
The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

author:Simple folk tales

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a feng shui gentleman, named Li Qiankun, who was proficient in the art of feng shui, could see acupuncture points, could choose cemeteries, could layout, and could change luck, so he had a great reputation, and many people asked him for help.

One day, he received an invitation from a wealthy businessman to find a feng shui treasure for his family to bless their children and grandchildren.

Li Qiankun agreed, so he followed the rich merchant to his hometown, a small town called Pingyang.

Binh Duong is a beautiful place, surrounded by mountains, with a small clear river flowing through the town, and a green rice field by the river.

They were walking on the edge of the rice field, and at this time, Li Qiankun saw a small mound in the rice field in front of them, and there was an ancient locust tree on the mound, and there was a well under the locust tree, and the water of the well was sweet.

The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

Li Qiankun took a fancy to this rice field at a glance, he felt that this is an excellent feng shui treasure land, the mound is the starting point of the dragon vein, the locust tree is the support of the dragon vein, the well water is the living water of the dragon vein, the feng shui aura here is vigorous, and the people buried here will definitely be able to bless the descendants and be rich and glorious.

He smiled and said to the rich merchant: "This is the feng shui treasure you are looking for, as long as you buy this rice field, you can build your family cemetery here, and your descendants will surely be prosperous and extremely rich." ”

When the wealthy merchant heard this, he was also very happy, and he asked Li Qiankun: "Who owns this rice field, and how much do I need to buy it?"

Li Qiankun didn't know, and then he inquired, and then told the rich merchant: "This rice field belongs to a poor man named Wang Quan, he has a wife and a son, they depend on this rice field for a living, you only need to give him a hundred taels of silver, he will sell it to you." ”

The rich merchant was surprised: "One hundred taels of silver? ”

Li Qiankun said: "Hurry up and buy it, don't let others take the lead." ”

The rich merchant nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go right away." ”

After speaking, the rich merchant took Li Qiankun to Wang Quan, wanting to buy his rice field.

The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

Wang Quan is an honest man, although he is poor, but he is very industrious, he has a lot of affection for his rice fields, and he is not willing to sell them.

He refused: "This rice field is left by my ancestors, I can't sell it casually, besides, this is the lifeblood of my family, how can we live if we sell it? ”

The rich merchant sneered: "Don't be stupid, your rice field is only worth a few dozen taels of silver, I will give you a hundred taels, it is already a high price, you sell it, you can buy a better place, you can live a better life, why don't you sell it?"

Wang Quan still resolutely refused: "I don't sell, don't say it anymore, I won't change my mind." ”

The rich businessman lowered his face coldly, and said in an unkind tone: "Don't you know what to do, if you don't sell it, you will regret it, don't blame me for not giving you a chance when the time comes." ”

Wang Quan was fearless and said, "I won't regret it, you can go, don't bother me anymore." ”

The rich businessman was so angry that he said to Li Qiankun: "This Wang Quan really doesn't know the current affairs, he refuses to sell, what should we do?"

Li Qiankun persuaded: "You don't have to worry, I have a way, I guarantee that you can get this rice field." ”

The rich merchant asked suspiciously, "What can you do?"

Li Qiankun smiled mysteriously and said, "You come with me, I'll tell you." ”

The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

After speaking, Li Qiankun took the rich merchant to the yamen of the town, he found the magistrate of the town, talked to him, and then took out a hundred taels of silver and stuffed it to the magistrate.

As soon as the magistrate saw it, he understood what Li Qiankun meant, he nodded, and said, "Don't worry, I will do it for you." ”

Li Qiankun said: "Thank you, Lord Zhixian, I am waiting for your good news." ”

The magistrate said, "You don't have to wait, you can go and take possession of that rice field tomorrow." ”

Li Qiankun said, "Really? That's great, I'll go tomorrow." ”

After speaking, Li Qiankun took the rich businessman and left happily.

It turned out that what Li Qiankun said to the magistrate was to ask the magistrate to help him frame Wang Quan.

He said that he told the magistrate that Wang Quan was a thief, and that he had buried some weapons in the rice fields to prepare for a rebellion. In fact, the wealthy merchant sent people to bury weapons in the ground in advance.

Then the magistrate sent someone to arrest Wang Quan and confiscate his rice fields.

The confiscated paddy fields were then sold to wealthy merchants, so that he could get the feng shui treasure land he wanted.

Of course, the magistrate didn't believe the words of the rich businessman, but so what?

Li Qiankun could give him the silver, so he readily agreed, and then the magistrate sent some officials to arrest Wang Quan, and soon brought him to the yamen and interrogated him.

The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

Wang Quan didn't know what was going on, he looked dazed, and he said, "Why are you arresting me?"

The magistrate shouted: "Anti-thief Wang Quan, don't you confess quickly?"

Wang Quan defended loudly: "I didn't rebel, I'm just a farmer, I've never done anything bad, why are you arresting me?"

The magistrate said: "You still dare to quibble, the evidence of your crime has been conclusive, you buried some swords, guns, swords and halberds in your rice field, do you want to rebel?"

Wang Quan said: "I didn't, I didn't, I didn't, you wronged me, you framed me, what swords, guns, swords, halberds did you find? ”

The magistrate said: "Don't look at it, your swords, guns, swords, and halberds are in your rice field, and your rice field has been confiscated by us, what else do you want to say?"

Wang Quan said, "You can't do this, you can't do this, you can't do this...... His voice became smaller and weaker, and finally, he fainted.

Subsequently, Wang Quan was put in a prison cell.

When Wang Quan's wife learned that Wang Quan had been arrested, she knew that it was a wealthy businessman, but she had no power or money, so she could only hold her ten-year-old son every day and wash her face with tears all day long.

The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

After Wang Quan was imprisoned in a cell for a month, on this day, the jailer pushed open the door, threw Wang Quan a black steamed bun, and sneered: "Oh, this is your breakfast." Hurry up and eat and go to sleep, save yourself the mess!"

Wang Quan looked at the steamed bun with a dull look, he hadn't eaten anything for three days.

For the past month, he has been facing swarthy walls and iron railings every day, eating moldy vegetable leaves and rice.

The jailers hurled insults at him and treated him like a condemned prisoner. Wang Quan's heart was full of grievances and despair.

He didn't want to stay in this gloomy prison, he had his wife and young son waiting for him, and he kept shouting that he was innocent, but no one cared.

Suddenly, he began to cough violently, coughing up all the blood, his body began to convulse, and soon he fell to the ground, never to get up again.

At the same time, in Wang Quan's home, his wife was crying bitterly with her emaciated son in her arms.

Since Wang Quan was arrested, they had not had a good meal, and the desperate cries of Wang Quan's wife echoed in the deserted house.

In the end, she carried her son to a big tree at the edge of the rice field, and under her son's blank gaze, she took out a rope and repeatedly put a dead knot around her neck, and a fierce son hanged himself.

The son watched his mother's body gently shake under the tree, tears long since dried up in his eyes.

The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

The neighbors buried Wang Quan's wife, leaving only the 10-year-old son alone to survive.

He was adopted by an old man who sympathized with him and continued to live in the village. Every morning, the child would come to his parents' grave to pay his respects, looking blankly at the names on the tombstones.

He knew that the death of his parents was inseparable from Li Qiankun and the wealthy businessman, and his heart was full of resentment and hatred. He silently cursed them, hoping that they too would taste the pain of losing their loved ones.

On the other side, after Wang Quan was wronged, Li Qiankun and the wealthy businessmen happily occupied this feng shui treasure.

Wealthy merchants built a family cemetery here, and Li Qiankun was also paid handsomely.

At first, both of them were very proud, thinking that they had succeeded in their plan, and that they were really smart.

However, the good times did not last long, and after the cemetery was built, the son of the rich merchant fell ill with a strange disease, and his body was covered with disgusting boils and miasma, and he continued to convulse and vomit.

The rich merchant brought in the most expensive doctor, but he could not cure this strange disease.

The wealthy merchant thought that there was a problem with the feng shui of the cemetery, and hurriedly invited Li Qiankun to take a look. Li Qiankun looked at it carefully, and his face changed greatly.

It turned out that the feng shui on this treasure land of feng shui was polluted by the unjust soul. Those buried here are doomed.

The wealthy businessman forcibly occupied other people's feng shui treasures, and after Mr. Feng Shui saw the cemetery, his face changed greatly: It's late

Li Qiankun realized that he was greedy for money and helped the rich businessman frame Wang Quan, which led to all this.

Li Qiankun said that the resentment on the cemetery is too heavy now, and only by using the blood of the Li family can this resentment be calmed, otherwise more and more people in the Li family will get this strange disease, and the Li family will continue to wither.

So, this cold-blooded rich businessman sacrificed his son for himself.

However, it was too late.

Soon after, the wealthy businessman's family continued to contract strange diseases, and his body gradually weakened.

Li Qiankun also began to have nightmares every day, and he couldn't stop worrying all day long. In the end, Li Qiankun could not bear the huge mental pressure and died of a serious illness in the delirium that lasted all night.

Wealthy merchant families also disappeared in just a few years.

A person who has done too many bad things, God can't see it, and sooner or later he will be punished.

People live for a lifetime, and they cannot harm others for temporary gain. Li Qiankun and the wealthy businessman did not hesitate to frame an innocent person for their own purposes, which is a very bad behavior.

But the way of heaven is good reincarnation, and Li Qiankun and the rich businessman did not escape the curse of heaven in the end, and their families suffered retribution.

Doing evil and destroying people can't avoid evil retribution after all. Only by being kind to others and acting with integrity can we gain God's favor.

There may be unfair treatment in the process, but as long as you have good thoughts and adhere to justice, the world will eventually move towards light.