
The Story of the Old Demon Miscellaneous Talks: Zhou Zhaowang, the last CEO of the Zhou Dynasty (1)

author:Old and not demon
The Story of the Old Demon Miscellaneous Talks: Zhou Zhaowang, the last CEO of the Zhou Dynasty (1)

Zhou Zhaowang, the last CEO of the Zhou Dynasty

After king Xian of Zhou died, he passed the throne to his son, and the title of king was King Shenliang of Zhou. This short-lived King Shen Liang only served as Zhou Tianzi for six years, and then he gave up and returned to the west. The throne passed to the son of King Shen Liang, who was king of Zhou Zhao. King Zhao of Zhou is a well-known figure in Chinese history, because he was the last monarch of the Zhou Dynasty and the longest reigning monarch of the Zhou Dynasty, and there are many stories that happened in his time as Zhou Tianzi.

The first historical event that has to be said is the division of the Eastern Zhou and Western Zhou dynasties. Everyone must feel strange, the Western Zhou Dynasty has already perished from the time when the Zhou Youwang Beacon Play princes were playing, how did it come out again after hundreds of years? In fact, this "Western Zhou" is not the other "Western Zhou".

This Western Zhou dynasty was the Western Zhou Dynasty, not the Western Zhou Dynasty. The birth of this Western Zhou kingdom dates back to the time of King Zhou Kao, who sealed his brother in Henan, which was the last time the Zhou Dynasty was divided, and all the land was divided. This fiefdom was the Western Zhou Kingdom. The first monarch was the Duke Huan of Western Zhou.

When the third monarch of the Western Zhou Kingdom, Western Zhou Huigong, separated his family again. This time the division of the family was the Western Zhou Kingdom, which divided a part of its territory into its own son Ji, who was the Eastern Zhou Huigong, the first monarch of the Eastern Zhou Kingdom.

In a nutshell, it was King Kao of Zhou who gave the land of the Zhou Dynasty to his brother and established the Western Zhou Kingdom. A few generations later, the Western Zhou State divided another piece of land to its sons to establish the Eastern Zhou State. These two countries were divided and evenly seated during the time of King Zhou Zhao, and the original subordination or subordination between the two small countries no longer existed.

The capital of the Eastern Zhou State was gongyi (present-day Gongyi, Henan), and the capital of the Western Zhou state was Luoyang. The monarchs of both countries are called dukes. Therefore, the time of King Zhao of Zhou was a situation of a Zhou Tianzi, an Eastern Zhou Kingdom, and a Western Zhou Kingdom. King Zhao of Zhou was expelled from his palace for offending the Qin people and went into exile in the Western Zhou Kingdom. The history of the history is called: "Wang Zhao migrated to the Western Zhou Dynasty".

Originally, there was only a small piece of land, and it had to be divided up, and the family was ruined. However, the King of Zhou Zhao had no choice, and at this time, the State of Qin had become the boss of the world.

@Poplar Humu @ Liu Hanxiang @ Evian Mingxin @ User 1447248148139

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