
How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

author:Rate 真沙滩HdL

Silly roe deer: How "stupid" are the "mythical beasts" in the Northeast?

Have you ever heard of the "mythical beast" of the Northeast, the silly roe deer? You may wonder why it got the title of "stupid"? And, since it is "stupid", why is this animal not extinct? Let's unravel this interesting puzzle.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

First of all, the silly roe deer is not a real mythical beast, but a humorous name for the black muntjac, an endemic animal in the Northeast. The black muntjac is a rare wild animal that resembles a large deer in appearance, with a beautiful coat and charming eyes. It is widely distributed in the Tohoku region and is regarded as a cute and special presence by the locals.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

So, why is the black muntjac nicknamed the "silly roe deer"? This is because the black muntjac sometimes exhibits some characteristics that are different from the behavior of regular animals. They live in the woods and usually take refuge in environments close to humans. But sometimes they will suddenly appear near villages or on roads, showing some "silly" behavior.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

For example, someone once witnessed a black muntjac running into a field and seeing a large tree. It stopped and hit the tree with its head, as if it was going to knock it down. Of course, it was certainly impossible for this black muntjac to knock a large tree down, but it didn't seem to realize it. This kind of behavior makes people want to laugh, and it also makes people feel that it is a little "silly".

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

This behavior of black muntjac is not really stupid, but because of their ecological Xi and environment. In nature, the main natural enemies of the black muntjac are predators such as leopards and wolves. To protect themselves, they usually hide in dense forests and do not come into contact with humans. However, due to human disturbances, they are sometimes forced to flee their habitats and enter areas of human activity such as villages or roads.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

In this sudden situation, the black muntjac may become confused and nervous, causing it to exhibit some unusual behavior. They don't have the ability to analyze and judge like humans, they just react instinctively. Therefore, we cannot judge their behavior from a human perspective, let alone easily say that they are "stupid".

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

So, why is the black muntjac not extinct yet? This is because the black muntjac is a rare and protected animal, and it is strictly protected and managed. The natural environment in the Northeast is relatively intact, and there are special institutions responsible for the protection of black muntjac. Through reasonable ecological protection measures and wildlife protection regulations, the black muntjac population has been maintained and gradually increased.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer of the "divine beast" in the Northeast? It is so stupid that it has not yet become extinct

So, while black muntjac sometimes exhibits some peculiar behaviors and is jokingly called "silly roe deer", they are not really stupid. They are only disturbed by human activities, and they embody their own troubles and instinctive reactions. It is precisely because of the conservation work of the local government and people from all walks of life that the black muntjac has survived and become a unique landscape in the northeast region.