
Chi Zijian, A Lai, Liu Liangcheng, Li Shuo...... This year, are you looking forward to their new book?

author:Red Star News

In the new year, major publishers are about to release a series of good books.

In the first half of the year, we will read Chi Zijian's new collection of novels "Northeast Stories" (expected to be published in January), Liu Liangcheng's "Hometown on the Earth" (expected to be published in February) after "One Man's Village", and "The Immortal Bird" by Hong Ying (expected to be published in February), as well as Zhang Wei's novel "To Lao Wanyu's House" and Ge Fei's "Dengchun Tai" expected to be published in March. Qiu Huadong's "Empty City Chronicle", which he created after rediscovering Loulan, Dunhuang and other places, is expected to meet readers in April. Li Shuo, who almost walked before the ghost gate last year, will also release his latest work "The Wanderer of History" in the first half of the year.

It is expected that in the middle of the year, Haruki Murakami, who has not published a novel for six years, will meet readers with his latest novel, "The City and the Wall of Uncertainty" (translated by Shi Xiaowei).

In the second half of the year, Ye Zhaoyan will release his latest novel, "The Garden of the Xuan Family" (expected to be published in August), which is a story about the history of civilian life spanning more than half a century. Alai's novel "The Hunt for Gold", which tells the story of the search for gold in Sichuan towns, is expected to be published in October......

Here, we will first share some of the new books we have found with readers.

Chi Zijian, A Lai, Liu Liangcheng, Li Shuo...... This year, are you looking forward to their new book?

1, "Northeast Stories"

Author: Chi Zijian

Chi Zijian, winner of the Mao Dun Literary Award and Lu Xun Literary Award, has a new collection of novels that focus on the Northeast: The Sound of Drinking Soup, which focuses on the Hailan Pao tragedy, White Glazed Black Flower Pot and Tablet Bridge, which tells the story of the Northern Song Emperor Song Huizong's imprisonment in Yilan, Heilongjiang, and The Wheel That Crushed the Oracle Bone, which focuses on the dispersion of the oracle bones hidden by Luo Zhenyu in the late Qing Dynasty. The time span is from the Northern Song Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, showing Chi Zijian's unique sense of historical depth.

Expected publication date: January 2024

2, "Hometown on the Earth"

Author: Liu Liangcheng

Chi Zijian, A Lai, Liu Liangcheng, Li Shuo...... This year, are you looking forward to their new book?

"Writing is a homecoming of language." Liu Liangcheng, winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award, is a new masterpiece after many years after "One Man's Village", in this new book, Liu Liangcheng tells the story of his seclusion at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, Tao Yuanming's life of farming and reading.

Those rugged mountain roads and mud-walled houses, the sound of chickens and dogs barking, the sound of children crying, the sound of cows mooing and neighing...... In his prose, they are all illuminated by the setting sun, a piece of splendor, and it has become his hometown in the clouds with words.

Expected publication date: February 2024

3, "Finding Gold"

Author: Alai

The latest novel "The Quest for Gold" by A Lai, winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award and the Lu Xun Literature Award, tells a story of finding gold in a township in Sichuan. During the Republic of China, warlords, Tangkou, gangs, Tusi and other forces wrestled, and the mining, protection, and robbery of gold mines, as well as the development of border land, the management of gold mines, and historical events such as the Sichuan Army's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression were all carried out in Alai's new work. The novel focuses on the anti-Japanese war process of various forces such as the Sichuan army, bandits, and Tangkou, and describes the establishment of local separatist forces and the contest between modern countries and ancient tribes.

Expected publication date: October 2024

4. "Toshundai"

Author: Ge Fei

Chi Zijian, A Lai, Liu Liangcheng, Li Shuo...... This year, are you looking forward to their new book?

After a four-year hiatus, Ge Fei, winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award, will launch his latest novel "Ascending the Spring Stage". 80s of the 20th century. The four protagonists came to Chuntai Road in Beijing from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing, Gansu and Tianjin to work for the same modern Internet of Things company. In the long 40 years that followed, it showed the family affection, love story and fate of the four characters on Chuntai Road.

Expected publication date: March 2024

5. "The City and the Uncertain Wall"

Author: Haruki Murakami;

Although Murakami has been working hard in recent years, he has won thousands of readers with his novels, but he has not published a novel for six years. The Japanese version of "The City and the Uncertain Wall" was released in April last year, and the Chinese version was translated by Shi Xiaowei, who has translated Murakami's "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" and "1Q84", which tells the story of an ordinary 17-year-old boy who meets a 16-year-old girl.

Expected publication date: mid-2024

6, "To Lao Wanyu's House"

Author: Zhang Wei

After decades in the making, Mao Dun Literature Award winner Zhang Wei released his novel "To the Old Wanyu's House". On the Jiaodong Peninsula, the officials and troops of the Qing court, the local bandits, and the revolutionary army from the south, several forces are surging undercurrently. "Lao Wanyu" is a bandit who is both good and evil. A secret "Woman Riding a Horse" and a last wish about a deep hatred in the sea of blood made the young and handsome Shufu prince Yunping embark on a journey to see "Lao Wanyu".

Expected publication date: March 2024

7, "Immortal Bird"

Author: Rainbow Shadow

Legend has it that there is a kind of immortal bird in Wushan Shibao Village, it looks ordinary, under the strong light, the feathers emit colorful light, the immortal bird can not be closed, can not be killed, when facing death, it would rather live to death. Mother Tang Suhui, second aunt Tang Yuying and sister-in-law Tang Qingfang are such immortal birds.

Mother, second aunt and Tang Qingfang, they have secrets and stories. "I" was unwilling to miss their stories and went straight to Geyue Mountain to find the answer. Geyue Mountain has the earliest mental hospital in Chongqing, and it is said that Tang Qingfang lived in it. The secret story of the mothers happened in 1945, when the three little sisters surnamed Tang and Uncle Dong Jiang were tightly tied together by various coincidences and fate from the beginning of their meeting, and they were bound to each other.

Expected publication date: February 2024

8, "The Empty City"

Author: Qiu Huadong

Writer Qiu Huadong's latest historical novel. Over the years, Qiu Huadong has collected many books on the history and geography, culture and religion, and ethnic life of the Western Regions. Over time, those people and things in thousands of years of time and space have been interspersed into a world that can travel back and forth, as if sending a distant summons to him.

The book is divided into six parts, writing the stories of the ruins of six ancient cities. Qiu Huadong rediscovered the historical legends of Loulan, Dunhuang, Niya, Qiuzi and other places. In terms of expression, the structure is in the form of pomegranate seeds, orange petals or sugar gourds, and when writing about the protagonists of history, the emphasis is on depicting the portraits of the inner voices of the characters, so as to express their energetic initial strong notes in the Han and Tang dynasties.

Expected publication date: April 2024

9, "Xuanjia Garden"

Author: Ye Zhaoyan

Writer Ye Zhaoyan's latest novel. The novel takes two civilian families in the "Xuanjia Garden", an old mansion in the south of Nanjing, as the main narrative line, and is a history of civilian life that spans more than half a century.

Expected publication date: August 2024

10, "The Wanderer of History"

Author: Li Shuo

Li Shuo, who almost walked before the ghost gate last year and wrote "about to say goodbye to this world", is about to release his new book "The Wanderer of History" after his health improves. According to the publisher, this is an academic book. The specifics are worth looking forward to.

Expected publication date: first half of 2024

Red Star News reporter Mao Yuchuan Jiang Qing editor Li Jie

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Chi Zijian, A Lai, Liu Liangcheng, Li Shuo...... This year, are you looking forward to their new book?

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