
Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

The top four teams of the Demacia Cup have been born, namely NIP, RA, BLG and JDG, of which JDG eliminated TES with a 3-2 record in the quarterfinals, which caused a lot of heated discussions, and even the head coach of the Asian Games, Zhu Kai, was rushed again.

Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

The reason why Zhu Kai was rushed is very simple, some time ago, when he was interviewed by the media, he talked about the lineup of this year's Asian Games, Zhu Kai said: Originally, the lineup had been determined in May, and I personally felt that the winning rate of the South Korean team was almost five or five open, and there was a need to play, but after the change of players, I personally felt that we were at a disadvantage when facing the South Korean team.

Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

The first lineup is the top laner 369 and bin, the jungler jiejie, the middle laner knight, the lower lane JKL plus meiko, after the substitution, it becomes the top laner bin, the jungler jiejie and xun, the middle laner knight, and the lower lane ELK plus meiko. So many people think that Zhu Kai means that the strength of xun and ELK is not as good as 369 and JKL, so the strength of the team after the substitution is not as good as the Korean team. And in the Demacia Cup, TES's lineup is JKL plus meiko in the lower lane, but in this BO5, TES's lower lane was beaten by Ruler and missing, and there were 7 line kills in a BO5, and even Ruler's big sword Lucian singled out Dravin, who had received the bounty from Dream.

Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

In addition to the lower lane, TES's top single 369 also happened to be the lineup of the previous Asian Games, but 369 was killed by JDG's second team top laner sheer, and the role of the team battle was not as big as sheer, and the overall performance was also very poor. It was so difficult to face newcomers, let alone Zeus, who was in the state of the Asian Games at that time.

Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

So after TES was eliminated by JDG, Zhu Kai was rushed. The comments below his personal Weibo are as follows, and many netizens ridiculed Zhu Kai: Is this our strongest Asian Games lower road combination? Sure enough, it is the strength of the South Korean team! Does the substitution really weaken the strength? Some netizens directly angrily sprayed Zhu Kai: The German Cup is the last game of this version, I really don't know where the confidence comes from to say that the South Korean team is five or five open, and his BP is too bad, and he threw the pot to the new players.

Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

Judging from the performance in the German Cup, this state is definitely impossible to open with the South Korean team, and everyone is angry that one of the reasons for the failure of the Asian Games is that the coach's BP is too poor, but Zhu Kai thinks that it is the substitution that has led to a decline in overall strength, so he can't beat the Korean team, and he thinks that if the original lineup can play with the Korean team. Now it seems that the original lineup can't be beaten, it's just a few people who are beaten violently. It's not terrible to lose, it's terrible to lose because the coach dumps the players, and what's even more terrible is that after failing for so long, you haven't recognized your own problems.

Zhu Kai was washed again!TES lost to JDG, and Zhu Kai was ridiculed: This is the Asian Games 55 to open the road?

I feel that as long as the TES lineup in the spring game next year can't beat JDG, especially if he hasn't played in the lower road, Zhu Kai will be pulled out and scolded again, and now Zhu Kai and TES will be under great pressure.

So, do you have anything to say about this matter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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