
became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

author:Micro-Jian's documentary

In 1973, Zhang Tiesheng was regarded as a hero of the white roll because of the white paper handed in the college entrance examination, but he was arrested and imprisoned for 15 years when he was in high spirits.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

Nowadays, when it comes to the college entrance examination, many people will feel nervous and sacred, and the picture of the 100-day oath seems to be echoing in front of them.

For ordinary people, although the college entrance examination is not the only way to change their fate, it can be said to be an indispensable choice.

But in 1973, there was a candidate who became a big star because he handed in a blank paper.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

saw that he was famous, but soon after he was imprisoned and became a prisoner.

After he was released from prison, he became a billionaire.

What kind of story does this legendary Zhang Tiesheng have?

White Roll Hero

On November 4, 1950, Zhang Tiesheng was born in an ordinary worker's family in Xingcheng, Liaoning.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

At that time, New China had just been founded, and the country was in a state of ruin, so Zhang Tiesheng spent a difficult childhood.

At that time, he kept in mind the saying that knowledge can change his fate, and when he came home from school, he would not be busy playing, but would finish his homework first.

However, due to the average family situation, Zhang Tiesheng did not continue to work after graduating from junior high school, but went to the countryside to join the team.

Zhang Tiesheng, who had just arrived at the team, was full of energy, and soon became the captain of the production team with his personal efforts.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

In 1973, the university examination was reopened, and after the county's selection, Zhang Tiesheng also got the opportunity to take the college entrance examination.

But at that time, Zhang Tiesheng had been busy with production and labor, and he had no time to Xi the examination subjects, so he went to the county to inquire about the situation. The county said that it would organize students to participate in a round of Xi.

Only then did Zhang Tiesheng relax and work hard while waiting for the news of the Xi organized by the county.

But what he didn't expect was that he didn't wait for the news of the unified Xi, but waited for the news of the exam.

At this point, Zhang Tiesheng could only take the exam.

At the beginning, he took the Chinese and mathematics exams, and Zhang Tiesheng reluctantly answered some questions with his sporadic memory. But when the physics test paper came down, he realized that he didn't know anything.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

Seeing other candidates working hard in the examination room, Zhang Tiesheng made an amazing move.

It was this bold idea that changed the trajectory of his life.

He wrote a letter on the back of the test paper to criticize the irrationality of the examination system.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

During his working hours, he worked an average of 18 hours a day, which led to no time for him to Xi at all, but he made it clear that if there was a conflict between personal interests and collective interests, he would choose collective interests.

And attacked the nerds who don't work every day, don't engage in productive labor, and only know how to read.

It didn't take long for the results to come out, and as expected, his Chinese and math combined only 99 points, and physics was even less pitiful, only 6 points.

thought that this exam would pass, and Zhang Tiesheng continued to work hard in the team, but he didn't expect that the letter he wrote casually caused quite a stir

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

The Liaoning Daily published his letter on the front page, and for a time the major newspapers and periodicals also reprinted it, and even the People's Daily also published his article, and his "feat" was quickly disseminated, and everyone called him the hero of the white scroll.

The school leaders thought that he was very thoughtful and a material to be made, so they admitted him exceptionally.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

Zhang Tiesheng, who entered the university, was like a fish in water, but Zhang Tiesheng, who was appreciated by his superiors, did not cherish this kindness, but became proud and complacent.

In the end, for some reasons, Zhang Tiesheng was sentenced to prison in 1976 and ushered in 15 years of prison life.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life
In 1973, he handed in a blank paper in the college entrance examination, but was regarded as a white paper hero by thousands of candidates, but when the scenery was in its prime, he was imprisoned for 15 years, everyone thought he was a wasted person, but he jumped and became an unreachable billionaire, he is Zhang Tiesheng, in his body, what are the legendary stories?

The former college students in their prime were reduced to prisoners, which made Zhang Tiesheng unacceptable for a while.

He refuses to be visited by anyone, as if he wants to be forgotten by all.

In 1990, when his younger brother came to visit him, Zhang Tiesheng learned that a woman was silently waiting for him.

She is Dong Liping, a woman who will be with Zhang Tiesheng for a lifetime in the near future.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

It turned out that on campus at that time, Zhang Tiesheng was famous, and Dong Liping was just an inconspicuous student, and the occasional exchanges between the two were also greetings between classmates.

Although there was not much contact, Dong Liping had already secretly agreed to this handsome and talented person.

When Zhang Tiesheng was imprisoned, only Dong Liping came to see him off, and for more than ten years, he silently waited for his return.

After Zhang Tiesheng knew, his originally dark heart gradually ignited hope, and he also had the courage to continue to face life.

In 1991, 41-year-old Zhang Tiesheng was released from prison, and Zhang Tiesheng's family came to greet him, as well as Dong Liping, who had been waiting for 15 years and had not married.

Looking at this woman who is no longer young, but still charming, Zhang Tiesheng's heart is full of pity.

Three months later, Zhang Tiesheng and Dong Liping held a simple wedding ceremony in the county seat, they only invited relatives and friends of both sides and a few good classmates, in the face of this woman who will join hands for a lifetime, Zhang Tiesheng made a lifelong vow.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

The two finally tied the knot.

After marriage, Zhang Tiesheng was no longer alone, he began to seek a way out, hoping that the government could arrange a job for him, but because of Zhang Tiesheng's special experience, he was directly turned away.

Zhang Tiesheng went to the house of a distant relative who worked in the city government to ask for help, but was still refused, and the relative bluntly said that it was impossible for him to enter the government, and he could only fend for himself.

At this time, Zhang Tiesheng didn't know what to do, so he simply stayed at home and gave up on himself.

It didn't take long for his wife to get pregnant, this news made him happy and a little more worried, the real beating and the burden of the family weighed on him at the same time, Zhang Tiesheng knew that he couldn't be so decadent anymore.

At this time, Zhang Tiesheng recognized Jin Weidong, the first noble person in his life.

It turned out that Dong Liping was a teacher, and Jin Weidong was a student of Dong Liping, and under his recommendation, Zhang Tiesheng entered Liaohe Feed Company.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

The company is a large private enterprise, and Zhang Tiesheng worked as a salesperson in it.

Although the position is not high, after all, it is his first job, and Zhang Tiesheng does not dare to slack off.

He humbly asked his seniors for advice, went out early and returned late every day, and sold feed door to door.

After that, the company wanted to develop the feed market, so he was assigned to Shenyang as the director of the office.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

Even so, Zhang Tiesheng's work is still difficult.

When he went to a chicken farm to sell feed, Zhang Tiesheng was ridiculed fiercely because he didn't have a business card, and the business was naturally yellow.

But Zhang Tiesheng was not discouraged, he quickly printed some business cards, and continued to learn Xi knowledge of marketing.

In just half a year, he has achieved sales of hundreds of thousands of tons.

But such good things did not last long.

Zhang Tiesheng was sharp, and the company began to be afraid of him, and directly sent another colleague to take over his work, making Zhang Tiesheng's position vacant.

Zhang Tiesheng, who was neglected, couldn't stand such treatment and left the company decisively.

He became a big hero in the minds of thousands of students because of the blank paper in the college entrance examination, just when everyone was optimistic about him, he was arrested and imprisoned for 15 years, everyone thought that he would collapse from now on, but after he was released from prison, he became a billionaire, what kind of legendary story does this white roll hero have? How did he become a billionaire?

At this time, Zhang Tiesheng also ushered in his first child, and Dong Liping gave birth to a small daughter for him.

Seeing his lovely daughter, Zhang Tiesheng felt that he had to work harder.

He called his friend Wang Yang and the noble Jin Weidong and established the Tiandi Feed Company.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

Zhang Tiesheng used to work as a salesman in a feed company and knew very well the importance of formula.

In order to make the company work, he humbly asked Jin Weidong, who was younger than himself, for advice.

After his unremitting efforts, he finally learned the recipe and gradually put the company on the right track.

But those days didn't last long.

When Zhang Tiesheng was running business outside, the company was dug up, and the technical backbone Jin Weidong and Ding Yunfeng had gone to Beijing to develop.

The company is left with only Zhang Tiesheng and Wang Yang struggling to support.

The company is in a critical period, and the most important people have left one after another, which undoubtedly gave the company a fatal blow, but despite this, Zhang Tiesheng gritted his teeth and persevered.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

He pulled down his face to find his old customers, and finally one customer was willing to give him an advance payment of 100,000 yuan to help him tide over the difficulties.

With this money, Zhang Tiesheng has some confidence, the company's technical backbone of the feed is gone, and the next can only rely on him to develop the feed.

In order to make the quality of the feed sold, he went to Beijing to learn the formula of Xi feed from Jin Weidong.

After learning well, Zhang Tiesheng locked himself in the company and studied feed day and night.

After numerous failures, he finally prepared a new feed and won hundreds of thousands of orders.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

Looking at this order, Zhang Tiesheng thought that the company had slowly improved.

Just when he was full of energy to show his strength in the company, a storm quietly came.

Mr. Zhang's company has also been hit hard.

It turned out that there was a problem with the quality of this batch of feed, and all the livestock of the farmers died after eating it, and the farmers all went to the company to make trouble, shouting for Zhang Tiesheng to lose money.

Zhang Tiesheng took it for inspection, only to find that it was fluoride exceeded.

He bears all the losses of the farmers, but the reputation of the company cannot be compensated by money.

Because of this incident, he is notorious in the feed industry, and the corporate image accumulated for many years has fallen short.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

For this reason, Zhang Tiesheng learned a lesson, locked himself at home, and developed a new formula day and night, but at this time, it became a problem to sell it.

At that time, there was a Taiwanese production of Dacheng feed in the market was famous, Zhang Tiesheng sold it at a price 50 yuan lower than the market price with low price and high quality, and grabbed back the market in just one year.

In this way, Zhang Tiesheng relied on his spirit of never giving up to make his own name in the feed market in Northeast China.

After more than three years of hard work, Tiandi Feed has become a well-known local enterprise, and the company has millions of assets.

In 1998, Tiandi Feed merged with Hefeng Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., led by Jin Weidong, and Zhang Tiesheng held 5% of the shares.

became famous for handing in the blank paper of the college entrance examination, and became a billionaire after 15 years in prison, Zhang Tiesheng's legendary life

In 2014, Hefeng Animal Husbandry was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Zhang Tiesheng's worth gradually increased.

At this time, Zhang Tiesheng, who held 5% of the shares, was worth hundreds of millions, and Zhang Tiesheng became a veritable billionaire.

Looking back on Zhang Tiesheng's life, he is undoubtedly a psychologically strong and capable character, Zhang Tiesheng also collapsed, but fortunately, his wife Dong Liping was silently accompanied by him and survived the difficulties with him.

His life has been full of ups and downs, from a white hero to a prison, from a prisoner to a billionaire, which is really wonderful. But no matter what, it is inseparable from his own efforts and persistence in not admitting defeat.

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