yinghui, Prosecutor of the Second Procuratorate Department of the Xicheng District Procuratorate of Beijing: According to the relevant judicial interpretations, one of the circumstances in which the destruction of a computer information system is serious is the illegal gains of more than 5,000 yuan. Then Jing's behavior has reached the criteria for serious circumstances, so we finally prosecuted him for the crime of destroying computer information systems.

Strengthen governance and curb the spread of cybercrime to areas such as people's livelihood

According to the white paper on cybercrime prosecution released by the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate, since 2021, Beijing procuratorates have handled a total of 8,203 cybercrime cases. These cases mainly show the following five characteristics and trends:

First, the growth trend of crime associated with new forms of digital economy is obvious. In the era of digital economy, the rapid development of emerging models of Internet finance has given rise to new fraud methods such as fake investment and wealth management apps, fake foreign exchange trading platforms, and fake futures investment platforms. In fact, the practice of fraud under the guise of "online investment" has seriously harmed the safety of the people's property.

Second, cybercrime has eroded and spread to the field of people's livelihood. This includes the use of customized "number-grabbing software" to preempt the number of well-known hospitals, maliciously seizing public medical and health resources, and carrying out "precision fraud" against people in specific needs through false propaganda in fields such as education and training and qualification examinations.

Third, the black and gray industry chain "feeds blood and food" for cybercrime. The black and gray industry chain of cybercrime is complex and diverse, and the upstream, midstream, and downstream chains are intertwined and rapidly iterated, promoting the diversification of cybercrime methods, precise drainage, and concealment of behaviors.

Fourth, anonymous "money laundering" methods promote the breeding of upstream crimes. This includes using the tips of anchors to stealthily return the tips to upstream criminals under the guise of rewarding anchors, and taking advantage of the decentralization and difficult traceability of virtual currencies to "launder" stolen money in the form of virtual currency transactions.

Fifth, there are hidden risks in the data security of Internet enterprises. On the one hand, criminals illegally obtain corporate data through "credential stuffing", network "crawlers" and "phishing" websites, and on the other hand, internal employees of Internet companies, telecommunications companies and other units that hold customers' core resources use their positions to illegally obtain and sell corporate data.

Du Miao, Director of the Fourth Procuratorate Department of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate: Crack down on cyber crimes related to people's livelihood in accordance with the law, and severely punish crimes such as using the Internet to defraud the elderly, selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, seizing hospital number sources, and assisting in cheating on exams. Crack down on "online violence" and "online trolls" in accordance with law, online infringement of citizens' personal information, the production of "hacker" software, the packaging of fraud-related apps, the "attracting followers" for wire fraudsters, and the use of running platforms, virtual currency, and live-streaming platforms to reward "money laundering" and other new types of online criminal crimes. The "four major procuratorates" have made concerted efforts to promote cyberspace governance.

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