
Current situation, problems and countermeasures of the remuneration system for leaders of state-owned enterprises

author:Loose riders often serve Uncle Ji at night

1. Background and significance

State-owned enterprises, as the core pillars of China's economy, have long played an irreplaceable role in promoting economic growth and ensuring employment. However, in recent years, with the intensification of market competition and changes in the domestic and foreign economic environment, state-owned enterprises are facing a series of operational difficulties, such as losses and insolvency. Among them, the remuneration system of leaders of state-owned enterprises has become the focus of social attention.

Current situation, problems and countermeasures of the remuneration system for leaders of state-owned enterprises

2. Analysis of the current situation

1. Remuneration composition of SOE leaders: The remuneration of SOE leaders is mainly composed of basic salary, bonuses, benefits and long-term incentive plans. The base salary is usually stable, but the bonus part is closely related to the company's operating performance.

2. Salary system in line with the market: With the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises, the salary system of leaders of state-owned enterprises is gradually in line with the market. This convergence is mainly reflected in the determination of salary levels and the design of incentive mechanisms.

3. The annual salary level of senior executives: The annual salary of senior executives of some state-owned enterprises is as high as millions, or even tens of millions. This level is far beyond the income level of the average employee and also beyond the market average.

Current situation, problems and countermeasures of the remuneration system for leaders of state-owned enterprises

3. Existing problems

1. Mismatch between salary level and performance: Although the annual salary of senior executives of state-owned enterprises is generally high, it does not always match the performance they create. When some state-owned enterprises are facing operational difficulties, the remuneration of senior executives is still high.

2. The internal salary gap is too large: the salary gap between different positions within state-owned enterprises is large, and the income gap between executives and ordinary employees is particularly obvious. This gap can easily lead to internal conflicts and employee dissatisfaction.

3. Imperfect incentive mechanism: In the existing salary system, the proportion of long-term incentive plans is relatively small. This makes executives more inclined to pursue short-term gains and ignore the long-term development of the business.

4. Lack of transparency: The remuneration system of SOE leaders lacks sufficient transparency. The outside world often knows little about the specific details of the executive's compensation structure, bonus payment standards, etc.

Current situation, problems and countermeasures of the remuneration system for leaders of state-owned enterprises

Fourth, the cause analysis

1. The impact of policies and subsidies: The operating conditions of state-owned enterprises are largely affected by national policies and subsidies. In some cases, the high profits of SOEs are not entirely due to market competitiveness, but are related to state support and subsidies.

2. Defects in the executive selection mechanism: At present, the selection of senior executives of state-owned enterprises often focuses on administrative appointments rather than market competition. As a result, some executives lack market awareness and competitive pressure, and it is difficult for them to adapt to the rapidly changing market environment.

3. Deficiencies in the supervision mechanism: The current supervision mechanism is not perfect for the remuneration of senior executives of state-owned enterprises. The lack of effective external supervision and internal checks and balances can easily lead to the phenomenon of self-set remuneration for senior executives.

Current situation, problems and countermeasures of the remuneration system for leaders of state-owned enterprises

5. Countermeasures and suggestions

1. Strengthen the reform of the market-oriented salary system: gradually reduce administrative intervention, introduce a market competition mechanism, and bring the remuneration of leaders of state-owned enterprises into line with the market. Through the design of a reasonable compensation structure, the enthusiasm and creativity of executives are stimulated.

2. Improve the internal supervision mechanism: establish an effective internal supervision organization and strictly review the remuneration of senior executives. At the same time, we will strengthen the role of independent directors and ensure the fairness and transparency of the remuneration system.

3. Optimize the executive selection mechanism: change the status quo of relying solely on administrative appointments, and introduce a market competition mechanism to select senior executives. This can improve the overall quality of executives and their ability to respond to market changes.

4. Increase the proportion of long-term incentive plans: By increasing the proportion of long-term incentive plans in executive compensation, executives are encouraged to pay more attention to the long-term development of the enterprise and reduce short-term behavior.

5. Strengthen information disclosure and transparency: SOEs should be more open about information about their executive compensation to enhance transparency. This will help the public to supervise the remuneration of senior executives of state-owned enterprises and reduce the occurrence of unreasonable phenomena.

Current situation, problems and countermeasures of the remuneration system for leaders of state-owned enterprises