
What is the problem of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold? These three methods do not cost money to make the spleen and stomach "warm".

author:Kopda's old horse

In traditional medical theory, the spleen and stomach are regarded as the core of human health. As the ancients said, "the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow", which means that the health of the spleen and stomach directly affects our vitality. However, in modern society, with the acceleration of the pace of life, irregular Xi eating habits and increasing life pressure, more and more people have begun to feel spleen and stomach discomfort, and 'spleen and stomach deficiency and cold' is one of the common physical problems. Spleen and stomach deficiency and cold is not a stand-alone disease name, it is a comprehensive concept that covers a series of symptoms and signs related to low spleen and stomach function and cold constitution. For example, loss of appetite, cold sensation in the abdomen, indigestion, etc. Although these symptoms may seem ordinary, the reasons behind them may involve many aspects of the body, from diet structure to life pressure, from physical function to psychological state, which may be closely related to spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.

What is the problem of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold? These three methods do not cost money to make the spleen and stomach "warm".

Spleen and stomach deficiency: the "cold current" of the body

The spleen and stomach, an important concept in TCM theory, are the cornerstones of human health. When the spleen and stomach are dysfunctional, manifested as deficiency and coldness, it is like insufficient "heating" in the body, resulting in a decline in overall function. Spleen and stomach deficiency and cold are not simple indigestion, it is a deeper physiological state, which is reflected in repeated abdominal discomfort, low digestion, loss of appetite, etc. This state can be likened to a fertile land experiencing a cold snap, and the original vigorous vitality is suppressed. In this case, the absorption capacity of the spleen and stomach is weakened, and it is unable to effectively convert food into the energy and nutrients needed by the body. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen and stomach are regarded as the "acquired foundation" and the key to maintaining good health and vitality. Therefore, spleen and stomach deficiency not only affects the digestive system, but can also lead to a decrease in the overall function of the body, such as susceptibility to tiredness, warmth in the limbs, and paleness. Long-term neglect can also lead to more health problems.

What is the problem of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold? These three methods do not cost money to make the spleen and stomach "warm".

Look for the source of spleen and stomach deficiency

The causes of spleen and stomach deficiency are varied, including poor dietary Xi, lifestyle and psychological factors. In the daily diet, preference for cold drinks, raw and cold foods or irregular diets may lead to an increase in the burden on the spleen and stomach, which in turn leads to deficiency and cold. In addition, long-term mental stress and mood swings can also affect the function of the spleen and stomach. This situation can be likened to improper lifestyle and psychological factors, like the constant sprinkling of salt on the land of the spleen and stomach, hindering its normal nutrient absorption and energy conversion. Further analysis showed that spleen and stomach deficiency and cold may also be related to individual physique, age and environmental factors. As we age, the body's ability to regulate gradually declines, and the function of the spleen and stomach also weakens. In addition, the cold environment and insufficient physical exercise will also exacerbate the cold state of the spleen and stomach. Understanding these causes is essential to improve spleen and stomach deficiency in a targeted manner.

What is the problem of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold? These three methods do not cost money to make the spleen and stomach "warm".

Daily countermeasures to improve spleen and stomach deficiency and cold

For spleen and stomach deficiency, a few simple adjustments in daily life can bring significant improvements. The first is dietary adjustments. Warm, easily digestible foods such as oats, millet porridge or ginger tea are recommended, which can be likened to "heating" the spleen and stomach to help restore their function. At the same time, avoid too much cold, spicy and greasy food, which is like "reducing the burden" on the spleen and stomach. Secondly, lifestyle adjustments are also very important. Maintaining a regular work and rest schedule, avoiding staying up late, and ensuring adequate rest can go a long way in restoring spleen and stomach function. In addition, moderate exercise, such as walking or yoga, can promote blood circulation in the body and enhance the function of the spleen and stomach. Finally, emotion management is equally important. Maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude and releasing stress in a reasonable way, such as practicing Xi meditation or engaging in relaxing outdoor activities, can help stabilize the endocrine system, thereby indirectly improving the symptoms of spleen and stomach deficiency.

What is the problem of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold? These three methods do not cost money to make the spleen and stomach "warm".

Three tips for not spending money: Warm the spleen and stomach

In addition to the adjustments in daily life, there are some very effective ways to improve the spleen and stomach deficiency without spending money. The first method is self-massage. By gently massaging the abdomen, blood circulation in the spleen and stomach area can be promoted, and the warmth and vitality of the spleen and stomach can be improved. To do this, use the palm of your hand to gently massage your abdomen clockwise for a few minutes each day. The second method is to do gentle exercise. Physical activity, such as walking, tai chi, or light yoga, can speed up blood circulation and enhance the body's overall metabolic function, resulting in a warming effect on the spleen and stomach. These exercises are not only good for the body, but also improve the mental state and provide comprehensive support for the health of the spleen and stomach. The third method is emotional release. Through effective emotion management, such as communicating with family and friends, participating in hobby activities or regular relaxation training, you can reduce psychological stress and avoid the negative impact of mood swings on the spleen and stomach. Achieving emotional balance and release is essential for restoring and maintaining a healthy state of the spleen and stomach.

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