
Behind the harvest of lotus mist: the sweet prosperity of the village and the affectionate inheritance of the farmers

author:3 Sister Haohua

In this land with four distinct seasons, the growth cycle of lotus mist is perfectly displayed. Every time the season changes, the lotus mist tree is full of flowers. Here, the yield of lotus fog per mu is as high as 10,000 catties. This figure is a symbol of high productivity in the region. The Lotus Mist Garden is the epitome of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. People work here, and nature rewards them with great gifts. The harvest scene of the four seasons is like a hymn to life. Under the golden sun, the lotus mist tree is full of fruits. Lotus mist planting is not only a source of income for the villagers. It has become a link between people's emotions. The hard sweat of the farmers nourished the sweetness of the lotus mist. It is these sweats that make each fruit precious. With its high-quality fruits, Lianwu won a high price of 30 yuan per kilogram. At this price, it is very competitive in the market.

Behind the harvest of lotus mist: the sweet prosperity of the village and the affectionate inheritance of the farmers

Four harvest seasons take place in the garden every year. Harvest moments are always exciting. Every harvest season, the lotus mist full of trees is the biggest expectation of the villagers. The planting technology of Lianwu is becoming more and more mature. For this income, the villagers are proud and satisfied. As a result, the lives of the peasants became richer and more satisfying. The high-quality lotus mist has attracted the favor of many buyers. The evergreen lotus mist garden has become a scene of the village. The abundant harvest of lotus mist also symbolizes the common prosperity of the village.

Behind the harvest of lotus mist: the sweet prosperity of the village and the affectionate inheritance of the farmers

Lianwu brings more than just economic benefits to farmers. It is an indispensable part of life. On holidays, every family will sit around and enjoy the sweet lotus mist. Such a scene has become the most beautiful scenery in the countryside. The planting and sales of lotus mist have gradually formed a complete industrial chain. The annual Lotus Mist Festival attracts many tourists. They taste lotus mist here and feel the tranquility and harmony of the countryside. The story of the lotus mist also spread in the mouths of travelers.

Behind the harvest of lotus mist: the sweet prosperity of the village and the affectionate inheritance of the farmers

The farmers' love for lotus mist has gone beyond the material level. The deep awe and gratitude for the land in their hearts. This emotion is passed on in every day of work. The sweetness of lotus mist is not only a pleasure for taste buds. It is also a kind of comfort for the soul. Accompanied by lotus mist, the life of the villagers became more and more harmonious. Their smiles were brightened by the lotus mist.

Under the illumination of lotus mist, the future of the countryside is full of hope. With the continuous advancement of agricultural technology. The Lotus Mist Garden will become a new benchmark for agricultural development. Every seed in this land carries the farmer's dream for the future. Let's look forward to the next miracle in this land.

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