
88-year-old Qianlong married a 13-year-old girl as a concubine, and died the next year


During the Daoguang period, there was a woman in the harem who was named the imperial ancestor and concubine by Daoguang, but at the canonization ceremony, Daoguang saw this "grandmother" for the first time, but he didn't expect this to make him feel bad in his heart.

Because this "grandma" is very young, only about forty, and Emperor Daoguang at this time is already 39 years old, he thought that the concubine left by his grandfather Qianlong was already old, but he didn't expect to be the same age as him.

Who is this concubine and what is her story?

She is the Jin concubine of the Qianlong period, the Jin concubine is from the Fucha family with the yellow flag in Manchuria, and the original queen of Qianlong, the Fucha family, is the same family, and the Fucha queen is the ancestor of the Jin concubine.

In 1798, the third year after Emperor Daoguang ascended the throne, a draft was held, and Jiaqing selected several of the many beautiful women, and among them was only 13 years old Fucha.

Standing out from the crowd of show girls, the Fucha clan is relatively outstanding in all aspects, but when she entered the palace full of joy, her heart was half cold, and it turned out that the Fucha clan was sent to Emperor Qianlong.

Qianlong was the emperor for 60 years, and his grandfather Kangxi was the emperor for 61 years.

At that time, Emperor Qianlong was 88 years old and became the emperor, out of filial piety to his father, after the Jiaqing draft, several selected show girls were given to Emperor Qianlong by Jiaqing.

88-year-old Qianlong married a 13-year-old girl as a concubine, and died the next year

Seeing the aging Emperor Qianlong, Fucha's heart was very different, which was a 75-year-old age difference, a proper grandchild.

But there is no way, the emperor's order cannot be violated, and the Fucha clan can only accept it with tears. Qianlong's wife, Empress Xiaoxian, was also from the Fucha family and was the aunt and grandmother of the little Fucha clan.

Empress Xiaoxian married Emperor Qianlong before he ascended the throne and gave birth to four children, but unfortunately, only the eldest daughter grew up, and the others died.

Empress Xiaoxian is very gentle and virtuous, and manages the harem in an orderly manner, she usually pays attention to frugality, has a good relationship with Emperor Qianlong, and is deeply favored by Emperor Qianlong.

Because the children left one by one, Empress Hyo-hyun was very sad and died of depression at the age of 36. Emperor Qianlong in history was known for his romance, but he had true love for his wife, Empress Xiaoxian.

Empress Xiaoxian left him a purse, he took it with him for a lifetime, and in his spare time, he often took it out to see, see things and think about people.

Xu saw the little Fucha clan, and Emperor Qianlong remembered Empress Xiaoxian, so not long after entering the palace, Emperor Qianlong named the Fucha clan as a Jin nobleman, but he didn't pamper her much, after all, the 88-year-old man didn't have much physical strength and energy.

88-year-old Qianlong married a 13-year-old girl as a concubine, and died the next year

The Fucha clan in the deep palace spends most of the time alone, boring to pass the time, at the age of 13, it was supposed to be a youthful time, but her life is like a pool of stagnant water.

The only time there were waves was when she said the wrong thing next to Emperor Qianlong, which made Emperor Qianlong very angry and demoted her to promise, but later Qianlong lost his anger and re-named her a nobleman.

In the second year, Emperor Qianlong died of illness, which was tantamount to a thunderbolt for the Jin nobles, although he knew that Qianlong did not live long, he did not expect this day to come so quickly, and she was only 14 years old this year.

Originally, the age of 14 was still the best youth, but the Jin nobles in the deep palace had become widows, and if the people died early, the enlightened family might still be allowed to remarry, but in the palace, a woman who was once the emperor could not escape for the rest of her life.

According to her current age, the 14-year-old girl is still in junior high school and has not yet become an adult, but for the Jin nobles, more than a year of court life has made her dull.

Because she had no children, she could only move to Shoukang Palace with Qianlong's other childless concubines, according to the practice of the Qing Dynasty, most of the concubines with children would defect to their children after the emperor's death, and without children, they had to grow old in the deep palace silently.

Due to her young age, Jin Guiren could only helplessly watch the other concubines around her leave one after another, and the youngest she had seen too much life and death, and she slowly Xi it.

After experiencing the accession to the throne and death of Emperor Jiaqing, to the accession of Daoguang, the Jin nobles silently spent a long time in the harem.

It wasn't until Emperor Daoguang ascended the throne that he combed through the concubines in the harem and found that Emperor Qianlong's concubines were the only ones left in the Jin Guiren.

88-year-old Qianlong married a 13-year-old girl as a concubine, and died the next year

He didn't know how old the "grandmother" was until he saw her, and he didn't know that she was so young, about the same age as himself.

In the second year, Concubine Jin had an illness, failed to survive, and passed away at the age of 40, she was buried in the Yuling Concubine Garden, becoming the last person among the Qianlong concubines to be buried in the Concubine Garden.

From 14 to 40 years old, the most beautiful years of his life for more than 20 years, Xiao Fucha spent it silently alone, and when he first entered the palace, he didn't expect such a situation and ending no matter what.

In ancient times, women had a low status, even if they had a good family background, their fate was not under their control, and at the age of 13, she had to marry the 88-year-old emperor, and after the emperor died, she lived alone, which was embarrassing.