
Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

author:Happy Squirrel KYL

The air fryer has been very popular recently, because it is an electrical appliance that promotes health and convenient operation, it has gradually ranked among the top in the list of household appliances, and what is the real situation of the practicability of the air fryer? As a food blogger, I have personally tested a number of popular air fryer products, and I will answer them for you through today's popular science content.

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

1. Is the air fryer practical?

Is the air fryer practical? This is a problem that many people encounter when considering buying an air fryer, and they are worried that they will find it impractical and waste it after buying it home. In fact, I personally recommend people to use air fryers, because compared with other household cooking appliances, air fryers do have many advantages:

Advantage 1: Lazy one-button operation

The air fryer does not need to be preheated, the cooking time is shorter, and the operation is simple and convenient. Moreover, the air fryer is small in size, making it easy to use in the kitchen. Save time and effort, and don't have to be as cumbersome and cumbersome as the traditional fried food process.

Advantage 2: Healthier cooking

The air fryer cooks quickly, and the food is not over-fried, reducing unhealthy fat intake. At the same time, the air fryer uses high-temperature hot air heating, which reduces the loss of moisture and nutrients inside the ingredients, and is healthier and lower in fat than traditional frying methods, and can make delicious food even without oil.

Advantage 3: Convenient and fast cleaning

The internal structure of the air fryer is relatively simple and easy to clean, thanks to the non-stick coating, just add the cleaning liquid to the water tank, heat the air fryer for a few minutes, then remove the baking tray and rinse it with warm water.

Advantage 4: It has a better taste

The food cooked in the air fryer is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the texture is very smooth and delicious. At the same time, the air fryer can cook a variety of different flavors of food, such as cheese fries, chicken pieces, etc., which has a better texture and taste than traditional frying, and increases the variety of cooking.

Advantage 5: Save time and energy

Compared to traditional frying, air fryers cook faster and don't have to wait for a long time. It is much faster than traditional frying, and it is rich in functions and can be timed, which is a must-have for lazy people!

2. Uncover the five side effects of inferior air fryers

Earlier, we learned that the advantages of air fryers are indeed many, and people can't wait to buy one to use. Don't worry, out of a responsible attitude for the majority of fans, I must inform everyone that there are inferior products in air fryers. Even CCTV has exposed that many air fryers have radiation, easy scalding, and health risks (as shown below) Next, I will reveal to you what are the dangers of inferior air fryers:

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

1. There may be a risk of cancer

No one wants their household appliances to be carcinogenic, but the truth is that inferior air fryers with too high power and lack of diversion design have hidden dangers in this regard, they will have the problem of uneven heat conduction, and will produce acrylamide when used, which will cause serious harm, excessive consumption and even carcinogenic, in addition, it is very easy to burn the ingredients, and the taste is not good.

2. It may cause burns

The air fryer is heated by high temperature of the ingredients, many inferior or unreasonable thermal design products, the shell has a temperature of more than 70 degrees, it is very easy to burn, especially if there are children at home, remember to choose products with guaranteed safety and excellent diversion and heat dissipation design.

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

3. There are potential safety hazards such as fire

The power and heat of the air fryer are large, and many inferior air fryers with inferior wires and unreasonable diversion design are easy to cause fire and other risks during use, so you need to pay special attention!

4. Inferior products have radiation problems

Although the electrical appliances themselves will have a certain amount of radiation, the air fryer is no exception, and the general radiation will not be dangerous for products that have been tested by professional institutions, but the quality of the air fryer with unqualified quality and materials are very inferior, and the radiation amount exceeds the standard!

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

5. The coating material is not good and easy to wear

Many businesses or brands are not professional enough, and the non-stick coating material used is very inferior, which is not only not resistant to high temperature or wear, but also easy to fall off, and may even emit harmful substances and odors.

3. The five bad products of the air fryer are revealed

Is the air fryer practical? The air fryer is very practical, but it does not mean that we can use it with complete confidence. From the negative evaluation list of air fryers in the figure below, it can be found that there are indeed differences in the quality of air fryer products, and you should pay attention to the following bad products of air fryers.

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

1. Products with falsified test reports

The testing link is a necessary item for an electrical appliance to leave the factory, but some black-hearted merchants forged the test report in order to put his substandard products into the market and obtain more economic benefits, so that consumers mistakenly believe that their products have high-quality guarantees, which is really a very dangerous behavior.

2. Products with false standard capacity

In order to strive for more market share, many businesses falsely mark the capacity and other parameters, so that some consumers who have a higher demand for capacity mistakenly think that their products have a larger range of use, so as to purchase and use, and only find that there is no capacity in the process.

3. Blindly promote high-power products

In fact, the power of the air fryer is not as high as possible, and many high-power air fryers have been found to have no taste or reduce cooking time, but more electricity is wasted, making the power supply load higher and dangerous to use.

4. Products that love to fight price wars

Now with the popularity of the air fryer market, many businesses have started a price war, misleading consumers to think that their products are cheap and cost-effective. But the principle of getting what you pay for has always existed, and the air fryer with an advantage in price is obviously difficult to guarantee in terms of performance and safety, so you must be vigilant!

5. Conceal harmful products

Air fryers have been frequently exposed to harm over the years, which is brought by the influx of many inferior products into the market, and consumers will find that the products advertised by merchants are harmless in the process of purchasing, which is a means for merchants to make profits, so that consumers mistakenly think that their products do not have any potential safety hazards, and it is easy to produce safety hazards when actually used, which reminds us that we need to understand the professionalism of its brand in advance before making purchase decisions.

Is the air fryer practical? Bad products are widely around us, and even our family and friends may buy them, because even well-known big brands are not necessarily safe and reliable. Below I will provide you with an index table of the safety and performance of 11 mainstream air fryers.

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

As a hardcore blogger who has used more than 30 types of air fryers, I highly recommend Gongling air fryer, which is popular with fever performance and high durability under "safe and non-toxic", and is rarely certified by the European Union and other countries.

With the blessing of ten exclusive black technologies, harmful substances are reduced by 97.8%, harmful irritants and odors are reduced by 96.5%, and heavy metal pollution is 0, which is rare to obtain certification from the European Union and other countries! Safe and non-toxic, heating efficiency, temperature control accuracy and other related core technologies have achieved first-class standards! In order to achieve "safe and non-toxic" high performance and durability, Gong Ling continues to subtract in product function and intelligence, and has achieved more than 100 performance details in a product for three or four years, upgraded more than 20 times, and optimized more than 100 performance details!

At the same time, Gongling also innovates and develops ten major fever performance and safe and non-toxic black technology, focusing on heating technology, thermal conductivity design, coating innovation, fried blue die-casting process, thermal insulation and heat dissipation technology, etc., to create energy storage stainless steel heating tubes, 3-layer Dos anti-scald and non-toxic design, WOS intelligent temperature control algorithm, Nets silicone non-stick coating and other black technologies, and has more than 6 years of comprehensive performance and safety, non-toxic and anti-attenuation certification, to achieve heating efficiency, heating uniformity is far higher than peers, and at the same time safe and non-toxic and non-irritating enough!

Among other brands, entry-level models such as Supor and Little Bear can be paid attention to, and they are still competitive in the same price segment, and they are famous enough.

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

Fourth, eight guidelines for air fryer selection

From the previous content, we know that the air fryer is indeed very practical, but we need to be wary of its quality problems. In order to help you buy professional and high-quality products faster, you can look for the air fryer purchase guide I summarized below.

1. Prefer professional brands. Professional brands with technical research and development capabilities are more trustworthy, and these brands have professionally tuned the core performance such as temperature control accuracy, heating efficiency, and thermal energy attenuation. In addition, the professional brand has passed a number of food-grade test reports when selecting materials, which makes us more safe and reliable in the process of use.

2. Perfect thermal insulation design. The first is to choose a pull-off power-off, and secondly, pay attention to the air fryer with high thickness material and anti-scald handle design, so that scalding is easy to avoid.

3. Judge the material of the heating element by the peculiar smell. Before the air fryer leaves the factory, it is usually applied with a layer of protective oil on the heating element, if there is no odor after boiling, it is abnormal, we can judge whether the heating element material is of high quality according to the type of odor. Generally speaking, if you smell the peculiar smell of stainless steel baking at high temperature, it means that the heating element material is better, and this peculiar smell is normal, so you don't have to worry. However, if you smell a pungent plastic odor, it means that the heating tube is not well selected, and such an air fryer has a safety risk and needs to be used carefully.

Is the air fryer practical? Reveal the inside story of the five major defects!

4. Complete NTC temperature control technology. NTC temperature control is a must. Many low-cost products lack temperature control function, which will lead to unstable heating, various rollover phenomena, and even potential safety hazards.

5. The child lock function is very important. It is recommended to choose an air fryer with a child lock. In this way, it is not easy for children to open and close at will, which greatly reduces the possibility of adults or children being burned.

6. The choice of power. It is recommended to choose an oven with a power of about 1500W and a scientific ratio of power to capacity. If the capacity is too large but the power is too small, the heating efficiency will be low, the roasting time will be longer, and the roasting will be undercooked and slow, and if the capacity is too small and the power is too large, it will be easy to burn and the temperature control will be weakened.

7. Attention needs to be paid to the coating material. It is advisable to choose a silicone-coated air fryer, which is safer than Teflon coating. The use of inferior materials is easy to release toxic and irritating gases under high temperature baking, which is harmful to health.

8. In the choice of capacity. It is recommended that we generally choose products with a scientific ratio of about 5L and power and capacity, which are suitable for personal or family use;

Yes, the air fryer is indeed a very successful invention that makes it easy for us to make food. However, we also understand that the air fryer market is indeed a lot of mixed situations, and the article explains in detail, as long as we have a certain purchase guide to avoid inferior products, we can enjoy the benefits of air fryers.