
Xiaomi Auto: The target customer is the elite of the times, forget the supporters of "Dick Silk"?

author:Investment banking tennis

This afternoon, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Technology, said at the Xiaomi car press conference: The target customers of Xiaomi cars are the elites of this era, and it is impossible to respond to SU7 pricing: 99,000 and 149,000. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life.

Xiaomi Auto: The target customer is the elite of the times, forget the supporters of "Dick Silk"?

As a technology company that started with smartphones, Xiaomi has won the favor of a large number of users with its cost-effective products in the past few years. Among them, the "Dick Silk" group, as an important user base of Xiaomi mobile phones, has played a non-negligible role in Xiaomi's success. However, as Xiaomi's business continues to expand, its target customer base is gradually changing.

Xiaomi Auto: The target customer is the elite of the times, forget the supporters of "Dick Silk"?

Lei Jun said at the press conference that Xiaomi Auto will focus on consumers who pursue quality, pay attention to experience, and have purchasing power, that is, the so-called elites of the times. This group pays more attention to the quality and performance of products and is willing to pay for high-quality products. In contrast, the "Dick Silk" group, which once supported Xiaomi mobile phones, may be regarded as consumers who pursue cost performance.

For this change, some people believe that the high-end positioning of Xiaomi cars may make "Dick Silk" users feel overlooked. They are worried that Xiaomi may lose its original user base while pursuing higher profits. However, some people believe that with the changes in the consumer market and the upgrading of Xiaomi's business, it is inevitable to adjust the positioning of target customers.

Xiaomi Auto: The target customer is the elite of the times, forget the supporters of "Dick Silk"?

In any case, the launch of Xiaomi Auto will inject new vitality into the smart electric vehicle market. Looking forward to seeing how Xiaomi Auto performs in the future market and how it balances the needs of different user groups. At the same time, it is also hoped that Xiaomi can continue to uphold the concept of "born for fever", continue to innovate, and bring better products and services to users.

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