
"Double independence" threatens peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Huaxia Graticule

"Double independence" threatens peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait

Wu Huiqiu, chairman of the Washington Council for the Promotion of China's Peaceful Reunification, and secretary general of the All-American Federation of China's Peaceful Reunification Associations

The "general election" in the Taiwan region is in full swing and has entered the final critical stage. The candidates of the Kuomintang, the Democratic Progressive Party, and the People's Party each put forward their own candidates for the leadership and deputy leaders, and at the political viewpoint meeting, they made clear their own campaign line, especially their stance on the cross-strait issue, which is also an issue that the Chinese and overseas Chinese in the United States are most concerned about. Reading the speeches of the three, Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi made it clear that he wanted to oppose "Taiwan independence" and recognize the position of the "92 Consensus"; Ke Wenzhe, who has always claimed to be a "white power," loudly stated that his heart is "still dark green in nature" before his political views were published, and he would maintain the "Xiaoying line," but he tried to avoid sensitive cross-strait issues in his political speeches. However, Lai Qingde's political views on the cross-strait issue have been completely hideous, and his speech has become an out-and-out "Taiwan independence" declaration. Xiao Meiqin, who is Lai Qingde's partner, took the opportunity to play the "peace card", arguing that she and Lai Qingde both advocate defending the status quo of peace in the Taiwan Strait, and Lai Xiaopei will not let war break out in the Taiwan Strait.

Less than three weeks after the countdown to the election of the leader of the Taiwan region, although the shadow of war is shrouded and the topic of "Lai Piliao" continues, "Lai Hsiao-pei" still maintains a very high level of support, indicating that he has a very solid support base. The proponents of the "double independence" do not seem to be worried, or do not believe at all, the risk of non-peaceful cross-strait conflict that the "double independence" will or may bring if the "double independence pair" wins the election.

If the "double independence" wins, will it really lead to a fierce war in the Taiwan Strait? The fact that the Taiwan people have raised this question in itself affirms the serious threat that the "Taiwan independence" forces pose to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the worries of all sides. The blue camp on the island has long set this "general election" as a choice between war and peace, and Chinese mainland officials have all along warned that "Taiwan independence" means war, and "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Strait. There is no doubt that if the diehard "Taiwan independence" elements are allowed to come to power again, they will inevitably be greeted by the coldness of cross-strait relations and the sudden rise in the risk of conflict.

As a candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and known as the "golden grandson of Taiwan independence," Lai Ching-te has always described himself as a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker," and his extremely "independent" nature will not change. At the political opinion briefing, Lai Qingde not only did not restrain himself, but on the contrary, he even more wantonly slandered and attacked the mainland, clamored that "the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other," advocated "Taiwan independence" and separatism, preached "seeking independence by force," attacked and smeared the principled basis of the "92 consensus," and attacked the mainland's policy toward Taiwan of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems." Distort and smear the cross-strait agreement on trade in services, and incite cross-strait confrontation and confrontation. This fully shows that once Lai Qingde is elected, he will allow him to take a more hard-core "Taiwan independence" stance than the previous responsible persons of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and will inevitably have a serious impact on the already grim cross-strait relations with his explosive personality of going his own way. It is inevitable that for the sake of the selfish interests of one party and one party, he will not hesitate to tie the Taiwan people to the chariot of "Taiwan independence" and use them as cannon fodder. Once again, Lai Qingde's true face of cheating votes under the guise of "peacefully protecting Taiwan" was exposed.

As a recallee from the United States Scriptures, Hsiao Mei-qin's "independence" nature is deep-rooted, and she is a stubborn "Taiwan independence" element on the mainland's sanctions list. As Chen Shui-bian's core aide and confidante of the fans, and Tsai Ing-wen's "best friend," she describes herself as a "Taiwan war cat" and tries her best to act as the eagle dog minions of the "Taiwan independence" forces and the vanguard of "leaning on the United States to seek independence." Her visit to Taiwan in 2022 with Speaker Pelosi has caused high tensions in the Taiwan Strait; She planned the visits of former U.S. Secretary of State Krach and former Secretary of Public Services Azar to Taiwan; She jumped up and down, repeatedly pushing the US side to sell arms to Taiwan; She facilitated the entry of "vegetable pigs" into Taiwan and harmed the Taiwanese people; She tried to push Taiwan to "join the United Nations"; She went to the lawn outside the Capitol to rub Biden's inauguration. It can be described as a bad record, shameless and stubborn.

It can be concluded that if the "double independence" wins, they will run faster and farther on the road of "Taiwan independence." In the election campaign, Xiao Meiqin repeatedly played the "peace card", arguing that she and Lai Qingde both advocated defending the status quo of peace in the Taiwan Strait, and Lai Xiaobei would not let war break out in the Taiwan Strait. Clear-sighted people know that this is an outright lie to cheat votes, and the people of Taiwan will not believe it, not even the Green Camp itself. The DPP authorities have spared no effort to extend the military service system, expand arms procurement, and encourage young people to go to the battlefield. At present, many international media generally believe that Taiwan is now "the most dangerous place on earth" and "the situation in the Taiwan Strait is at the most dangerous moment." Wang Zaixi, former deputy director of China's Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, recently issued another stern warning: We must understand that if a stubborn radical "Taiwan independence" element like Lai Qingde comes to power, the possibility of a military conflict between the two sides of the strait cannot be ruled out.

The reason why Lai Qingde and his ilk are stubbornly following the road of "Taiwan independence" and are unwilling to believe that there will be a fierce war in the Taiwan Strait is that they are betting on their "independence" based on the United States. They have constantly propagated the lie that "peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait can be maintained if the international convergence line can be continued" and that with the support of the United States, they have the ability to confront the mainland. Chinese mainland's repeated reiteration that "Taiwan independence" means war is not only a warning to the "Taiwan independence" forces and a reminder that the Taiwan compatriots should make the right choice, but also an official warning to US political circles. Well-known think tank scholars in the United States have jointly issued a statement expressing the hope that Lai Ching-te will freeze the "Taiwan independence party platform." This is also based on the outcry of the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island. As a matter of fact, the United States has always subordinated its handling of the Taiwan issue to its own national interests and to the overall strategic pattern of US-China relations. The United States hopes to play the Taiwan card to contain and slow down China's development, and it has never and will not want to have a head-on or even military conflict with China over the Taiwan issue. At the "Xi meeting" in San Francisco, the Chinese side explicitly put forward to the United States for the first time the demand that it must "stop arming Taiwan and support China's peaceful reunification." President Biden has repeatedly reiterated on official occasions that the United States' one-China policy has not changed and that the United States does not support "Taiwan independence." It is certain that the US Government will never allow the conflict caused by the provocation of the "Taiwan independence" forces to drag the United States into the water, and it will not tolerate the behavior of the "troublemakers" of the "Taiwan independence" forces that run into the bottom line of one China, let alone support it. We can firmly believe that China's final reunification will be closer and closer, and the DPP's pursuit of "independence" based on the United States will only be a waste of water.

The mainland has been consistent in its policy toward Taiwan, and is willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and with the greatest efforts, but it will never promise to give up the use of force. The option of not giving up force is reserved precisely because the separatist acts of the "Taiwan independence" forces and the interference of external forces are or will directly violate China's "anti-secession law" and threaten and damage the core interests of the country. If the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island come to power again, they will undoubtedly force the mainland to take resolute measures and intensify its efforts to oppose "Taiwan independence" and foreign interference. Recently, the mainland unilaterally restricted the import of a large number of mainland products in accordance with the refusal of the DPP authorities to recognize the "consensus of '92," which was determined to constitute a trade barrier. The mainland announced the suspension of tariff concessions on 12 products to Taiwan. It shows that the mainland has made up its mind, moved its true character, and raised a warning. Without the "92 Consensus", the future of ECFA is in jeopardy. Once the mainland completely terminates the ECFA, Taiwan will lose a huge trade surplus, and its economy will inevitably suffer a strong shock. Objectively speaking, the mainland has firmly grasped the initiative in settling the Taiwan issue, and no matter if any political party on the island wins the election, the mainland will, as always, work hard to promote the process of China's complete reunification.

Hsiao Meiqin recently declared that it is necessary to continue the "Tsai Ing-wen line" in order to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. This is another nonsense that is trying to deceive the people of Taiwan. Continuing the "Tsai Ing-wen line" means continuing the "Taiwan independence" line, and there can be no peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait." Once they win the election, there will be no more people who listened to Tsai Ing-wen's words and watched her deeds in the early days of her presidency, and even if the Taiwan side wants to maintain the situation of cross-strait relations over the past eight years, it will probably be impossible. The situation in the Taiwan Strait does not allow for optimism, and if the "two independence" candidates are elected, cross-strait relations will be worse and more uncertain, and all sides should be clear about the dangers they will bring.

"Taiwan independence" and peace in the Taiwan Strait are absolutely incompatible, and "Taiwan independence" will inevitably bring about war, which is a matter of life and death and the vital interests of Taiwan compatriots. We, the overseas Chinese, have all along sincerely appealed to the people on the island that "Taiwan independence" is the biggest source of chaos and war in the Taiwan Strait, and that Taiwan voters need to calmly face their choices and make bets whether the general election is coming. It is the best policy to resolutely abandon the "dual independence" and get rid of the threat of the "Taiwan independence" forces to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.