
Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

author:Liaocheng looks

On a calm summer afternoon, Uncle Li took a leisurely walk in the community park as usual. He has always considered himself healthy and has never missed his daily morning exercises. However, a chance physical examination revealed a shocking fact: his systemic arterial blood pressure had increased to the point where treatment was needed. Uncle Li was confused and worried, he had never felt any discomfort, how could he suffer from this disease?

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

This is not an isolated case. In our daily lives, the disease of increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries quietly affects many people, and it is known as the "silent killer". Its insidious nature causes many people to have a persistent increase in blood pressure without any obvious symptoms, causing chronic damage to the heart, blood vessels, and even the brain. But why is it that this seemingly ordinary disease can affect our health so pervasively and insidiously?

Mechanism of hypertension

Hypertension, also known as hypertension or arterial hypertension, is a common cardiovascular disease that is scary in that it is subtle but can lead to serious complications. Understanding the mechanisms by which hypertension develops is essential for us to take the right prevention and control measures.

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

The mechanism of hypertension can be likened to the story of a water pipe. Imagine that our blood vessels are like the system of plumbing in the home, through which blood is supplied to tissues and organs throughout the body. Normally, these blood vessels remain soft and elastic, like newly installed water pipes, smoothly pumping blood.

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

But when some factors step in, problems arise. First, the walls of blood vessels may become stiff, similar to old water pipes after prolonged use. This stiffness can be caused by damage to the endothelial cells of the blood vessels, the buildup of collagen, and other factors. This causes blood vessels to lose their elasticity and are unable to expand and contract efficiently, which increases blood pressure.

Secondly, the heart also plays a key role. Like a water pump, the heart is responsible for pushing blood throughout the body. However, if the heart needs to work excessively hard to push the blood, it can increase the pressure inside the blood vessels. This may be due to increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries, known as high blood pressure.

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

The scary thing about high blood pressure is that it often has no obvious symptoms in its early stages, so many people may not know they have it. However, long-term high blood pressure can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, and more. Therefore, understanding the mechanism of hypertension is to arouse sufficient vigilance to take early measures to prevent and treat it.

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

Lifestyle association with hypertension

Let's dive into the strong link between high blood pressure and lifestyle. The formation of high blood pressure is not only influenced by genetic factors but also by our lifestyle choices.

First of all, dietary Xi plays a key role in the development of hypertension. Excessive salt intake can lead to fluid retention in the body, increasing blood volume, which can raise blood pressure. In addition, high-cholesterol foods and high-fat diets can lead to atherosclerosis and exacerbate high blood pressure problems.

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

Not only that, but poor lifestyle can also have an impact on weight. Obesity is one of the risk factors for high blood pressure because excess fatty tissue increases the burden on the heart, making it more difficult to push blood.

Case studies also tell us that chronic excessive stress and anxiety can lead to chronic hypertension. The body's stress response triggers the release of hormones that affect blood vessel tone, which in turn raises blood pressure.

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

Therefore, lifestyle plays a key role in the occurrence and progression of hypertension. Through healthy lifestyle choices such as a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, stress management, and smoking cessation, we can effectively prevent high blood pressure.

Insidious and identification of hypertension

It's not for nothing that high blood pressure is called the "silent killer." The scary thing about it is that there are often no obvious symptoms in the early stages, but they inadvertently accompany our lives.

Many people only notice that their blood pressure is elevated when they get a health check or seek medical attention for other medical conditions. This makes high blood pressure an easily overlooked health problem.

However, high blood pressure can be recognized. Usually, people can get a warning when their blood pressure is measured. Normal blood pressure should be around 120/80 mmHg, while hypertension is defined as persistent blood pressure over 140/90 mmHg. If your blood pressure is in this range, it could be a precursor to high blood pressure.

In addition to measuring blood pressure regularly, high blood pressure may also be accompanied by some non-specific symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, blurred vision, shortness of breath, etc. However, these symptoms usually do not appear until high blood pressure has reached a severe stage.

Therefore, we emphasize the importance of identifying hypertension, especially in middle-aged and older people. Measuring your blood pressure regularly, keeping an eye on changes in your body, and having regular health check-ups with your doctor can all help detect high blood pressure early so that you can take timely control measures.

Strategies for the prevention and treatment of hypertension

Finally, let's discuss strategies for preventing and treating high blood pressure. While high blood pressure may be a common condition, there are a range of measures we can do to prevent and manage it.

First and foremost, lifestyle changes are crucial. Reasonable dietary Xi, including reducing salt intake, increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, and controlling alcohol consumption, can help lower blood pressure. Moderate exercise is also key to maintaining cardiovascular health.

Cardiologists tell you: why do people get "high blood pressure" and what are the scary aspects?

When lifestyle changes are not enough to lower blood pressure, medication may be necessary. The doctor will choose the appropriate drugs according to the patient's condition, such as diuretics, β receptor antagonists, calcium channel antagonists, etc., to control blood pressure.

In addition, people with high blood pressure need to monitor their blood pressure regularly and actively participate in the treatment plan. Following your doctor's advice, taking your medications on time, and controlling your lifestyle can effectively control high blood pressure and reduce the risk of complications.

In conclusion, although hypertension is a common disease, its potential harm should not be underestimated. By understanding the mechanisms by which hypertension develops, focusing on lifestyle influences, and identifying and aggressively treating hypertension early, we can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lead healthier lives. It is hoped that this information will help middle-aged and elderly people better understand hypertension and take steps to protect their cardiovascular health.