
Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

author:Bobo Wenhui
Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I was born into an ordinary family, my parents were ordinary workers, and they worked hard to support their family. Since I was a child, I have been determined to change my destiny by my own efforts, so I have always worked hard to learn Xi and work hard. After years of struggle, I finally found a good job in the city and had my own small family.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

While I was working hard, my parents were also living diligently in their hometown. Although they are not wealthy, they have always been full of love for me. Every holiday, I would go back to my hometown to see my parents and repay my kindness.

Not long ago, I received a phone call from my father. On the other end of the phone, my father told me that they wanted to visit the city this holiday and at the same time wanted to stay with me. As soon as I heard this, I immediately thought of my own home, a small home can't accommodate so many people, not to mention that I have been with my parents for a long time, and there will definitely be a lot of discomfort in living together.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I immediately rejected my parents' offer on the grounds that the family was too small to live in. My father didn't say anything on the other end of the line, just told me to take care of myself.

When I hung up the phone, I actually felt a little bad in my heart. I understand my parents' feelings, they really want to visit me and want to stay with me for a while. But my refusal was also a helpless move, because there were really not so many people living in the house.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

Just when I was in a conflict, suddenly there was a ringing of the doorbell. I walked to the door and saw that it was my son-in-law who had come to pick me up.

"What's wrong? Something looks wrong. My son-in-law looked at me tenderly.

I told me about my parents coming to the city to live in my house. The son-in-law was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said slowly: "Actually, I think you can think about letting your parents come to the city." ”

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

"But I really can't live at home, and I spend too much time with my parents, and it's easy to have friction when we live together. I said helplessly.

The son-in-law smiled and continued, "Actually, I have an idea. We can pick them up, we can find a suitable nursing home together and settle them down. ”

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I was a little hesitant after hearing this, after all, I always felt a little difficult to get over this hurdle when I took my parents to a nursing home. But the son-in-law continued: "Don't worry, we will visit them often and arrange everything so that they can live comfortably in the nursing home, so that they can take good care of their parents." ”

My heart moved, and I thought that my son-in-law's words did make sense. For me, I am busy with work and I can't be with my parents all the time, so a nursing home may really be a better option.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I looked at my son-in-law and nodded, agreeing with his suggestion. My son-in-law smiled with satisfaction when he saw me nodding.

"Thank you for your understanding and support, I will arrange this matter well. My son-in-law said and patted me lightly on the shoulder.

When I got home, I called my parents and told them they could come to the city to see me, and I talked to them about the nursing home. The parents were a little surprised to hear this, but they also expressed understanding.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

In the days that followed, my son-in-law and I went to a reputable nursing home to make sure my parents were well taken care of. In addition, we have arranged to visit our parents often after work to spend their old age with them.

I know it may be a shame for parents, but it's also the best option for them. I believe that as long as we take care of them, they can also live happily and healthily in nursing homes.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

This experience also made me feel more emotional about the friendship between my family members, and also made me more grateful to my son-in-law for his understanding and support to me. It also made me understand that the love of my family has also made me stronger.

My son-in-law's proposal made me feel a lot easier, and the things that I thought were difficult were solved. When my parents came to the city, we actively helped them settle in a nursing home, and visited them every weekend to spend a good time with them.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

However, just when I thought everything was going to get back on track, something unexpected happened. One day, I went to visit my parents in a nursing home, only to be told that they did not want to see me or even refused to visit. I was shocked and disappointed and wondered why my parents would do this.

I decided to go to my parents and figure out what was going on. When I came to the nursing home, I met my parents, and they saw that I was very cold and not at all as affectionate as I used to be. I tried to communicate with them to find out what was going on, but they just wouldn't say a word to me.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I had to go to the person in charge of managing the nursing home and ask my parents about what was going on during this time. I learned that in my absence, my son-in-law had some conflicts with the nursing home while dealing with some affairs with his parents. My parents felt offended and became resistant to both me and my son-in-law.

My mind was in turmoil, and it turned out that all this was caused by my son-in-law's behavior. I felt deeply remorseful and angry that my son-in-law's impulse had caused such consequences. I decided to go to my son-in-law first to find out what had happened.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

At my son-in-law's house, I had a frank conversation with my son-in-law. The son-in-law confessed that he had offended his parents by his unintentional intentions and expressed his deep apologies. He said he had some issues with the management of the nursing home, so there were conflicts in dealing with some things, but he never thought it would affect my relationship with my parents.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I am well aware of my son-in-law's kindness, but this incident has seriously affected the relationship. I had to find a way to solve this problem, and I couldn't stand the conflict and estrangement between my family.

When I got home, after much thought, I decided to go to my parents again and explain to them my son-in-law's position and ask them to be tolerant and forgiving. In any case, the son-in-law is also for the good of me and my parents, and for this incident, I feel that it is my responsibility to reconcile all this unpleasantness.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

However, I understand that this matter cannot be solved overnight, and it takes time and trust. I was determined not to give up and to work hard for the relationship between my family. Because, home is our most important reliance and harbor.

Some time passed, the parents settled in the nursing home, and we also visited them regularly. As the days passed, everything seemed to be slowly getting better.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

However, just when I thought everything was under control, a sudden phone call shattered my peace. The anxious voice of the parents came from the other end of the phone, and it turned out that a nurse in the nursing home was careless, causing the father to accidentally fall, causing some skin trauma. When I heard the news, I panicked.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I immediately discussed it with my son-in-law, and we hurried to the nursing home. When I saw my father with a bandage on his head and bruises on his face, I felt great pain and self-blame.

"I'm sorry, but this happened because we didn't take good care of you. "I apologized to my parents again and again.

But the father waved his hand: "Son, it's not your fault, it's my own negligence and falling." He forced a smile as he spoke, but I could see the pain in his eyes.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

In the days that followed, I stayed by my parents' side. We also have serious communication with the nursing home to ensure that parents can be more attentively cared for.

However, the incident of my parents' fall also made me reflect on my previous decisions. Perhaps, settling parents in a nursing home is not the best option. I know what my parents expect from me, and they want to be able to live with me and not in a strange place. I began to feel the contradictions and pain deep inside. At the same time, I also noticed the trace of unbearable and sad in my parents' hearts.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

This incident also sublimated the conflict between me and my parents. I know that the company of my family is the most important thing, and I love my parents deeply and don't want them to think that I am cold to them.

In the future, I am determined to discuss with my son-in-law to find a new plan that can take care of my parents and reunite our family. Rethinking and adjusting, I believe, will allow us to rediscover the warmth and comfort between each other as a family.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

Although we found a good nursing home, after our parents came to the city, they still felt a little uncomfortable with this unfamiliar city and unfamiliar nursing home. After every visit in the nursing home, my parents always said goodbye with a smile on their faces, but I could always feel the reluctance and worry in their eyes.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

These times, I also feel very uncomfortable, after all, my parents are my relatives, and I also feel conflicted when I see them not adapting here. And because of my work, I can't always be by their side, which makes me feel powerless and guilty.

That's when I got a phone call. My sister on the other end of the line said that for some reason she needed to come to the city temporarily to look for work, and asked if she could live in my house temporarily. I knew that my sister had been struggling in the field, and I understood her situation, so I agreed without much thought.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

Soon after, my sister came to my house. As soon as she saw me, she came to hug me with a smile on her face and behaved very affectionately. I arranged for her to stay in my room.

However, from the day after my sister came to my house, we started arguing. It turned out that my sister needed my computer for work, but I used the computer all the time for work and life, so I couldn't meet her needs. My sister thinks I should let her use it, because that's what she needs.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

I tried to explain my own difficulties, but my sister seemed reluctant to accept it, complaining about why I was inconvenient for her to use. I was already feeling a lot of pressure because my parents came to settle in the city nursing home, and now this quarrel has come, and I am even more anxious. This situation also made me doubt myself and feel that I could not achieve the help and support of my family members.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

The discomfort of my parents in the nursing home, and the temporary needs of my sister at home, the contradictions and contradictions in these families made me feel a little powerless. Under these circumstances, I began to think about how to solve these problems and make my family's life in the city more comfortable and secure.

My son-in-law and I took my parents to a nursing home to have a look, and although my parents were a little reluctant, they also understood our hard work. Accompanied by us, they chose a nursing home with a beautiful environment and attentive service. We rented a comfortable house nearby to take care of our parents close to home.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

However, not long after the parents were admitted to the nursing home, there was a sudden change in the family. One day, the son-in-law received an urgent call and learned that his elderly grandmother was not properly taken care of at a relative's house in his hometown, and that the situation of his grandmother living alone was very dangerous. My son-in-law and I discussed it and decided that we had to rush back to our hometown.

"Son, things are not optimistic, grandma's living situation is very dangerous, we have to go back immediately. The son-in-law's words were full of anxiety and anxiety.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

"But my parents have just moved into a nursing home, and I don't want them to think that we don't value them. "I'm feeling a little embarrassed.

"We can't put Grandma in that dangerous state, we must rush back immediately. The son-in-law's tone was resolute.

I was silent for a while, but finally chose to go home with my son-in-law. The car was driving on the way back to my hometown, and I was nervous.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

When I arrived at my hometown, I saw my grandmother sitting tremblingly at the door, obviously not optimistic. The son-in-law immediately arranged for someone to take my grandmother to the hospital, and I was busy arranging my grandmother's future housing problems.

In the next few days, we had to take care of my grandmother in the hospital and find a suitable place to live in our hometown. Everyone is busy, and the troubles of life are coming like a tidal wave. I can't help but sigh a little that the conflicts and problems in the family have never stopped.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

On the phone, my parents asked why we and my son-in-law came home suddenly, and I had to explain to them one by one. My parents seemed very understanding on the other side of the phone, but I knew that my parents might not be relieved. I was in a dilemma, and I didn't know how to deal with it.

My son-in-law and I discussed it for a long time, and finally decided to be honest with my parents and discuss our future plans together. I know that the key to solving problems is communication and understanding.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

"Parents, I'm really sorry that we left the city in a hurry and returned to our hometown this time, because there was some emergency at home, and my son-in-law and I had to come back to deal with it. "I couldn't speak.

"Child, we know that it is very important for you to take care of your grandmother in your hometown. The mother's tone was full of understanding.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

My father also interrupted me and said, "We understand your plight, and it is possible for us to take care of each other by ourselves, but grandma is old, so we must deal with it carefully." ”

I breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that they were understandable too. Next, my family discussed my grandmother's long-term residence in my hometown and discussed our future plans. The support of my family warmed my heart, and I was more determined about my future direction.

Relatives wanted to live at my daughter's house, I refused, and the next second, my son-in-law took me to my home to care for the elderly

However, the question of my parents in a nursing home still weighs on my heart like a piece of my mind. I knew that this matter couldn't just be left and that I needed to find a better solution.

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