
Mopping the floor every day is still dirty? Teach you a trick, if you don't mop the floor for a week, the ground is still bright and does not fall dust

author:I'm Qiu Tian

In our daily lives, we inevitably need to face a tedious household task – cleaning. Among them, mopping is undoubtedly a crucial link. It is not only about the cleanliness of the family, but also affects the quality of our lives. However, many people find a bothersome problem after mopping: the ground is always difficult to dry and can even leave an unsightly watermark. This not only makes the ground look unsightly, but may also cause inconvenience to our walking. So, how to solve this problem? Today, I will share with you some practical mopping tips, hoping to bring convenience to everyone's daily life.

Mopping the floor every day is still dirty? Teach you a trick, if you don't mop the floor for a week, the ground is still bright and does not fall dust

1. The secret to drying tile floors quickly: the magic of fabric softener and table salt

Have you ever been bothered by how quickly the freshly wiped floor gets dirty?Now, let's explore a new cleaning method to keep your tile floor clean and dry quickly. The key to this approach lies in the magic of fabric softener and table salt. Add fabric softener to warm water, shampoo is also a good option if you don't have one at home. Then, add table salt. Table salt lowers the freezing point of water, accelerates water evaporation, and makes the ground dry out faster. In addition, the protective film formed by the fabric softener prevents the generation of static electricity and the accumulation of dust. From now on, your tile floor will stay clean for a long time.

Mopping the floor every day is still dirty? Teach you a trick, if you don't mop the floor for a week, the ground is still bright and does not fall dust

2. Floor cleaning and maintenance: the perfect combination of soap and acetic acid

Floor cleaning and maintenance is what every family needs. Now, let's learn Xi a simple yet effective way to give your floors a new look. The key to this method lies in the combination of soap and acetic acid. Prepare a bar of soap and shave a little soap lather into warm water. Then add a little white vinegar, acetic acid can effectively sterilize. Mop the floor with this solution to maintain the floor and keep it shiny as new. This method not only keeps the floor shiny, but also provides deep cleaning and maintenance for the floor.

Mopping the floor every day is still dirty? Teach you a trick, if you don't mop the floor for a week, the ground is still bright and does not fall dust

3. The nemesis of kitchen grease: the power of dish soap and white vinegar

Oil stains on kitchen floors are often the most difficult to deal with. Now, we're going to show you how easy it is to remove grease and give your kitchen floor a new look. The key to this method is the power of dish soap and white vinegar. Add dish soap and white vinegar to the water. Dish soap effectively regreass and white vinegar sterilizes and softens dirt. Mop the floor with this solution and the oil stain will no longer bother you. This method not only cleans the kitchen floor thoroughly, but also acts as a sterilization to ensure the health of the family.

Mopping the floor every day is still dirty? Teach you a trick, if you don't mop the floor for a week, the ground is still bright and does not fall dust

4. Mopping tips: the secret weapon to keep the floor as clean as new

1. The importance of mopping water temperature: The water temperature for mopping should not be too cold or too hot. Water that is too cool can make it difficult for water to evaporate, while water that is too hot can cause damage to the ground. Therefore, choosing warm water for mopping is the best choice. Moderate water temperatures can accelerate the evaporation of water, allowing the ground to dry out quickly. In winter, mopping with warm water can also raise the temperature indoors, making your home more comfortable.

2. Choose a good mop: The choice of mop is key. While traditional cotton mops tend to leave fibers and debris behind during cleaning, microfibre mops are more effective at absorbing dust and dirt. They are designed to not only easily wipe away stains, but also to ensure that the floor leaves no residue. What's more, the mop with a rotating function makes it easy to handle even stubborn stains.

Mopping the floor every day is still dirty? Teach you a trick, if you don't mop the floor for a week, the ground is still bright and does not fall dust

3. Replace the mop head regularly: Over time, the mop head will gradually wear out and accumulate dirt. In order to maintain the cleaning effect, it is recommended to replace the mop head regularly. This not only ensures efficient cleaning, but also extends the life of the mop. Remember, keeping your mop clean is necessary to achieve a perfect cleaning result.

4. Correct mopping order: In addition, the correct mopping order is also important. We should start dragging from the corner of the room and mop the floor in a certain direction and order. This avoids excessive moisture trapped on the ground due to repeated mopping. Starting from the corners ensures that the moisture is evenly distributed in each area, avoiding the problem of excessive local moisture. At the same time, mopping the floor in a certain direction also helps moisture flow and evaporation, making the ground easier to dry.

Mopping the floor every day is still dirty? Teach you a trick, if you don't mop the floor for a week, the ground is still bright and does not fall dust