
The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

author:Funny tangerine cS

In a special experiment in my life, my father was seriously ill, but he transferred his property to a young junior named Xiaoling. I'm Wang Li, and it's been an unimaginable storm in my family, and it all started in a hospital ward, where my mom and I witnessed this jaw-dropping change. The predicament in front of me was like a sharp sword hanging over the edge of a cliff, and I could not predict the future, but I felt heavy and hopeless inside. This is a bizarre and confusing story, where the fate of an ordinary family is pushed to the brink of no return.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

In the midst of my worries, my father's serious illness became a burden to the whole family. An accident many years ago left his body fragile and vulnerable. The enormous pressure of medical bills pervades the home, like a heavy cloud.

My father's condition deteriorated day by day, and the financial drain of the hospital became an unbearable burden for us. At this time, a woman named Xiaoling unexpectedly appeared in our lives. She was much younger than me and was a colleague in my father's unit, and that was where the problem came from.

When I learned that my father had transferred a part of his property to Xiaoling, I was almost overwhelmed by anger and incomprehension. In the hospital room, I questioned my father why he did this to us, why he transferred his hard-earned family business to a relatively strange woman.

The paleness of his face deepened, but he insisted that it was for us to leave something. Xiao Ling is just a stand-in, and he claims that he does not have any improper relationship. I was deeply confused and unable to understand the logic behind this.

The atmosphere in the hospital became more and more tense, and Xiaoling maintained an indifferent expression in my endless questioning. Her presence became a thorn in my heart and I couldn't stand it.

The whole world seemed to collapse in front of me, and I couldn't help but want to break free from it all. I can't wait to unplug my father's oxygen tube right away, so that he can feel the endless pain of my mother and me.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

This is not only a family conflict, but also a violent tear in the depths of my soul. I didn't know how to go on in the future, I just felt heavy and hopeless. In the midst of my mother's sad crying, I decided to find an answer, even if it might make me more painful.

The smell of medicine filled the hospital room, and that day, my mom and I were as dull and heavy as the air in the ward.

When we found out that our father had transferred his property to Xiaoling, the entire ward seemed to have been swept away by a storm. Mom's eyes were full of shock and incomprehension, and she was speechless for a moment, just clutching the handkerchief in her hand tightly, as if she could release her inner anxiety through this simple action.

I looked at my mother, and my heart was filled with anger and helplessness. At that moment, I seemed to see the hard work she had worked silently for her family for many years, but in exchange for this sudden betrayal. I tried to control my emotions, but I couldn't hide the tears in my eyes.

In this silent hospital room, our intense emotions are like a thunderstorm, ready to erupt at any moment. Mom finally spoke with difficulty, her voice full of pain and despair: "Why, why did he treat us like this?"

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

I couldn't answer her question either, because I was looking for an answer myself. The tacit understanding between our mother and daughter became so fragile at this moment, like a piece of paper that could break at any moment.

Xiao Ling stood aside, her presence making the whole atmosphere even more tense. I can't stand her presence at this critical moment, as if she is the culprit that causes all the contradictions. I gave her a cold look, hoping she could feel our anger and pain.

This family storm raged in the hospital room, as if it was about to swallow us. And my mother and I can only face the predicament in front of us silently in this silent storm.

In the hospital room, my questioning of my father was like a knife into his heart. The paleness of my father's face deepened, and he tried to find an explanation to dissipate the anger in my heart.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

He was silent for a moment, and finally lowered his head, his voice weak but firm: "Xiao Ling is just a stand-in, and there is no improper relationship. These words were like a hammer that struck at my deepest doubts.

I can't understand it, stand-in? is a word that seems so foreign and ridiculous in the context of this family. The father continued to explain, with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "I just want to leave something for you, Xiaoling has no real meaning, just a formal replacement." ”

This explanation made me feel even more lost. In my understanding, family should be the cornerstone of sincerity and trust, and the father seems to be trying to protect us in a puzzling way. His eyes were full of exhaustion and helplessness, as if all this was his last resort.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

Despite my father's efforts to explain, my heart was still full of trouble. This did not dispel my doubts about the family, but instead left me with an indelible rift in my once close father. Xiao Ling stood aside, listening to this explanation, her expression still maintained a kind of indifference, as if she had long been Xi to such a scene.

Throughout the ward, my father's explanation did not defuse the tension in the family, but made me feel even more overwhelmed. Behind this seemingly absurd explanation, there is a deeper family problem, and I am stuck in this mystery from which I cannot extricate myself.

While my mom and I were struggling in pain in the hospital, a middle-aged man who smelled of a man suddenly walked in. His presence was like a cold wind, which made the atmosphere in the entire ward even more tense.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

He blamed my mother and I for coming to Xiaoling at this time, claiming that it would affect Xiaoling's mood and would not be beneficial to my father's recovery. He looked disdainful, as if we were a pack of hungry beasts, and his words made me feel angry and helpless.

The middle-aged man suddenly smiled in surprise, as if he was playing with us. He made a suggestion that shocked me, he said that we should find a way and solve this problem. But his solution was unacceptable to me – sue their company.

He suggested that we claim that their company had misappropriated public property by using its position, so that the company would pay us a considerable amount of money. And Xiaoling and his own wife will suffer a double blow from the company and public opinion.

I couldn't believe it when I heard this proposal. It's not the way to solve the problem, it's to escalate our family's private affairs into a scandal in public. This middle-aged man's proposal made me feel more and more desperate, and his appearance seemed to put the whole family in an irreparable situation.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

Faced with this strange and indifferent middle-aged man, I felt myself caught in an even bigger maelstrom, and the whole family was caught up in a storm that would not end well. It was all like an absurd dream, and I couldn't find an escape from it.

A few days later, as the hospital became more and more urgent, I received a call from a strange man who claimed to be my father's lawyer. The sad news came on the phone that my father's life was drifting away, and he wanted to see me.

I was at a loss, and an indescribable emotion welled up in my heart. I don't understand why my dad chose to convey his last wishes at this time, while my mom and I didn't get the care and companionship he had before his death.

Hurrying to the hospital, I entered a familiar and unfamiliar ward. His father's face was full of traces of time, and his eyes revealed a deep tiredness. I sat beside his hospital bed, silently watching this once-strong man, who now seemed so vulnerable.

The father tried to speak, but his voice had become weak and hoarse. He gently told me that he was deeply sorry that the family had been in a difficult situation because of all this. He explained that he had tried to protect us in his own way, but he never imagined that such a choice would lead to such a deep controversy.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

However, his last wishes were not fully revealed. He seemed to have something to say to me, but he couldn't express it clearly because of his physical exhaustion. It became a mystery, a mystery that I couldn't solve, and it bothered my understanding of my father even more.

The father's eyes were full of apology and reluctance, as if he wanted to say goodbye but had too many unfulfilled wishes. In his farewell, I felt a deep sense of helplessness, and at the same time, I was filled with endless thoughts about his complicated life. He still hasn't been able to share it all with me in this last moment, which makes the parting even more confusing.

Netizens have different opinions on this family dispute, which has caused a wide and heated discussion.

Some netizens expressed their understanding of his father's approach, believing that perhaps when his life was in danger, he tried to protect his family in a way that he thought was best. Others are critical, arguing that the father's choice was simply an evasion of responsibility, leading to deeper conflicts.

Regarding Xiaoling's role, netizens also expressed their opinions. Some people take a neutral stance, arguing that we should not blame her too much, and perhaps she is also a victim of this dispute. Others expressed strong dissatisfaction with Xiaoling, believing that her existence had exacerbated family conflicts, and some even questioned her motives.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

The middle-aged man's proposal to sue the company sparked more controversy. Some netizens believe that this is a reasonable solution to protect the rights and interests of the family through legal means. Others, however, have criticized such an approach as extreme, arguing that it would add to the confusion of already complex issues.

Overall, netizens' views on the incident are diverse, reflecting society's complex attitudes towards family relationships and personal choices. Sympathy, criticism, understanding and questioning were integrated into the discussion, resulting in a rich and in-depth social topic.

The father was seriously ill and transferred his property to the mistress, and the daughter broke down and cried in the hospital: unplug his oxygen tube

Have you ever faced a similar family dispute? Share your experiences and opinions, or give your suggestions for solving the problem.