
As for chasing me, I feel like I'm going to have to guide me personally

author:Warm summer red sun

My brother's mobile phone got into the water and asked me to help him fix it, and after repairing it, I clicked on his WeChat and found that the top was actually his bamboo horse Gu Zhi.

My eyes are full of light and passion!

opened the chat box a little but found that Gu Zhi, gender male, hobbies...... I??

The man with facial paralysis asks how the academic monster chases the girl?

No, no, no, I think I'll have to guide me personally.


"What type do you like?"

"What do you like to eat?"

"Your sister is eating snacks on your sofa today, so cute o(〃'▽'〃)o"

"You, Sister......"

Looking at the screen full of you, I can't help but fall into deep thought.

When did this happen?

I've only done it to him, why did he have a heart for me?

But he's not my type! I love it! It's a little milk dog with a male waist and ape arms that will blush and call me "sister".

Who would take a fancy to a man with facial paralysis who can only "you.sister......

I haven't seen Gu Zhi smile since I was a child......

"You're not suitable. 」

I used my brother's WeChat to send a message to Gu Zhi, but I didn't expect him to reply in seconds.


"You didn't say that before, and it's not time for me to call your brother-in-law in advance to feel how I feel. 」


My brother sells me!

flipped through the chat records of the two of them again, and Gu Zhi had an explanation for the abnormalities in the past few days.

For example, a few days ago, my brother and Gu Zhi went to the movies and picked me up by the way, and when they were buying snacks, Gu Zhi said, "Medium cup of Coke? 」

I just thought he was taunting me and kicked him in the ass.

I didn't expect ...... It's actually my brother who taught him the rules of love......

"80% of girls fall in love with a man who spends money on her. 」

Actually teach others to soak you, sister, heh, since this is the case, I can sell this brother very comfortably.

"I'll find someone to give you two hexagrams, and the eight characters clash with each other, and the light is divorced, and the worst is widowed. 」


Gu Zhi should have been frightened by the hexagram I made up casually, and he didn't send a message to my brother again.

So I was happy Timi again until the wee hours of the morning.


When I woke up the next day, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and my brother had already gone to school to give classes to the students.

"Why are you still at home? aren't you going to Gu Zhi Xi?"


It's over, completely forget about it, whether you can graduate in your senior year depends on this real Xi chapter......

"Is my phone fixed?"

"Not yet, just a few more days. 」

I was afraid that my brother would ask for details, so I rushed out of the door after changing my clothes, and of course, secretly carried his mobile phone.

hurried to the office, and by coincidence, I met Gu Zhi head-on.

I saw Gu Zhi glance at his watch, frowned, and said coldly: "Four hours and thirty-two minutes late, no false note, it is considered absenteeism for half a day, HR will make a note." 」

What is the devil?

Who will deduct the salary of the person they like?

I'm the most resentful crush in history......

I packed up my things and sat down at my workstation, and as soon as I turned on the computer to prepare the code, there was a vibration in my pocket.

"She's late today, and I've deducted her wages. 」

"She won't be angry, I just want her to come to work early and see her sooner!!"

Under the appearance of facial paralysis, licking the dog's heart?

Sample, you still have two faces.

"She's going to be angry. Girls can't be angry, angry is easy to have breast hyperplasia, thyroid nodules, to sum up, you two don't get along, you always make her angry. 」

"Don't say it, I was told by you last night, I emo all night, and I didn't sleep until the early hours of the morning┭_┮"

In the following time, Gu Zhi came out with a water cup from time to time to catch water, pretending to pass by me casually, and quickly withdrew his eyes after glancing at me.

Blind guessing is to see if I'm alive or not.

"She's so serious today, it's completely different from the lazy feeling before, she must be angry. 」

"Then you let her get off work early and coax her. 」

"Makes sense. Then I'll send her back by the way, let's have another meal, I only saw Qiaoqiao for three hours today, and I am not reconciled......

As soon as I heard that he was going to my house, I was afraid.

When he sees my brother, then I will use my brother's WeChat to chat with him!

Before he gave up on me, he resolutely couldn't let Gu Zhi meet my brother!

"It's not appropriate, I'm not at home at night, you guys are alone, it's not suitable. 」

"That's a good fit, be alone! I want to be alone!!"

I thought Gu Zhi would give up, but I didn't expect this product to be excited?

"Ahem...... Cool down tomorrow, get off work early today and buy gear. 」

People who were still replying to WeChat one second will appear in the office the next second.

I seemed to see through Gu Zhi's paralyzed appearance that his spiritual villain was dancing wildly.


Go to work at half past one and leave work at four, you think I'm going to be happy?

No, I'm not happy at all, I love to work overtime.

Sitting in Gu Zhi's car, every time the car was nearly 100 meters away from my house, my heart tightened.

What should my brother do if he finds out that I use his WeChat?

What should I do if Gu Zhi finds out that I know he likes me?

The person concerned is now very picky.

"That...... My brother just told me that he went back to school to catch up with his papers, and then ...... I didn't bring the keys to the house......

After a sudden brake, there was a turn signal, and I seemed to see the corners of Gu Zhi's mouth twitch wildly, but his voice was flat: "Well, take you in and go to my house." 」

What the??!


I'm at Gu Zhijia now.

There is such a good choice as a hotel, why does he have to take me home at the expense of the near and far?

It's okay for him to throw me on the side of the road!

Although because my brother and Gu Zhi are little bamboo horses, I have not come to his house since I was a child, and his house even has a complete set of toiletries and pajamas for me, but ......

Just the thought that he likes me right now makes my mind blow up!

This is simply a realistic version of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, and now Pleasant Goat has entered the pot......

"I've abducted your sister home, will she think I'm a frivolous person?"

"What should I do now? I can't take her to the dark like I did when I was a kid, right?"

"The thought of Jojo in my bedroom makes my heart flutter......

"Qiao You, is it the thesis that is important, or the brother is important! 」

As soon as I looked at WeChat, heh, the gray wolf also blew up.

At this time, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought about it.

Since directly dismantling CP can't break Gu Zhi's thoughts, then I will ask my "brother" to give him some "suggestions" to ensure that he is not married or childless, and his immortal age will last forever.

"80% of girls are tempted by sudden solitude. If you just come out of the shower at this time, half-open pajamas, the other party will be even crazier. 」

Oh, Gu Zhi, you can do it, as long as you dare to take it off, I will dare to fight, and after the beating, I will shout "hooligan", grab the door and go out, and end the embarrassment of this night.


Ten minutes later, the door opened.

I shouted out the word "stream", but suddenly I saw everything in front of me......

This man is damn white, this should be creamy skin.

Wet hair, Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and Gu Zhi, who pursed his thin lips...... There is actually a hint of abstinence and sexiness.

Although the collar is not open, the more this happens, the more reluctant it becomes, and a few drops of water slide from the tips of the hair to the Adam's apple, and it looks like it is about to flow into the invisible place......

"Flowed down......


"Ahem, I mean, the water is running down. Wash your hair without drying it and beware of migraines. 」

It's completely different from the script, I literally made myself a "don't look there" challenge!

"People are small, they are big. 」

Gu Zhi wiped his hair with a towel as he spoke, and threw the towel directly on my head after wiping.

Well, L'Occitane smells, the same as my shampoo.

Woo woo, he really had a crush on me, and he actually went to buy the same style as me, the first time in his life that he was chased like this......

When I took the towel down, Gu Zhi was no longer in the room, and at the same time, my brother's mobile phone vibrated again.

"It's the first time in my life to seduce a girl, and the person concerned is nervous now, so I'm afraid that Jojo will call me a "hooligan"... 」

"But brother, this trick is very useful, just now Qiaoqiao's ears are red, pink and tender, so cute o (〃'▽'〃)o"

Oh, man, seeing that you are so calm, I thought you were not afraid, sheep in wolf's clothing.

I just don't know if Gu Zhi has abs......

But what does this have to do with me! Who would fall in love with my brother's brother! If it wasn't awkward to break up, my friends wouldn't be able to do it. To sum up, I still can't see the color.

Having said that, in this night's dream, I still dreamed that Gu Zhi took off his entire shirt and was touched by me in the corner, with a touch of red at the end of his eyes......

"Abs...... It's so flexible......"

"Jojo, wake up. 」

As soon as I opened my eyes, the person in the dream was leaning over and patting me on the shoulder to get me up, and his eyes were more gentle than ever.

Looking at each other, there is an embarrassment of being caught doing bad things.

"Like abs? 」

As he spoke, Gu Zhi took my hand and put it into his clothes, and the skin touched each other, causing a shudder......


Brother, I'm sorry for you......

"If you don't get up again, you can deduct half a day's salary, Jojo. 」

In the midst of you and me, a cold voice sounded.

When I opened my eyes again, I was shocked, this is the correct way to open Gu Zhi - the evil capitalist.

It turned out to be a dream within a dream......

But I'm glad that Jojo, at least for this moment, you're still innocent, not a scoundrel who insults men.



I know my nature.

If this colored dream is done a few more times.

There is no need for Gu Zhichai.

I'll be able to tackle myself myself.

You have to start first!

"Jojo's induction ceremony, what should I give?"

Just thinking about how to start, Gu Zhi's message was sent to my brother's mobile phone.

"Anything with a meaning is fine. 」

After the perfunctory past, I took a heavy heart and went to the company with Gu Zhi's hitchhiker.

I was distracted by the day.

I even knocked on the screen "SOS" when I entered the code.

It's really a man who misleads people......

If it goes on like this, the heart rate will be irregular sooner or later.

"I'm in the office after work. 」

It's broken, after seeing the WeChat that Gu Zhi sent me.

I don't know if it's nervous or tangled.

The health bracelet all showed me a heart rate of 120.

So I couldn't help but go and post a question somewhere-

"Is it a work injury if you are damaged by your boss during work?"

Looking at the comments that said, "I think your incident is very bad, I suggest a private message to me to talk about the whole process and help you defend your rights", and the "delicate buttocks" that were lightly disregarded all over the screen, I was a little speechless.


After hours.

Afraid of gossip, I tried to pretend that I was busy with work, trying to get through everyone and go to the office.

Before the plan succeeded, Gu Zhi sent a message to my brother.

"I made an appointment to meet Jojo in the office after work, but she seems to be very busy today, and she hasn't turned off her computer yet. Your off-duty and mine-off work seem to be different?"


If it weren't for this sudden one.

By now, I should have ordered takeout at home and roamed the canyon on the couch.

"Don't be too clingy men, are you okay to do?"

"Nope. If the boss does all the work, won't the employees be unemployed?"


I didn't expect him to be such a Gu Zhi, with the preparation of the boss, but he didn't have the burning dedication of others.

I read what is written in the novel.

The male protagonists are not all endless contracts, endless meetings, and endless classes.

Do you still have stomach bleeding when you drink while participating in a party?

Finally survived to the end.

After cheering myself up, I went to Gu Zhi's office slowly.

"Induction ceremony. You ......."

"Okay boss, thank you, boss, I'll leave first!"

Before he could finish, I picked up the gift and ran out.

When will you not walk at this time?

Lonely men and widows, are you still waiting to see your abs?


When I got home, half leaning back on the bed, I started a game.

When waiting for the resurrection, his eyes were uncontrollably glued to the gift given by Gu Zhi.

Don't know what it will be?

With a little curiosity, I put down my phone and slowly got up.

The demon sent the god to the desk where the gift was placed.

After opening the bag, see what is inside.

I gasped—

A pair of Tang Sancai elephants!

Good soil.

There was a stupidity in the elephant's eyes.

But on second thought, at that time, I told Gu Zhi that I wanted to give some gifts with meaning......

Targeted ......

Is this explicit......

I almost sent him in his own box!

This night, I was not only disturbed by the "subject".

I also lost a game and was reported to have deducted credit points.

Could it be that Gu Zhizhen and I are really in conflict?

But soon, I thought about how to deal with him.

It is impossible to be together.

Rabbits don't eat the grass around their nests.

I'm not a rabbit and I'm not a vegetarian.

This peach blossom must be grateful!


"Brother, stop struggling. My sister has a partner. 」

"What are you talking about?!"

As soon as the news was sent, Gu Zhi came back.

"It's true, I've seen it, and they have a good relationship. Can you introduce you to someone else?"

I don't believe it, he still dares to know three things.

As long as I pretend that I have a partner, I will go crazy to introduce him to the young lady.

Over time, when he has a new love, he won't think about my little cabbage anymore.

"Yes, I like round faces and big eyes, and there are two pear vortices when I smile, surnamed Qiao, let's introduce it." 」


"I don't believe that Qiaoqiao grew up with me, and she is used to seeing my face and can still look at others...... Unless she brings people to me!"


What does it mean to dig a pit and jump for yourself?

That's it.


In order to fulfill this lie, I regrouped the people on WeChat.

Put together all the good young men who are single, of the right age, and good-looking.

Even the more neutral-looking girls didn't let go.

Then carefully select the "object" among them.

Escape the emperor's choice of concubine......

In the end, I picked a high school tablemate I was still in contact with and coerced him into role-playing my boyfriend.

Then take him to dinner with Gu Zhi.


5 star restaurant.

Li Mingxuan and I sat facing each other.

"Old classmate, buddy didn't embarrass you by dressing up today, right?"

As he spoke, he winked at me.

Well, the handsome young man who could be seen back then actually became a.

It's too embarrassing for me, I knew it might as well go to a post on a certain place and rent a boyfriend to come over......

"It's okay, it's okay, wait for the person I asked to come and be considerate to me, it's up to you." 」

As soon as I finished instructing, I saw Gu Zhi coming towards me.

"Gu Zhi!

"Gu Gu Gu Zhi??"

As soon as I finished saying hello to Gu Zhi, I saw that Li Mingxuan's face turned white.

When Gu Zhi walked to our table and sat down next to me.

Li Mingxuan stood up suddenly, and bowed to Gu Zhi respectfully and reverently.

"Brother Gu is good!"


There were three people present.

A sincere fear.

A calm as usual.

It's just me, confused, and I can't understand the relationship between the two of them.

After ordering, Gu Zhi began to play with his mobile phone.

While he was playing, my pocket, my brother's phone vibrating.

When I saw Gu Zhi's brows furrowing tighter and tighter, and his expression becoming more and more impatient, I couldn't help but speak:

"I'll go to the bathroom. 」

After making a look at Li Mingxuan and signaling him not to talk nonsense.

I grabbed my pockets and ran.

In the toilet cubicle, I opened my brother's WeChat.

The chat box belonging to Gu Zhi is marked with a "4", showing that there are four new messages.

"Qiao Heng, your sister's boyfriend is the coward Li Mingxuan in high school?"

"Unthankful, Lao Tzu saved him back then, and turned his head to pry me into the corner. 」

"This kid was ugly when he was a child, and now he is even uglier, with a bald head and a small belly with mung bean eyes and a small belly, and he can almost be buried on the spot. 」

"You said it should be easy for me to pry your sister back again, right?

It's amazing......

Gu Zhi is going to be a third for love......

"Qiao Heng, ignore me again, and come to talk to you in person at night. 」

Seeing that he was going to go to my brother, I was scared.

Can I make him huo my brother?

If you want Huohuo, find me this delicate flower!

Let go of my brother's bamboo horse!

"Be sensible, my sister doesn't like people who don't have morals. 」

"My wife is going to run away with someone else!

Imagine the picture of Gu Zhi's expressionless face typing out this line of words with a roaring flavor......

I couldn't help but have fun.

"Qiaoqiao has been to the toilet for a long time, is it not very comfortable?

Seeing Gu Zhi's suspicions, I hurried back to the dinner table.

At this time, the dishes have come up one after another.

I saw Li Mingxuan put a little bit of the last dish into Gu Zhi's bowl, and a little bit of the last dish.

When I watched it, I wondered if he was my "boyfriend" or Gu Zhi.

"Cough cough ......"

Receiving my warning, Li Mingxuan glanced at me and stopped suddenly.

Sitting upright in his seat, like a schoolboy.

"Gu Zhi, my brother said that you have a better vision, let me bring my boyfriend to meet you and help me check the gates. 」

I saw his fingertips move a few centimeters in the direction of the phone.

For fear that he would be bored and send WeChat messages to my brother again, I hurriedly pulled Gu Zhi to chat.

"Hmm. 」

After Gu Zhi finished speaking, he adjusted his sitting posture:

"Let me introduce myself. 」

"Hello, my name is Li Mingxuan! 24 years old this year, local, unmarried, lively and cheerful, now engaged in the accounting industry, with a monthly salary of 8,000 with five insurances and one housing fund, 9 to 5 regular work and rest......

Seeing that Li Mingxuan was going to confess all his eight ancestors, I hurriedly kicked him secretly under the table.


"It's okay, I'm fine, bumped it, don't worry about me......"

"Brother Gu, I will be good to Qiaoqiao, I swear! I will go to the ligation in a few days, and I will never let Qiaoqiao worry that I will cheat!"

Hearing that he finally got to the point, I nodded in satisfaction.

"Gu Zhi, is my boyfriend okay with me?"

Gu Zhi stared at me for seven or eight seconds, and he looked at me hairily.

The smile on his lips froze.

Analyzing his eyes, I couldn't guess what he was thinking.

Forget it, let's ask him as my brother......

"Eat first. 」

Galeries Lafayette finally opened Chrysostom.

As soon as the words fell, Li Mingxuan and I breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Sure enough, I can't fall in love with Gu Zhi.

If we're together, stare at me every day before eating.

Premature indigestion.


This difficult dinner ended in the panic between Li Mingxuan and me.

In the end, Gu Zhi didn't say anything about my relationship.

I don't know the bottom of my heart.

Did he believe it or not?


"Qiao Heng!Qiao Heng! I'm so drunk!!"

"Li Mingxuan is simply born with oil, he actually said that he wanted to get a ligation for Qiao Qiao?!"

"What's this, for Jojo's sake, don't talk about ligation, I dare to rest in peace!

"Look at his eating again...... Of the eight dishes, six went into his stomach, and we Qiaoqiao didn't eat enough, and he didn't know how to take care of people at all. 」

"Your mother won't agree to this, will she?"

"My aunt has loved me since I was a child, and she also said that I would let Qiaoqiao be my husband when I grew up. I have been working hard in the past few years, and I have already saved up the dowry, and I am ready to come to your house as a son-in-law at any time. Auntie, don't go back......

As soon as I got home, I saw Gu Zhi complaining all over the screen.

My God, is it a tradition in our family to sell me?

When I was a kid, my mom sold it.

Growing up, my brother sold.

No family affection at all?

「...... You're like a picky and vicious mother-in-law. 」

For Gu Zhi, instead of my brother, I gave the most accurate description.

Sleepless nights.

The next day I woke up and went to work, and my left foot had just stepped through the door.

The right ear was told to go to the beach for team building together today and will not go to work.

Since I came late, everyone was already seated on the bus.

Didn't leave me with any escape from it.

In the whole car, only Gu Zhi was left with a seat next to him.

Holding on to a smiling face, I slowly moved over.

"Good morning, boss. 」

"Hmm. 」


President Gu Da's speech quota was seriously overdrawn last night.

Today I can only jump out with a single word.

Along the way, the bus drove ricketerily.

Plus I didn't sleep all night.

My head unconsciously clicked left and right.

Eventually, he lost consciousness completely......


When I woke up again, the bus had stopped and my colleagues had already gotten off.

It's when the sun is at its strongest.

But I wasn't awakened by the harsh sun.

Look up.

I froze.

It turns out that I slept on Gu Zhi's shoulder?

Gu Zhi also blocked the sun for me with his hand?

What kind of idol drama plot is this?

How could it happen to the CP I'm going to dismantle?!

His gaze climbed all the way up from Gu Zhi's Adam's apple, passing by the sharp chin, the thin lips that looked very kissable, and the high bridge of the nose.

When I looked into his eyes, my heart beat a beat.

When did he start looking so good......

Obediently, who can hold this......

"Qiaoqiao, sleeping with pay, still leaning on the boss's shoulder, are you here to straighten out the workplace?"


Who will tell me, does this person really like me!

I got out of the car in a huff.

I missed Gu Zhi's annoyed look.

"Qiao Heng, I'm done, I'm going to die alone. 」

"I wanted to give me and Jojo more opportunities to be alone through team building, and try to pry Jojo back, but I messed it all up. 」

"Good handsome guy, why do you have a mouth?"

"Do you know any famous doctors, can you cure the wrong mouth......

"Woo woo woo so cute Jojo who just woke up, blushing and fluffy hair, how can I talk nonsense when I'm nervous......

"What kind of workplace rectification, in fact, I want to tell her! Don't sleep! Sleep with me!"

After getting out of the car, I saw the message Gu Zhi sent to my brother.

I couldn't help but raise the corners of my mouth.

It turns out that he was so entangled just now......


Since I couldn't swim, I lay on a beach lounger, dozed off with my newly bought straw hat buttoned up to my face.

When I am almost drowsy.

Whispers of conversation were heard.

"Why has Mr. Gu been rubbing his shoulders today?"

"I was leaned all the way by Qiaoqiao, and I was numb. 」

Who's cue me.

I lifted my spirits and listened carefully.

"Makes sense. But they are a good match, and they are ...... well."

"yes.,I heard it seems to be a childhood sweetheart, right?"

"I've heard about it too, and Jojo is not at all like the ugly programmer I remembered, so smart, so cute!"

"Do you want to rob someone from Mr. Gu......

"Don't dare...... Bet a dime, Mr. Gu and Qiao Qiao will be together. 」

"What are you talking about?"

They're talking, I'm listening.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

"Mr. Gu...... Didn't talk about anything...... Haha......"

The gossip behind his back was heard by both parties.

They are the worst workers of the year.

"I'll bet a hundred. 」


What nonsense is he talking about!

What should I do if I am misunderstood?

I'm scared that I'll play dead on the spot.

Luckily, no one noticed me......

But how do I feel the footsteps getting closer?

I felt the darkness in front of my eyes, and I held my breath.

It's Gu Zhi, right?

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep before he picked up the hat that was buttoned up on my face.

"Are you asleep?"

I heard him whisper a word, and then put his hand on my forehead.

After tidying up my messy hair.

I felt his aura enveloping me.

"Jojo, I bet a hundred, don't let me lose. 」

With that, he left.

And me?

Hair is not messy.

It's distraught......


Although I know that Gu Zhi likes me.

But this is the first time I have heard him say it himself.

It turned out to be such a cold throat.

Can also say such a Gu thing......

I avoided Gu Zhi all day.

After entering the hotel room, I took off my guard.

What should I do?


Let "my brother" talk to Gu Zhi.

Just do it, I took out my phone and started sending messages to Gu Zhi.

"What do you like about my sister?"

"Lovely, kind, lively, cheerful, playful, innocent, brave, strong, hardworking, able to eat and sleep...... Jojo is the best Jojo!"

It turned out to be in Gu Zhi's eyes.

Am I such a nice person?

Except for the article "I can eat and sleep", everything else is embarrassing......

"And when did you start liking her?"

"I'm not blaming you. Since I was a child, I was told that my sister is very weak and that we must protect her.

As a result, I have been finding various reasons to accompany her to and from school every day since she was in elementary school.

When she was in junior high school, she began to burn love letters handed to her by other male classmates.

By the time she was in high school, I didn't know how much she had discounted, and she didn't want to confess her legs.

I'm even more worried about college, in order to prevent her from falling in love, I also added the WeChat of all her roommates, and I was almost robbed by one of them to be my boyfriend, my fragile little heart......

But when she said that she wanted to come to my company for Xi, and I interviewed her, I suddenly found out when I looked at her eloquent conversation.

You know what?

The little girl I have been protecting has grown up.

She's not weak at all, and in her field, she's super strong!"

No wonder no one has chased me since I was a child......

I thought I was not good-looking or had a bad personality.

It turns out that the roots are here.

Shaking my head with emotion, I bit my nails and asked the most critical question.

"If you find out that it's not suitable after being together and break up again, won't it be awkward to get along in the future?"

"Qiao Heng, are you a fool?

If you were to die one day, would you not be alive now?

Why live in assumptions?

Instead of looking ahead, it is better to cherish it.

If you're afraid of embarrassment, it's good to be together forever. 」

Rather than looking ahead and looking backwards.

It's better to cherish it......

was defeated by Gu Zhi's straight bulb brain circuit.

I suddenly felt like I had nothing to worry about.

What if we don't break up?

Isn't it a pity that we didn't try to be together?

Rubbing my head, I scolded myself for being stupid.

"Last question, why are you so active on WeChat, but real people are so paralyzed. 」

「...... Qiao Heng, have you been stolen?"

Seeing this, my nervous hand shook, and I almost didn't hold the phone.

I fell off the horse?

"You don't know why Lao Tzu became like this? I found that you are very boring, and you poke knives in people's hearts......

A huge question mark came to my mind.

My brother is four years older than me.

It can be said that the three of us grew up together.

Is there something I don't know that everyone knows?

When did they secretly communicate with each other?!


After the team building the next day.

I went to my brother as soon as possible.

Seeing that he was not at home, I thought about the daily life of academic weirdness.

I went straight to the school lab.


When I opened the door, my brother was packing up the utensils.

"There's something I want to ask you. 」

Following my brother back to his office, before I even had time to drink water, I hurriedly asked:

"Did you find Gu Zhi strange?"

I saw my brother look at me with very strange eyes for a while.

"You've finally found out that he's weirdly handsome?"


Is my brother sick?

He likes him, he says it straight!

I'll give it to him!

"I mean, he has a chattering heart beneath his paralyzed exterior. 」

"Oh. That's it......

In a pinch, my brother actually started making tea.

After he opened the tea can, he connected the hot water and put the tea leaves.

A series of movements seem to me to be a sloth with a speed of 0.0005.

Under the eyes of the knife man, he finally continued to speak.

"His dad has paranoia and bipolar disorder, and his temperament has always been cloudy, sometimes his mother will drop the bowl when he cooks a little salty, and scold his mother in front of him that there is someone outside, and he is so perfunctory at home. So Gu Zhi's personality has always been more awkward. 」

"When I was in junior high school, my mother finally mustered up the courage to divorce his dad, and was beaten to death by his dad......

"At that time, Gu Zhi was not at home when he went to compete in other provinces, and his grandparents wanted to call the police after knowing that their daughter was gone, but his father threatened him and said, 'As long as I go in, your grandson will never want to take the public examination, and if you don't have a daughter and abolish your grandson, your family will be out of business', and the matter was finally over. 」

"At that time, everyone told Gu Zhi that his mother died in an accident. But he always knew...... The real cause of death. His dad was drunk and said he had leaked his mouth......

"This matter is hidden in his heart, and he has no one to rely on. The people on his mother's side were too weak to be relied on. He could only endure it and grow up little by little under the guardianship of his mother's killer. 」

"Maybe he endured it for too long, and slowly he didn't know how to laugh, and then he didn't know how to express his emotions, and it became like this. One...... Facial paralysis with an active heart?"

Every word my brother said seemed to be stepping on the softest place in my heart.

The pain of the heart.

From my point of view, because Gu Zhi is too good.

When I was a child, learning Xi was always the first.

When I grew up, my career was smooth sailing.

Although he has no mother, he is still more eye-catching than everyone else his age.

So I didn't think about it at all.

I was a star when I was young.

Under the light, how many old wounds.

"How so...... Then his dad was gone a few years ago, is it ......?"

"Where do you want to go, it's not him. He died of illness. On the day of his father's burial, he said to me, "Qiao Heng, you see, the person I hated for so many years is lying here now, but I can't do anything more for my mother except to take his ashes, it's useless. 』」

"Speaking of which, when he was in junior high school, he endured a lot of anger at home, so he relied on fighting at school to vent. Your high school tablemate, who was blackmailed by the senior at the time, saw it and rushed over and beat the other party until his leg bone was broken, and your legs were scared and weak during the whole process of watching at the same table. Later, it was you who disliked the smell of medicine on his body, and it stinked, so he stopped fighting. 」

"So Jojo, you saved him once. 」

When I left school, I was a little embarrassed.

I saved him once.

Does he want to give me back my life?

I can't tell if he's smart or stupid......


"My sister likes cherry blossoms, you can confess to her under the cherry blossom tree, and she will agree. 」

After using my brother's WeChat to send a message to Gu Zhi for the last time.

I emptied my recent chats and put my phone on his bedside table.


I thought Gu Zhi would come to me on an appointment soon.

But I waited for a week, and he didn't move.

On the contrary, every time I approached him, he made an excuse and walked away.

There was even a time when I entered the elevator with the same hands and feet.

Is this man suddenly empathetic and don't fall in love?

I knew I wouldn't have returned my phone so early......

Just after two more days of waiting in confusion.

Gu Zhi's message finally came.

"The junior high school is going to be demolished, can we go back together on the weekend and take another look?"

When I said yes, I was taken aback.

Is the junior high school going to be demolished?

The school was a bit broken, and the level of education was average.

So much so that in the third year of junior high school, my grades were a little hanging.

At that time, my mother ordered Qiao Heng to give me Xi, but he really couldn't see ordinary people with a high IQ.

I sighed as soon as I did the question.

They even tried to hit me......

So he quickly entrusted me to Gu Zhi.

Gu knew that this person was cold, but his patience was quite good.

For every auxiliary line that I couldn't draw, he would guide me little by little to think about where I should draw.

Thanks to him, I passed the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination safely.

Although you can't get into a prestigious school like Qingbei, it's still okay to study for a double first-class.

When I signed up for the volunteer, my family didn't agree with me learning computer science.

Think it's not much better for a girl to study a teacher's school, accountant or something, than a computer?

It's hard to even get a job after learning computer science, and my family has to support me for the rest of my life?

It was also Gu Zhi who found me when I was hiding and crying.

Feed me a toffee and tell me:

"What are you crying about, if you can't find a job, I'll cover you and give me a job in the future. 」

So he was a finance student, and after graduating from college, he came out and started a technology company.

It's really "covered" for me.



I wore my junior high school uniform.

When he arrived at the school, Gu Zhi was already at the door.


He also wore a school uniform.

He wasn't smiling, but through his eyes, I knew he was happy.

So I put on a smile and, after waving my hand in place, ran over to him.

"You've been waiting for a long time, haven't you?"

"Just arrived, let's go. 」

We went to the classroom first.

"Gu Zhi, I was sitting here at the time. 」

"Well, your brother was lazy at the time, so he always asked me to pick you up from school. 」

I tilted my head and smiled at him.

Is my brother lazy?

Didn't you do it on purpose?

Maybe he was embarrassed by me, and he looked away with a weak heart.

There was a faint flush on the tips of the ears.

It's so cute......

After walking around the school, he took me to the trail outside the playground.

A few steps away, I saw a cherry blossom tree in full bloom.

I'm starting to get nervous.

The heartbeat begins uncontrollably.

But the footsteps are still very firm, and I am moving forward step by step.

Go under the cherry blossom trees.

Gu Zhi stopped.

"Jojo. 」



The wind blew three gusts.

Gu Zhi still didn't speak again.

He froze there, his eyes full of confusion.

Sighing lightly, I asked him first:

"Don't you have anything to say?"

"Yes. 」

"Then you say. 」

「...... Say...... I don't come out......

He was even more annoyed.

I can almost guess.

At this time, Gu Zhi's heart must be-

God, which otolaryngology is better! Cure my mouth that is too well sealed! Who can hear my inner OS!

I heard that.

So I said:

"Gu Zhi, let's be together. 」

The past and the future do not belong to the present.

At this moment, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

We like each other.

Then try to be together and go to live a better life.

But Gu Zhi was not happy about this, he was still frowning.

"Then what about Li Mingxuan?"

"Fake, he's not my boyfriend. 」

After listening to my explanation, I saw that Gu Zhi's eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

He finally curled the corners of his mouth.

He said—



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