
Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

author:Xi'an popular science
Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~
Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~



Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

It's a holiday~ There are thousands of ways to open New Year's Day, and many people choose to check in, a thousand-year-old ancient capital with both a thick and simple sense of history and a young and fashionable atmosphere - Xi'an, if you want to say which attractions in Xi'an are the most "hot", as an authentic "Xi'an Silver", the editor still has a lot of right to speak

Na~ The popular attractions in Xi'an have been sorted out for everyone and are freshly baked~

Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum

China's 5A-level tourist attractions

namely the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum;

It is the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, the first batch of China's world heritage sites, and the eighth wonder of the world.

Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

Datang never sleeps

Large-scale imitation Tang Dynasty building complex

With the Tang Dynasty culture as the background and the Tang style elements as the main line;

The first choice for Xi'an Tang culture display and experience.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda

World Heritage List

It has a long history and cultural heritage, such as classic documents such as "The Legend of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty";

Here, you can enjoy the beautiful architecture and feel the charm of Buddhist culture.

Muslim Street

Xi'an Food and Culture District

As one of the representatives of Xi'an style, it is the collective name of many streets in the Muslim neighborhood;

Xi'an's famous food and culture district is a snack block in Xi'an.

As a thousand-year-old capital, Xi'an is full of places of interest and historic sites. In addition to the above, Huaqing Pond, Chang'an Twelve Hours Theme Block, Lishan, Tang Furong Garden, Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Xi'an Ancient City Wall, Daming Palace Ruins Park and other places are also must-see places for travel to Xi'an~

Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

Of course~

Before starting the "steaming" rush, it is necessary to focus on the anti-stampede guide~ Beware of stampede accidents in popular attractions of "people from the crowd".

One escape, two dodge, three stability, do not go retrograde, prevent falling, and prevent suffocation, you must remember!

Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~
Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

Anti-stampede guide


What should I pay attention to when moving in crowded places?


When there are many people, there is no crowding, no coaxing, no tension or panic.


How to move correctly in the flow of people?


Try to avoid crowds, and when you have to, try to walk on the edge of the flow of people, follow the flow of people, and do not go against the flow of people.


What should I do when I notice a crowd coming in the direction I am walking?


When you notice a crowd of people rushing in the direction you are walking, you should immediately avoid the side, do not panic, do not run, and avoid falling.


How do you navigate when caught in a crowd?


When caught in a crowd, be sure to stand firm, do not tilt your body and lose your center of gravity, and do not bend down to lift your shoes or tie your shoes even if they are stepped on. If possible, grab something secure as soon as possible and move slowly or stop, and leave the scene quickly when the crowd has passed.


What do you do when you're overwhelmed by a crowd?


If you are crushed by a crowd, try to get close to the corner, curl up in a ball, and clasp your hands behind your neck to protect the most vulnerable parts of your body.


What should I do when walking around a crowd and encountering steps or stairs?


Walking around a crowd and encountering steps or stairs, try to hold on to the handrails to prevent falling.


What should I pay attention to when attending a large event?


1. When entering the premises, observe the surrounding situation and warning signs, understand the location of safe passages and entrances and exits, and be aware of them.

2. Avoid walking back and forth in the stands and move quickly and orderly to the nearby safety exits.

3. Do not blindly follow the surrounding crowd to move, choose a safe place (such as your own seat) to stay to prevent being squeezed.

4. Stay away from railings to avoid being crushed or falling.

5. Take care of the elderly and children around you during evacuation, and do not crowd.

Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

What should I do in case of an emergency?

Please keep this safety guide


Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

- END -

Source: Xi'an Emergency Management

Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~
Emergency science丨Come out to play during the holidays, please put away the anti-stampede guide~

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