
Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

author:Review Fengyun

Dictation: Mr. Su

Author: Xiaoya

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

A month ago, my 84-year-old grandmother passed away due to illness.

Grandma passed away, as we expected. As early as the end of last year, after my grandmother had a high fever, her physical condition was much worse than before, and many underlying diseases became serious.

This year, my grandmother was hospitalized four times and was unable to take care of herself. Seeing my grandmother like this, my dad and uncle were very worried, and my dad decided to quit his job to take care of my grandma.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

My wife and I fully support my father's decision, after all, it is right to honor the elderly. But my grandmother didn't want to go to my house to care for the elderly, and she didn't want to go to my uncle's house, so she kept looking at her two aunts. Eventually, the aunt decided to take her grandmother home to take care of her.

A month and a half ago, my aunt called us and said that my grandmother's condition was even worse, and they sent my grandmother to the hospital, and the doctor said that my grandmother's deadline was approaching and there was no need for treatment.

After receiving the call, all three of us rushed over to accompany my grandmother on the last journey of her life.

Three days before my grandmother died, her condition was better, but everyone knew that she was a sign of a return to light. Looking at the children and grandchildren around her, the grandmother kept saying vaguely: "Green...... Military coat ......"

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

Hearing this, the aunt hurriedly went to the closet and found the green army coat. This military coat was bought for grandma when grandpa was alive, grandma wore it for more than ten years, although we bought her a down jacket later, but this military coat is still grandma's most beloved clothes, and she cleans up by herself on weekdays.

Grandma's eyes kept looking at the left pocket of the military coat, and when my dad saw this, he rummaged through his pocket, found a piece of paper, opened it, and it turned out to be a will made by my grandmother before.

In the will, my grandmother wrote very clearly, saying that she had 30,000 yuan in deposits, all of which were in the passbook, which was in the frame of the family photo, and the money was used for funeral expenses. In addition, she has a house in her name, located in the county seat, and left it to her two sons, my father and uncle 30%.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

My dad finished reading the will and didn't say a word, my grandmother stared at the two aunts, and the aunt sighed and said to my grandmother: "Don't worry, Mom, I won't fight with my younger brothers for property." ”

Although the sister-in-law's face was full of dissatisfaction, she still spoke, promising that she would not compete for the property. The uncle stabbed the aunt, and the aunt also spoke: "Don't worry, Mom, we will come according to your wishes." ”

Seeing that all the children were promised, the grandmother smiled and finally closed her eyes peacefully in the company of everyone.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

Seeing that my grandmother closed her eyes, my father, as the eldest son, immediately arranged for my grandmother's death, and asked my uncle to call relatives and friends, so that my mother and aunt could change my grandmother's life clothes, and we escorted my grandmother back to the old house in my hometown.

Soon, relatives and friends arrived, and with the help of several elders, grandma's funeral went on in an orderly manner, and my father's face was solemn, and I could clearly see that his face was not only full of sadness, but also full of entanglement.

The night before my grandmother's funeral, my dad called me into the room and said, "Son, I thought about it and thought about it, I think that your grandma has done something wrong, and the property can't be divided like this, do you understand what Dad meant?"

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

I nodded, actually, I thought the same thing. In my opinion, grandma's property distribution plan revealed two words from beginning to end, unfair.

First of all, although according to the tradition in rural areas, the property of parents has nothing to do with their daughters, there is another sentence behind this, that is, the parents' pension has nothing to do with their daughters.

However, my grandmother only wanted to do the first sentence, and never did the second sentence. Since 20 years ago, my grandmother has asked my two aunts to give me alimony every month on the grounds that the family's financial situation is not good, I don't remember the amount before, I only know that in recent years, the two aunts have to give my grandmother 5,000 alimony a year each.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

Alimony is only the most basic, and when her grandmother is sick and hospitalized, the first thing she thinks of is her two aunts, because it is more convenient for her daughter to serve her mother than her daughter-in-law. So, whenever my grandmother was sick and hospitalized, my aunt would quit her job or ask for leave to take care of my grandmother, and my sister-in-law would come over to help when she had time.

Grandma didn't pay medical insurance, and when she needed to pay the hospitalization fee, she would ask her four children to bear it together, and even hoped that my sister-in-law with the best family conditions would give my father's share, so my sister-in-law quarreled with my grandmother a lot.

Seven years ago, when my grandfather died, my grandmother asked the two aunts to take 10,000 yuan each for funeral expenses. My dad didn't want my aunt to pay the money because she hadn't been divorced long ago and her financial situation was very bad, but my grandmother still went to my aunt and forced my aunt to borrow enough money to make up the 10,000 yuan.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

When I married my wife, my grandmother also asked my two aunts to get 20,000 yuan each, without taking into account the dilemma of my aunt with two children after the divorce. Fortunately, my dad had a conscience, and when he couldn't persuade my grandmother, he privately took 20,000 yuan and stuffed it to my aunt, and then quietly returned what my sister-in-law had given.

Secondly, the pension house in the grandmother's mouth was bought for her by everyone, and the aunt and sister-in-law contributed half of the money.

This was 9 years ago, when my grandfather was still alive and I was not married but already working. My grandparents brought me up, so I moved out so as not to burden my family. However, the old house was dilapidated and not suitable for retirement at all, so my father planned to buy a pension house for my grandparents in his hometown county.

When my grandparents learned about it, they offered to let the other children also pay for it, otherwise they would rather live in a dilapidated old house than let my father break the bank. In desperation, everyone pooled a sum of money to buy the house.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

In the end, the uncle and aunt were very filial, but because they only gave birth to daughters, they were not treated fairly.

Speaking of which, you may feel very strange, that is, when grandma allocates the property, why does not divide it equally between the two sons, but let my father, the eldest son, take the lion's share.

The answer is very simple, grandma's patriarchal thinking is very serious, and she not only treats her children with a bowl of water, but also treats her grandchildren as well.

Before the birth of my cousin, my grandmother loved my uncle's family the most, and after my cousin was born, because my aunt refused to have another one, the patriarchal grandmother alienated their family and gave all her energy to our family.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts

My dad told us in a serious way: "In a family with many children, the discord between siblings is directly related to the partiality of my parents, and I really don't want to lose my younger siblings." I can't change my parents' minds, but I can stick to my bottom line. Wife and son, I hope you can support me. ”

My mom nodded and gave my dad a thumbs up, saying that she hadn't married the wrong person, and I gave a thumbs up too, and my dad smiled with relief when he saw the reaction of our mother and son.

The next day, my grandmother was buried, and the two aunts were about to go home, but my dad called out to them.

"Eldest sister, sister, second child, you leave me the bank card number, and when I sell this house, I will divide the money into four equal parts, one for each of us. ”

Hearing my father's words, the two aunts disagreed, saying that if they did this, grandma might not feel at ease under Jiuquan.

"People die like lights go out, and I only care about what the living think. Mom's bowl of water is uneven and stubborn, I definitely can't reason with her, but I'm also a person with a conscience. As a brother, how can I take advantage of my younger siblings? You don't need to say more, do what I want!"

Two aunts and uncles gave my dad a hug and promised him that we would all always be blood-dissolved relatives.

I support my dad's approach and hope that my grandparents can understand. Family affection is far more important than money.

Before my grandmother died, he divided the house between her two sons, and after the funeral, my father called out to the two aunts


Today's topic: Do you think Mr. Su's father did the right thing? Feel free to share your views in the comment section.