
Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

author:Professor Li of the Department of Urology

Imagine a wise old man sitting by the window, gazing out at the view. Suddenly, he noticed that those once-clear outlines had become blurred and the colors had lost their vitality. This is not just a storyline, but a true portrayal of many middle-aged and elderly people in real life. Eyes are our window to the world, but as we age, they can be affected by three common eye conditions: glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. These diseases silently erode vision and can even lead to blindness. However, many people know little about them until vision problems become impossible to ignore.

Glaucoma: A silent thief of sight

Overview of glaucoma

Glaucoma, known to the medical community as a "silent vision thief," is a potential eye disease. It is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure, which can gradually damage the optic nerve, leading to vision loss and possibly even blindness. Glaucoma can be divided into two main categories: open-angle and closed-angle, with open-angle being the more common.

Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

The importance of early diagnosis

Because glaucoma is not obvious in the early stages, many patients only realize the severity of the problem when their vision is impaired. This highlights the importance of regular eye exams, especially for middle-aged and older adults, as the risk of glaucoma increases with age. Early detection of glaucoma can be effectively controlled through treatment and reduce the risk of blindness.

The main symptoms of glaucoma

Glaucoma may be asymptomatic in the early stages, but as the disease progresses, patients may experience the following symptoms:

The field of view gradually narrows, such as tunnel vision.

Eye pain and redness.

Decreased vision in low-light conditions.

The eyes are sensitive to light and see halos or halos.

Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

Prevention recommendations

While glaucoma cannot be completely prevented, the risk can be reduced by:

Have regular eye exams, especially if you have a family history.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including moderate exercise and a balanced diet.

Avoid overuse of medications that contain steroids, as they may increase intraocular pressure.

Control other chronic diseases, such as abnormal glucose metabolism and increased blood pressure in systemic arteries.

Cataracts: Lifting the fog of vision

The nature and causes of cataracts

A cataract is a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes less transparent, resulting in vision loss. As we age, the protein structure of the lens changes and gradually becomes cloudy, resulting in the formation of cataracts.

In addition, other factors such as long-term UV exposure, diabetes mellitus (abnormal glucose metabolism), hypertension (increased blood pressure in systemic arteries), etc., may also accelerate its progression.

Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

Recognize the signs of cataracts

Initially, cataracts may appear as only mild blurred vision, but gradually progress to interfere with daily activities such as reading and driving.

Typical symptoms include decreased vision, increased sensitivity to light, seeing halos, and colors that look dull or discolored.

Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

Precautionary measures

While cataracts can't be completely avoided, steps can be taken to slow its progression, such as wearing UV protective glasses, controlling blood sugar and blood pressure, and maintaining a healthy diet and weight.

Regular eye exams are especially important, especially for people over the age of 50, to help with early detection and response.

Ways to treat cataracts

Initially, cataracts can be treated with glasses or magnifying glasses to help improve vision, but as the disease progresses, surgery may need to be considered.

The surgery is usually to remove the cloudy lens and implant an artificial lens. It is a safe, effective treatment that can significantly improve vision.

Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

Macular degeneration: Protecting your "window light"

Macular degeneration, the term may sound unfamiliar, but it is a common eye disease in middle-aged and elderly people, especially in people over the age of 65. The macula is a critical area located in our fundus that is responsible for our central vision and ability to recognize details. When macular function is impaired, it can lead to severe vision loss and even blindness. Let's dive into macular degeneration and how to effectively manage and prevent this condition.

Types and identification of macular degeneration

There are two main types of macular degeneration: dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is the more common form, develops slowly, and is often age-related. Wet macular degeneration, on the other hand, progresses rapidly, often due to neovascularization, resulting in edema and hemorrhage in the macula area.

Recognizing the early signs of macular degeneration is crucial. Common symptoms include blurred vision, straight lines that appear curved, and scotomas or blurred areas in the central visual field. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist immediately.

Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

Prevention strategies and lifestyle modifications

Although macular degeneration is related to genetic factors, we can reduce the risk to some extent by making lifestyle changes. Highlights include:

Nutrition: A balanced diet is essential for eye health. In particular, foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, such as green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits, are beneficial for eye protection.

Quit smoking: Smoking is one of the main risk factors for macular degeneration. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce your risk.

Moderate exercise: Regular physical activity helps maintain good blood circulation and has a positive impact on eye health.

Avoid prolonged exposure to bright light: Wear sunglasses with UV protection to reduce your eyes' exposure to harmful UV rays.

Glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, prevention of 3 major eye diseases, pay attention to regular checkups

Regular eye exams

Regular eye exams are key to early detection of macular degeneration. Especially for individuals with a family history, regular fundus examinations should not be neglected. These tests can help doctors detect early changes in the macula and intervene in a timely manner.