
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!

author:Cheerful and generous soldier

The incident of "3 babies who have been married for 16 years are not biological" has aroused widespread attention. This story happened in March 2022, when Mr. Chen, who worked outside the home all year round, found that his wife Yu had deceived himself many times under the pretext of "taking the child to rest early".

"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • Mr. Chen used his mobile phone to locate and learned that his wife was not at home, but in a hotel in Quzhou, Zhejiang. After dawn, Mr. Chen witnessed a shocking scene downstairs in the hotel: his wife and Wu, who had worked with her on the project, checked out and left the hotel at the same time.
  • The actions of the two were undoubtedly emotionally illicit, which triggered Mr. Chen's anger and anguish.
  • Mr. Chan said his wife felt unacceptable to his infidelity, which became a huge obstacle between them. Marriage is a commitment and trust between two people, and when one person breaks this promise, the other person is greatly hurt. This highlights the trust, pain, and challenges in marriage, and how to deal with them.
  • In order to solve this problem, Mr. Chen decided to take the matter to the court for resolution. He plans to attend the trial in person at the People's Court of Dexing City, Jiangxi Province. This reflects Mr. Chen's pursuit of justice and fairness, and his desire to protect his rights and interests through legal means, but also to teach his wife a lesson and warn others not to betray their marriage commitments.
  • From the whole incident, we can also see the attention of society to the values of marriage and family. Marriage is the basic unit of society, and it is related to the harmony and stability of individuals, families and society. However, with the changes in modern society, marriage is facing more and more challenges. How to deal with the problems in marriage and maintain family harmony is an issue that requires careful consideration.
  • In general, the incident of "16 years of marriage and 3 children are not biological" has provoked people to think about marital fidelity and betrayal, legal justice and family values. We should take marital issues seriously and cultivate good family values and the concept of loyalty and trust. Only in this way can we build stable and happy families and contribute to the development of society.
  • Like a leaf falling back to his roots, Mr. Chen, whose door was closed, stepped into the house on this ordinary night, and the dust that was blowing brought uneasiness to his heart. Worried, he began to doubt the identities of his three daughters, and a flash of thought crossed his mind like lightning. Unable to bear this uncertainty, Mr. Chan decided to perform a DNA test on each child to unravel the family's hidden mysteries.
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • However, he was shocked by the harsh reality, and the results of DNA testing revealed that none of the three children were his biological children.
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • The blow ruthlessly tore at his soul, and his voice trembled: "Whether it's three children, or one child, I never thought that they weren't my biological children. At that moment, my world completely collapsed and I lost everything.
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • Recalling that time, Mr. Chen said that one morning, in retaliation against him, his wife and Wu drove to his house and lit 36 firecrackers that they had purchased earlier, which led to the loss of his family's property and frightened his father. Mr. Chen said guiltily: "This matter was handled as a public security case and was also placed under administrative detention. But according to the results of the two damage assessments, the more than 1,000 yuan is far from enough to repair my family, nor can it make up for the damage done to my father. ”
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • Faced with such an encounter, Mr. Chen is eager to regain what he deserves through legal means. "Nearly two years have passed, and during this time, I have been hit hard and suffered from major depression. For a while, I borrowed alcohol every night to numb myself. In August this year, Mr. Chen decided to appoint a lawyer to file a lawsuit against his wife in order to protect his rights and interests through legal means.
  • After the incident, his three children were sent by his wife to live with his mother-in-law. He went to pick up his eldest daughter from school on the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2022 and wanted to deliver mooncakes to her, but the child avoided him when he saw him.

Mr. Chen's wife told reporters in an interview: "I have never felt that there is much of a problem with the infidelity, and the kinship is not so important to me. Mr. Chen revealed to the media that so far, the other party has never expressed any apology for the matter and has not proposed a solution, "I even heard people in their village say that my mother-in-law has always believed that her daughter did nothing wrong."

"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • Recently, Mr. Chen received a notice from the court to hold a trial, which happened to be the 16th wedding anniversary of his and his wife, "I can't describe how I feel in my heart. Faced with his wife, whom he had not seen for nearly two years, Mr. Chen could not even predict what would happen on the day of the trial (28th).
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • Today, Mr. Chen is exhausted. He wanted to protect his rights and interests through legal means and demanded that his wife be held accountable for their actions.
  • Mr. Chen stared at the date on the phone, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable pressure in his heart. This date is unusual because it coincides with the 16th wedding anniversary of him and his wife. However, Mr. Chen could not feel a trace of joy, only endless loss and pain.
  • "In the past 16 years, we have worked hand in hand and overcome countless joys and difficulties together. I never imagined that on this anniversary, I would be faced with the news of the opening of the court. Mr. Chen said gloomily.
  • For nearly two years, Mr. Chen has been suffering from tremendous psychological suffering. His wife once said in a media interview: "I don't think I'm cheating that much, kinship is not that important." This sentence made Mr. Chen's heart have a huge impact.
  • How could she say that? We used to love each other so much, we went through so much together. Is family affection really meaningless to her?" Mr. Chen couldn't help but ask in a trembling voice.
"Married for 16 years and 3 babies are not biological" marital betrayal causes disputes!
  • In fact, Mr. Chen discovered the adultery between his wife Shen Zhe and Wu very early. His heart ached, but he still chose to believe, hoping that it was just a brief storm. However, he never imagined that his wife would be so indifferent to this marriage and blood relationship.
  • "I used to try to negotiate with her to resolve the issue. But she refused, and was not even willing to discuss any solution. I felt very hopeless. Mr. Chen said helplessly. He heard his mother-in-law declare to the public that his daughter had done nothing wrong, which made his heart twist even more.
  • At the moment, Mr. Chan is exhausted. In order to protect his rights and interests, he chose the path of law. He applied to the court for a hearing and hoped that his wife would be held accountable for her actions through judicial means.
  • As the day of the trial drew closer, Mr. Chan felt that his anxiety was uncontrollable. He didn't know what would happen on that day or how his marriage with his wife would end. After all, in this marriage, they once walked through 16 years with love, leaving behind shared memories and commitments.
  • Whatever the outcome, Mr. Chen has already paid a huge price, and Mr. Chen's experience also makes us think about the meaning of family affection and responsibility. Kinship is not just about blood ties, it is also about deep emotional ties and responsibility. A person's attitude towards marriage and family affection directly reflects his character and values.
  • Whether it is Mr. Chen or each of us, we should take marriage and family relationship seriously and respect each other's feelings and rights. Only in this way can we build a harmonious family and create a happy life.
  • This story gives a glimpse of betrayal and hurt in marriage. By showing Mr. Chen's heart and the challenges he is about to face, he calls for more attention from society to this phenomenon and reminds people that marriage requires mutual fidelity and respect. Mr. Chan expressed his concern when he filed a request for a civil lawsuit. And the day of the trial also happened to be his and his wife's wedding anniversary, so a fair verdict was undoubtedly crucial for him. However, Mr. Chan found it very difficult to determine the biological father of the children because evidence to prove bigamy was not readily available, so he had to settle the problem through civil litigation.
  • Mr. Chan's story, as well as the challenges he faced and his desire for justice, echoes a central message about marital fidelity and respect. Through this story, we can not only see the pain caused by marital betrayal and injury, but also reflect on the important values in marriage and the quest for justice and dignity. In a marriage, fidelity and respect are irreplaceable cornerstones, and they are not only related to the happiness of the individual, but also to the stability and harmony of the family and society as a whole. Therefore, we should pay more attention to this value and promote social awareness of the importance of marital fidelity and respect, so as to avoid the harm caused by marital betrayal and injury to individuals and society.
  • In the face of Mr. Chen's story, we need to think about how we should practice the values of faithfulness and respect in our marriage, and how to build a more harmonious and happy family and society. Only when everyone upholds their faithfulness and respect for marriage can we create a better future together. Let us take Mr. Chen's story as a wake-up call to arouse the society's attention to the dignity of marriage and work hard to build a harmonious and happy family and society.
  • What do you think about this?