
Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

author:A Tao Xi Club

A talented and intelligent girl stunning the screen

17-year-old Fan Xiaoxuan shines on the screen, like a jasmine blooming in the first bloom, gorgeous and dazzling.

She has amazing congenital conditions - a delicate face like a porcelain doll, big eyes that are clear and transparent, and a delicate voice of a bird. What's even more rare is that this standard to impeccable face reveals intelligence and aura. It is the light that comes from within.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

Unlike many child stars, Fan Xiaoxuan does not rely solely on external natural advantages. She began Xi at the age of 7 and was able to write amazing compositions at the age of 14, witnessing her extraordinary musical talent.

This allows her to have richer emotional experiences and deeper thinking than her peers.

It is the intelligence and cleverness revealed in these warm and transparent eyes, and the flashing aura on this doll's face, that makes her stand out all of a sudden and become the girl the director is most satisfied with.

made her film debut at the age of 17, she was comparable to the popular superstar Jacky Cheung. Fan Xiaoxuan in front of the camera moves naturally and smoothly, and her subtle expressions vividly highlight the character traits of the character.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

It's like she was born to act, and she deserves audience recognition and professional praise.

A rising star with extraordinary potential to shine on the silver screen. This is the first glorious moment in Fan Xiaoxuan's life, and it also indicates that her bumpy but brilliant life journey is about to begin.

The green years are the creation of the soul

The girl Fan Xiaoxuan uses music to depict her rich inner world.

Learning the piano at the age of 7 and being able to write popular works at the age of 14 shows us the various feelings of a precocious soul germinating in adolescence.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

Her words, such as "Love is blind, love is crazy; Dreams are beautiful, you are cruel". Such a mature emotional interpretation does not seem to come from the mouth of a 14-year-old girl.

This indicates that Fan Xiaoxuan's advanced emotional understanding also comes from her keen and delicate sense of mind.

However, when she presents herself in such a personal style, the expectations of the outside world are not in harmony with her inner world.

People want her to be a sunny and cheerful girl, but she has a melancholy flavor in her music. She just wants to be her most authentic self, but she also wants to be understood and recognized by others.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

This put the sensitive and angry Fan Xiaoxuan in a dilemma. She struggles between her true self and the expectations of the outside world, trying to find a balance.

Until one day, she finally let go of her baggage and sang only for the music of the heart. Those popular melodies are a true portrayal of her heart. It's only when she's truly herself that music resonates.

This is a process of self-search, which allows Fan Xiaoxuan to get closer to her true self. Her musical talent was sublimated, and her mind became more transparent and prepared for the ups and downs of life.

Public opinion strikes depression

In 2001, a sensual party became a demon who sipped her blood.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

The vest line is exposed, the hair is messy, and the eyes are blurred. This became the beginning of her falling from the pride of the sky to the dust.

At first, Fan Xiaoxuan was just a member of the group, and there was no deviance. However, a blurry photograph triggers an infinite reverie, and a self-righteous moral judgment overcomes her.

"Degenerate" and "decadent" have become fixed labels. The fans left her, and the resources were eclipsed.

That night, she just wanted to unleash her nature with her friends and find her self. She never wanted to hurt nature, let alone do anything out of the ordinary. But the shadow of a photograph hangs over her, and she has to pay for the imaginary crime.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

This wrongful blow to the fragile girl's heart. His reputation was ruined, and his life was ruined. The malice in those moral criticisms made her feel chills.

The fans left her, and the resources were eclipsed. The proud daughter of the sky in the past is now in a slump. The blow was the straw that broke the camel's back. The fragile girl's heart crumbled under the blow, and her smile dimmed with the sun.

The shadow of depression loomed over Fan Xiaoxuan, and she was hovering on the edge of pain. The once cheerful girl, at the moment, just wanted to wash away her grievances with blood, and she fell into the dark abyss.

Dark Times Finding the Dawn

The shadow of depression looms over Fan Xiaoxuan, who struggles and sinks in the abyss of pain.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

Once upon a time, the girl's eyes were full of vigorous light. Life in front of her is a picture album of blue sky and white clouds, beautiful and boundless.

At the moment, however, there was gloom all around. The ideals and passions of the past have been extinguished, and the smiles are gone. She cut her wrists with a knife, trying to wash away her grievances with blood; She stood on the edge of the tall building, trying to hide in the darkness and sleep. Life has lost its meaning to her, and the world is left with nothing but despair.

Fortunately, on the edge of desperation, there is always a ray of light to guide the way. It is the tears of sorrow in the mother's eyes, and the daughter is still her only support. It's a friend's wordless hug, as warm as a burning fire. It was the determined gaze in her boyfriend's eyes, and he held her hand with both hands to prevent her from falling into the abyss. It's music, a part of her life. The notes echoed in her heart, playing the music of birth.

The dreams that had made her blood boil were sleeping in her heart and were not really shattered.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

So, she grabbed her boyfriend's hand and got up with his support. A friend's hug gave her strength. Her mother's tears reminded her that she was not walking alone.

The dawn pierced through the clouds and warmed her cold body. She realized the beauty of life and the meaning of existence. As long as she doesn't give up, hope lies ahead.

In the mottled dawn, she gradually found herself - a Fan Xiaoxuan who is stronger than before and has more courage to face life.

The path of rebellion is to find oneself

Fan Xiaoxuan cut off her long hair and used scissors to announce her break with the past.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

Her hair fell, and her weakness fell with it. It is a ritual of rebirth and a declaration of oneself.

The flaming short hair casts a sharp shadow on her face. She outlines stubbornness with eyeliner and rebellion with lipstick. The ink of the tattoo pierced into her skin, and she used the pain to dispel the confusion in her heart.

This is a brand new and her own Fan Xiaoxuan.

She is no longer a good girl, living according to other people's ideas. She wants to use ideals to guide her life, even if it is full of thorns.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

So she took the plunge and expressed herself through art. Her music no longer panders to expectations, but stays true to the heart. Dark green hair and eye-catching tattoos are telling the world - I don't care what you think, I only belong to myself.

However, her courage was not rewarded, and the public response was cold and negative. Former fans don't understand her transformation, and the idol who fell off the altar is no longer obsessed.

In the abuse of public opinion, she painfully realized that presenting herself in a rebellious posture comes at the cost of loneliness.

But she doesn't regret it. Because she is accompanied by music and persistence in ideals. As long as there is something to follow inside, the noise of the outside world is not so important.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

This is her path to growth, and it is also the process of finding herself. She may be confused, but she has never given up the pursuit of music. Because only music is the antidote to her soul and the bridge between her and herself.

The beauty of understated life is to live well

Today's Fan Xiaoxuan is as calm and indifferent as flowing water. She is no longer as flamboyant and enthusiastic as she was a girl, and has a Buddhist wisdom. Years of ups and downs have made her look down on Vanity Fair, what is the essence of life.

So she took refuge in the mountains and forests, keeping a distance from the world. Gardening, raising cats, cooking, and playing the guitar have become her new meaning in life.

She no longer deliberately manages her connections, but only embraces each other happily when she sees each other sincerely.

Rebellion is sometimes a way to grow, Fan Xiaoxuan: "I don't really want to be seen"

She no longer deliberately packaged herself, but comfortably returned to that romantic, naïve, slightly temperamental woman.

Such low-key beauty is her re-examination of life. The hot girl has grown into a wise woman.

She is no longer entangled by the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and only focuses on the texture of each moment.

Accustomed to seeing the vicissitudes of life, she knows better the preciousness of living in the present.

This is also her gift to those who come after her - what is a good life, everyone can live well.

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