
In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

author:Great Wall Net
In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

3 days to go,

"2023" is about to wave goodbye to everyone.

This past year,

There are many ordinary stories frozen in light and shadow.

There are people who work hard for a better life,

Some people insist on bravely chasing their dreams,

Someone is running around for work performance,

For everyone,

This is undoubtedly a year of hard work.

Faces that are "fighting" in 2023,

A figure who works hard to go up,


Give us the strength to move forward.

The 49-year-old sanitation sister taught herself English

Barrier-free communication with foreigners


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

At the end of 2023, a Beijing sanitation lady wearing orange overalls, holding a broom, and speaking fluent English to guide foreigners became popular on social platforms.

The sanitation worker's name is Zhang Jianna, and she is from the countryside of Anguo, Baoding, Hebei Province.

In 2012, Zhang Jianna, who was working in Beijing, came to Beijing's Sanlitun embassy district to work in sanitation, and began to teach herself English because she was often embarrassed by foreigners asking for directions.

In order to strengthen her memory, when others were resting, she was memorizing words, practicing speaking, and learning through software to Xi and write down more than a dozen notes.

After nearly 11 years of learning and Xi, Zhang Jianna has accumulated about 3,000 English words, and can communicate with foreigners without barriers.

"Every time I help someone in English, I feel amazing!"

Life has no limits and can be more exciting. Zhang Jianna, you persist and work hard because of love,


9 years,

He stir-fried in a wheelchair and touched countless people


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

In 2014, a car accident left Tangshan man Han Liying paralyzed when he was 25 years old and his son was not yet 2 years old. ”

But he did not listen to the arrangement of fate, in the past 9 years, he has been self-reliant and optimistic, and he and his wife have started a business and opened a store, stir-fried in a wheelchair, and became a chef to stir-fry to support his family.

Han Liying also shared his stir-fry video through the short video platform, hoping to pass on this optimistic attitude to more people, he said: "I am quite content, cherish the moment!"

On the road of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, and strive to overcome them, you are a hero and a strong person in life.

Visual acuity of only 0.01,

He took a telescope to college


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

Gao Zhanpo, a 19-year-old boy from Hebei,

Due to congenital albinism,

His eyesight is only 0.01.

His eyesight is weak,

Walking will always hit a telephone pole and step into a puddle,

The body was knocked blue and purple.

Fortunately, the teachers and classmates at school

They all take good care of him.

At the elementary and junior high school levels,

The table is his "eyes"

- Help him read the words on the blackboard,

Copy class notes.

High school is busy,

I don't want to always trouble my classmates Gao Zhanpo,

I started to think about how I could take classes "independently".

On a whim,

Bought a pair of binoculars from the internet.

Sitting in the first row of the classroom,

Finally read the words on the blackboard.

Thereafter, during class,

Gao Zhanpo became the one holding the telescope in his left hand,

"Telescope boy" with notes in his right hand.

Hard work pays off,


Gao Zhanpo scored 519 points in the college entrance examination

Tangshan Normal University

Admission to the major of ideological and political education.

He said

Life gave him a different "whiteness",

And he "saw" the colorful world.

Instead of suffering in the eyes of others, it is better to become stronger, go your own way, and become a beam of light in the eyes of others. GAO Zhanpo,

It's cool for you to learn Xi with binoculars and so hard!

Bedroom 2B114 of Yanda University

All 5 people are guaranteed to study


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

In the School of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Hebei Province,

There is such a dormitory for school masters,

All 5 girls in the dormitory are guaranteed to study,

They are:

Yan Chuanyu, Ma Zidi, Li Wenqing,

Zhao Xinyi, Zhou Minghan.

These five girls were in their sophomore year,

Reassigned to Bedroom 2B114,

Facing a new environment, a new class,

It was they who brought each other the first warmth.

Differences in personality and Xi,

It didn't divide them,

On the contrary, it can help them learn from each other's strengths.

Here, they share their Xi learning methods with each other, discuss academic problems, and often see five people discussing problems together in the dormitory, and they also establish a common goal - Baoyan. They are like family, encouraging and supporting each other.

In the end, these five girls were all guaranteed research with excellent results.

Starlight lives up to the passers-by,

The way you work hard for your dreams,

It's so cute!

He has no arms,

"Swimming" to the world


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

Guo Jincheng, a 23-year-old boy from Hebei Province, lost his arms in an accident at the age of 6 and learned to eat and write with his feet; at the age of 12, he joined the paralympic swimming team and "regained his life" in the pool with hard work and perseverance. At the 2023 Para Swimming World Championships, he won three gold medals in a row and broke the world record. At the 4th Asian Para Games in Hangzhou, he won 3 golds and 3 silvers and broke the Asian record and the Games record.

Guo Jincheng "flew" rapidly in the pool with high-frequency swinging legs, and finally won the championship with his head against the wall, which touched countless people and was praised by netizens as "armless flying fish".

Life kisses you with pain, but you return it with dance.

On the way forward,

Impressed by your efforts,

The struggle is endless, only you run wildly.

"Stealing the teacher" on the side of the stage

Warm the whole network


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

One day in June 2023,

55-year-old national first-class actor,

Winner of the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre

Teacher Qiu Ruide in Hebei Bangzi Theater,

Rehearsal of the play "Chopping Tang Dan",

At a high temperature of 38°C,

One practice is eight or nine hours.

And on the side of the stage,

Young actor Ding Yunfei

is seriously "stealing" to learn art.

It is understood that there was no play for him on the day of rehearsal,

He came specifically to the backstage,

Hiding aside to "steal the teacher" to learn art,

A study is a whole day.

Mention of this "stealing teacher"

Ding Yunfei said three "very usual"

"It's commonplace,

Because the teacher is acting on it,

It just so happens that I'm also learning this play.

So I can't help it

will learn something along with it,

Learning Xi and imitation is like this,

It's a very common, very ordinary thing. ”

Ding Yunfei, 36 years old this year

has had a strong interest in opera since childhood,

When I was ten years old,

Ding Yunfei officially began to learn Xi opera.

In 2003, Ding Yunfei was admitted to Hebei Provincial Art School.

After graduating in 2006,

He was assigned to the Bangzi Theater in Hebei Province.

Worked for ten years,

Ding Yunfei was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Drama,

But still performing while Xi,

The kung fu that should be practiced will not be delayed at all.

One minute on stage, ten years off stage.

Because of love, so hard.

DING Yunfei,

You look like you are "stealing the teacher" on the side stage, you are so handsome!

She was 49 years old

Realize your dream of becoming a freshman


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

Yang Yujiang, who was born in 74

I have loved painting since I was a child,

But he failed to realize his college dream when he was young.

After 30 years of work,

In 2020, my son was admitted to his ideal university.

And she, after much deliberation,

Resolutely decided to fight for his dream:

Participation is high!

Throw away the schoolbag for 30 years,

Yang Yujiang prepared from scratch.

I get up at half past five every morning,

I didn't go to bed until eleven o'clock at night,

The classes are packed.

For almost two years,

She was in the middle of a dozen hours a day

High intensity of Xi.


She was admitted to Hebei Normal University in the summer of 2022.

At the age of 49, I realized my dream of becoming a freshman!

Right now

Yang Yujiang is in college every day

Chase your own dream of painting.

She said that she would keep drawing.

We will also challenge higher goals in the future!

As long as you have a dream in your heart,

Always look young!

Tribute to everyone who chases their dreams.

From a rural teenager to the chief designer of aerospace,

He walked for 20 years


In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......

JIA Shijin,

A native of Xiyue Village, Xiaozhai Township, Jizhou District, Hengshui City,

He has been interested in aerospace since he was a child.

In the eyes of teachers and classmates,

Jia Shijin has always been one

Simple, focused, self-controlled people.

In 1995, Jia Shijin graduated from high school.

I applied for Harbin Institute of Technology

Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics.

After graduating from university,

Jia Shijin became a graduate student of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group.

He studied under the chief designer of China's second manned spacecraft system

Zhang Bonan.

In 2002, after graduating from graduate school,

Jia Shijin stayed in the Fifth Academy of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group

Manned spacecraft general room work.


Jia Shijin was appointed to the Fifth Academy of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group

Chief designer of manned spacecraft systems.

Devoted to China's aerospace industry for 20 years,

Jia Shijin experienced China

On average, one spacecraft is launched every two or three years,

Until now

The variation of launching two or three spacecraft a year,

Overcoming countless difficulties,

From scratch, from scratch,

After a long period of accumulation,

Only then did there be a moment of accumulation.

Looking up at the starry sky, down-to-earth,

Go for a sprint on the track of your choice.

One step at a time,

A life forged with hard work,

The most beautiful!

You are born ordinary, but you have your own light!

Unforgettable 2023,

It's not just the role models of the times who can be named

"spelled out",

It is every serious work,

You who live hard "spell out".


Keep chasing your dreams!

Source: Great Wall Network Comprehensive

Editor-in-charge: Fang Shujing, Su Haojun, Chen Zhaoyue

Poster: Zhang Xiaojing

Editor: Wu Yunhuan

In 2023, 8 ways to work hard......