
Ke Wenzhe's support rate was at the bottom, and Hou Youyi re-mentioned the blue and white combination, and was scolded: Don't talk to people who support the mainland

author:Professor Liu Yong

For the election of the leader of the Taiwan region, the People's Party's candidate Ke Wenzhe is basically out of play. Not to mention that its support rate continues to be at the bottom, even in the current fierce battle for votes between the KMT and the DPP, the existence of the People's Party is even more pitiful.

Recently, Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi once again handed an olive branch to Ke Wenzhe, proposing that the six-point consensus of blue and white cooperation is still in use, and emphasizing that it is imperative to unite. In other words, Hou Youyi once again put forward the idea of cooperation with the People's Party.

But Ke Wenzhe doesn't seem to be optimistic about this idea of picking up the blue and white again. It is reported that he said in an interview that there are too many fathers-in-law and mothers-in-law in the Kuomintang, and Hou Youyi will discuss it with Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun before talking.

Ke Wenzhe's support rate was at the bottom, and Hou Youyi re-mentioned the blue and white combination, and was scolded: Don't talk to people who support the mainland

Hou Youyi

In Ke Wenzhe's view, not long ago, Zhu Lilun said that he wanted to erect a wall to clear the wilderness, and now Hou Youyi threw him olives again, which is very contradictory. Ke Wenzhe pointed out that his biggest question about the KMT now is who is making the decision.

In addition to the question of who has the final say between Hou Youyi and Zhu Lilun, when asked whether there are still talks between the People's Party and the Kuomintang, Ke Wenzhe's response was very direct, saying that now that the Kuomintang is already "a person supported by the mainland," what else is there to talk about?

As for Hou Youyi's support now ranked second, why do you still want to find Ke Wenzhe to form a team, this question Ke Wenzhe bids for Huang Shanshan, director general of the competition, questioned that the Kuomintang is already ahead, why do you want to make such a big trick.

Subsequently, Zhou Yuxiu, director of the Ke Office, "kindly" explained his doubts, saying that it was because he had lost the contract, so Hou Youyi used all the methods? That is to say, now the Ke Office believes that the KMT is inferior to the DPP, so he is thinking of coming to seek the cooperation of the people.

Ke Wenzhe's support rate was at the bottom, and Hou Youyi re-mentioned the blue and white combination, and was scolded: Don't talk to people who support the mainland

Ke Wenzhe

But it is clear that the People's Party is not willing to continue to cooperate with Hou Youyi, who, in Ko's view, is "a person supported by the mainland." In this regard, Hou Youyi refuted that he should not do to others what he does not want to be done to others.

In any case, Ke Wenzhe refused Hou Youyi's request for cooperation with Ke Wenzhe this time. Although Hou Youyi was rejected and the chances of the People's Party itself winning the election were slim, it was clear that the People's Party was now very dissatisfied with the KMT.

Then again, why did Hou Youyi start to cooperate with Ke Wenzhe at the last moment. Maybe Huang Shanshan and Zhou Yuxiu are really right, a large part of the reason for inviting Ke Wenzhe to cooperate this time is to ensure that the DPP can be removed from the shelves.

According to a number of polls on the island, Hou Youyi's support is lower than that of Lai Qingde, the candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party. Even if Lai Qingde's support is declining, it is still difficult for Hou Youyi to achieve a comeback in less than half a month.

Ke Wenzhe's support rate was at the bottom, and Hou Youyi re-mentioned the blue and white combination, and was scolded: Don't talk to people who support the mainland

Zhao Shaokang

For this reason, it is possible for Hou Youyi to find Ke Wenzhe's help again, either to get the votes of the People's Party, or to take the opportunity to hype up again, so as to further increase his bargaining chips in competition with the DPP.

After all, in addition to handing an olive branch to the People's Party, the KMT has been keeping an eye on Guo Taiming, the founder of the Hon Hai Foundation. Earlier, Hou Youyi's right-hand man Zhao Shaokang revealed in an exclusive interview that he had called Guo Taiming many times, but the latter did not answer once.

Zhao Shaokang pointed out that all his calls went into Guo Taiming's voicemail, and even Guo Taiming "ignored Zhao Shaokang's messages and text messages".

Zhao Shaokang was very disappointed with Guo Taiming's indifferent attitude, and he said that he thought Guo Taiming would come forward to support the Kuomintang. Obviously, now Gou has no idea of helping the Kuomintang at all.

Ke Wenzhe's support rate was at the bottom, and Hou Youyi re-mentioned the blue and white combination, and was scolded: Don't talk to people who support the mainland


However, Zhao Shaokang's statement also once again proves that the KMT is indeed looking for help everywhere to further increase its own support rate. It's just that whether it is asking Guo Taiming or Ke Wenzhe, it seems that they have not achieved the expected effect.

Judging from the attitudes of Ke Wenzhe and Guo Taiming, although Guo Taiming has announced his withdrawal from the election, and the possibility of Ke Wenzhe winning the election is very small, the possibility of the KMT removing the DPP does not seem to be too great.

So far, in fact, the KMT has basically won all the votes it can win, and those votes that cannot be won are not realistic, and it is not realistic to coax them in the last ten days or so.

Now, the Kuomintang has hit a wall here with Guo Taiming and Ke Wenzhe one after another, which is not good news for the Kuomintang. With the strength of the Kuomintang itself, it is indeed possible to achieve a turnaround at the last moment, but it is unlikely.

Ke Wenzhe's support rate was at the bottom, and Hou Youyi re-mentioned the blue and white combination, and was scolded: Don't talk to people who support the mainland

Lai Qingde

However, we must not be too full of words, and perhaps at the last moment, the DPP will say something very rebellious, and it is not certain that the KMT will continue to conform to the will of the people on the island, which will lead to a reversal of the situation.

If the final solution is that the Kuomintang fails to remove the DPP, then it can only be said that the KMT has not been able to win the support of the majority against the background that the DPP has been poisoning the people on the island for eight years, and this can only show that the attitude of the people on the island towards the KMT is not very positive.