
The election was unfavorable, Hou Youyi shouted to Ke Wenzhe, hoping to restart the blue and white cooperation, and Zhao Shaokang also played the trump card

author:He Wenping

According to the "Lianhe Zaobao" report, after the three party candidates held a televised debate, Taiwan's "United Daily News" released a poll, and the results showed that the DPP's "Lai Hsiao-pei" support rate increased from 31 percent to 32 percent compared with the previous month, a slight increase of one percentage point. The KMT's "Hou Kangpei" fell by 4 percentage points, from 31% to 27%, while the People's Party's "Ke Yingpei" remained unchanged at 21%. This poll is different from other Taiwan media polls only in terms of details, but the signal revealed is basically the same, that is, if there is no accident, Lai Qingde has the greatest chance of winning the election, whether it is Hou Youyi or Ke Wenzhe, it is difficult to compete with it alone.

The election was unfavorable, Hou Youyi shouted to Ke Wenzhe, hoping to restart the blue and white cooperation, and Zhao Shaokang also played the trump card

The Kuomintang also knows very well that Lai Qingde has the greatest advantage, and its latest internal poll also shows that the support rate of "Lai Xiaopei" is 1.6 percentage points higher than that of "Hou Kangpei", and only in terms of the support rate of political parties, the Kuomintang is higher than that of the Democratic Progressive Party. In the unfavorable election situation, the Kuomintang made frequent moves, not only Zhao Shaokang played the trump card, but Hou Youyi also publicly shouted to Ke Wenzhe, hoping to restart the "blue and white cooperation" and form a "coalition government" to remove the DPP.

At the TV debate of Taiwan's 2024 election deputies, Zhao Shaokang announced his resignation from the post of chairman of Zhongguang on the spot in the final speech stage of the first round of arguments, and took out the resignation letter to sign. Hou Youyi said in an exclusive interview on the same day that the third wave of democratic reform in Taiwan is to establish a model and an important milestone, and how to enable the Taiwan people to regain trust in the authorities in the current environment and atmosphere is very important, which means that the leader must be honest.

The election was unfavorable, Hou Youyi shouted to Ke Wenzhe, hoping to restart the blue and white cooperation, and Zhao Shaokang also played the trump card

In order to show that he has integrity, Hou Youyi changed his words and said that the six-point consensus of "blue and white cooperation" signed by the Kuomintang and the People's Party before, whether others count or not, what he himself said will definitely count, and he will set up a "coalition government", employ people on the basis of merit, unite all parties and the best talents, unite all opposition forces to achieve the overall situation, and let the corrupt and incompetent DPP authorities step down. Hou Youyi also stressed that he must act on the "coalition government" and that it is impossible to change what he has said.

In fact, at the debate of Taiwan's 2024 election candidates, Hou Youyi publicly handed an "olive branch" to Ke Wenzhe, calling on him to move forward bravely in the face of the blow, inviting Ke Wenzhe to join the new Taiwan political reform movement, and expressing his belief that Ke Wenzhe can play an important role in the "coalition government". Taiwan media pointed out that in order to achieve the rotation of political parties, the blue and white camp may cooperate again at the last moment of the election, and now there are less than two weeks left before the election voting day, Hou Youyi shouted to Ke Wenzhe one after another, in addition to tactfully expressing to him the willingness to cooperate with blue and white, but also indirectly shouting Ke Wenzhe's supporters to "abandon Ke Baohou".

The election was unfavorable, Hou Youyi shouted to Ke Wenzhe, hoping to restart the blue and white cooperation, and Zhao Shaokang also played the trump card

At present, Hou Youyi's support rate is still behind Lai Qingde in various polls, if there are no other variables, or the blue camp cannot successfully operate the waiver of insurance, then it can be expected that Lai Qingde will be converted from deputy to regular, and Hou Youyi basically has no possibility of being elected. However, Hou Youyi wants to operate "abandoning Ke Baohou", but he also lacks a realistic basis. Ke Wenzhe clearly pointed out in response to the issue of abandonment of insurance a few days ago that supporters of the blue camp will vote for white, but supporters of the white camp will not vote for blue, and they only have two ways to vote, either not to vote or directly to vote for green.

The election was unfavorable, Hou Youyi shouted to Ke Wenzhe, hoping to restart the blue and white cooperation, and Zhao Shaokang also played the trump card

In response to Hou Youyi's shouting to restart the "Blue and White Cooperation", Ke Wenzhe said that this is the standard play of the Kuomintang, which is not surprising, but if you are deceived once, forget it, and there will be no second time. This means that it is difficult for Hou Youyi to reverse the unfavorable situation of the election by restarting the "blue and white cooperation" or operating the operation of "abandoning Ke Baohou". For Lai Qingde, the blue and white are fighting separately, which is undoubtedly a very favorable situation, and the green battalion led by him can firmly gain the upper hand in the face of either side of the blue and white alone. Under such circumstances, it depends on whether the KMT can change its strategy and adjust its style of play to achieve the removal of the DPP, otherwise it will be difficult to reverse the situation.