
"I'm sick, and I haven't done this test successfully for more than 10 years!"

author:China Commercial Health Release

Before I tell the story, I would like to share with you my experience of working the night shift one day.

One day, when I was returning home from the night shift, the elevator in the community suddenly broke down, and I was trapped in the elevator alone, my mobile phone had no signal, my brain was blank, and I was so frightened that my hairs stood up......

I was afraid that the elevator would suddenly fall, and I was worried that I would be trapped for too long, what should I do if there was no oxygen in the elevator?

"I'm sick, and I haven't done this test successfully for more than 10 years!"

As soon as you meet, let's have a "dismount" first

["I'm sick, I don't think this test can be done!"]

One night, the first thing an aunt said when she saw me was, "Girl, I'm sick, I don't think this test can be done!"

I thought to myself, what is my aunt doing, she must have come to the hospital for an MRI because she was sick.

I asked my aunt, "Why can't you do that?" she sighed and said helplessly, "I have claustrophobia, and this test has never been successful." ”

When I first heard the term, I didn't know what specific symptoms it would bring.

My aunt squeezed my hand and told me, "As soon as I lay down on the examination bed, I felt that someone was pinching my neck and I couldn't breathe. ”

When the aunt said this, she was already a little nervous, she kept clasping her fingers, and her eyes were also very frightened.

It occurred to me that I had been trapped in the elevator a while ago—it was really a shame that the sky should not be, and the earth was not spiritual! It seemed that I could understand my aunt a little.

"I'm sick, and I haven't done this test successfully for more than 10 years!"

Lie on the examination table and accompany the examination

[While talking, pat her leg to make her feel my presence]

In order to let my aunt relax, I kept talking to her, chatting, raising flowers and fish, and when I felt that my aunt's spirit was not so tense, I asked her, "Why don't I accompany you in, let's give it a try?"

Maybe my aunt thought I was more enthusiastic, and I talked to her again, so she reluctantly agreed to give me a try.

When I helped my aunt into the examination room and sat on the examination table, I found that the hairs on her arms stood up instantly, and she held my hand and clenched it tightly, and even I felt a little pain.

My aunt told me in fear not to let go of her hand, and I told her, "I will always be there for you, and if there is any discomfort in the middle, we will stop immediately." ”

Anyone who has done MRI should know that the machine tool is to be translated in, but I am relatively small and can't let go of my aunt's hand, so I had to lie on the machine tool, talk to my aunt, pat her leg to comfort her, and let her feel my presence.

"I'm sick, and I haven't done this test successfully for more than 10 years!"

During the examination, not only my aunt was very tormented, but I was also very uncomfortable, because I didn't have time to prepare myself, the cold air, the noise that was difficult to hear, and the position of lying on my stomach all the time.

During this period, I was very afraid that my aunt would suddenly say that she was going to give up, and the time passed minute by minute, but fortunately, the examination ended successfully.

When my aunt walked out of the examination room, she hugged me and said thank you again and again.

"Rejuvenate the teacher and move the people" to send a letter of thanks

[This test identifies diseases that have not been diagnosed for more than 10 years]

One day, a colleague called me and said that a patient had come to me.

When I came to the hall, I saw a person walking towards me with scissors in his left hand and tape in his right hand.

As soon as we met, I said that she had come to send me a thank you note and told me to stand still. She and her uncle began to put up thank-you notes in the most conspicuous place in our section.

At first, I didn't understand how such a trivial matter could still be used to send thank-you letters.

When chatting, I learned that my aunt had been ill for more than ten years, went to many hospitals, and had no success in doing MRI.

If you can't do an examination, you can't diagnose the cause, and if you delay it again and again, you will delay the condition.

Later, we found that there were many cases of giving up the examination due to claustrophobia and delaying the disease, so we established the "Claustrophobia Characteristic Care Group".

At present, I have met more than a dozen patients with claustrophobia, and with their previous nursing experience, these people have successfully completed the examination.

Source: Xi'an Daxing Hospital

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