
Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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Exercising is often overlooked by many people, and Li Ding is one of them.

As an office worker, he sits in front of a computer for a long time and has little time for physical exercise. It wasn't until one day that he felt pain in his back and lower back that he realized he needed to start focusing on his physical health.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

At the suggestion of a friend, Li Ding began to try the exercise of plank. Initially, he could only hold on for a few tens of seconds, but as time accumulated, he was gradually able to hold on longer. To his surprise, his back and lower back pain improved significantly with the persistence of the plank.

This story leads us to our first point: the plank, as a full-body static exercise, has significant effects on strengthening core muscles, improving posture, and reducing back pain.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

In addition to these obvious benefits, there are some lesser-known benefits of planks. This leads to a second unique point: long-term plank is also very helpful for improving balance and coordination.

In Lee's case, as his plank skills improved, he found that his body's balance and coordination improved significantly when doing other sports, such as running or playing badminton.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

However, planks are not for everyone. Li Ding consulted a professional sports coach when he started his workout to ensure that the movements were correct and suitable for his level of exercise.

Especially for people with specific health problems, such as spinal problems or arthritis, it should be done under the guidance of a doctor or professional trainer.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

Through Lie's story, we not only see the benefits of the plank for improving core strength, improving posture and reducing back pain, but also the importance of it in improving balance and coordination.

At the same time, we also recognise the importance of seeking professional advice before starting any exercise program. Sticking to the right plank exercises can not only improve your physical health, but also improve your quality of life.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

For urban workers like Li Ding, this is a simple and effective way to improve their physical fitness and lifestyle.

Rich's experience not only demonstrates the benefits of planks for improving core strength, balance and coordination, but also reveals an important health insight: moderate and consistent exercise can effectively promote mental health and emotional regulation.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

In the process of sticking to the plank, Li Ding found that his mood became happier and his sense of stress was reduced. This is no coincidence.

Exercise, especially regular physical activity, is a natural "pleasurable chemical" that helps relieve stress and boost your mood. In addition, consistent physical activity can improve sleep quality and further enhance mental health.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

Li Ding often faces pressure in his daily work, which greatly affects his mood and psychological state. When he started doing plank exercises regularly, he was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did he become physically stronger, but his mental state also improved significantly.

He has become more confident and more comfortable with the challenges of work and life. This new perspective highlights the importance of exercise for mental health, especially in the fast-paced, high-stress living environment of today.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

Plank is not only a physical exercise, but also an effective psychological adjustment method. It teaches us that even simple physical activity can have a profound impact on our overall health.

For modern urbanites like Li Ding, regular exercise like this is a simple and effective way to maintain physical and mental health.

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time

What do you think about the benefits of planks to the body?

Doctor: These movements are good for the body for a long time