
Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

author:Guoman prophet

It's been almost a week since the release of "Painting the Rivers and Lakes: Tiangang", and when I watched the interpretation video recently, I found that many friends were discussing what Li Chunfeng's three tips represented, so let's take a look at it in combination with the plot in this issue.

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

First of all, it is Qiao'er's tips, the color of the fourth bag at the end of the film is obviously different from Li Chunfeng's three tips, Qiao'er's death means that Da Shuai has fulfilled her birthday wish, so she can do whatever she wants to do in a peaceful and prosperous world, so it is speculated that the urn hanging on the tree is also Qiao'er's, the timeline takes place after Qiao'er's last birthday, Da Shuai counted Qiao'er's last birthday, so he attended to accompany her on her birthday, which is also one of the wishes, and it is normal that Li Chunfeng's ashes have no reason to be put for so long to deal with.

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

In addition, here we will try to explain the picture of the suspected little sun that netizens screenshotted when Da Shuai opened the third bag, I personally think it is a goof, or the follow-up plot design has changed and has not been deleted. Watching the details of the original film is not visible to the naked eye, you need to draw frames to see, if this is the detail design in my opinion is a very failure;

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

Blank, it must be blank, watching the whole film The plot is compact, I think it would be very unreasonable to design useless shots here if it wasn't blank. Combined with what I said earlier, the colors of Li Chunfeng's three tips are red, blue, and green, and the third is green on the outside and orange on the inside, so it's not a matter of angle or light, the tips at the end of the film are cyan. The color of the bag is not the same, it can't be the same!

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

Some people think that it is not Qiao'er's words, I have seen writing before, but it was fourteen-year-old Qiao'er, Qiao'er at that time can be said to be illiterate, "Warren Tianba", "100 shots, blood debts and blood repayment" can be seen, after a few decades Qiao'er can write neat calligraphy does not show that she has lived a leisurely life.

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

To sum up, Li Chunfeng's third bag is empty, and Yuan Tiangang found that his friend's wish was not to bury him in three positions, but to guide him to get to know Qiao'er out of the knot, so the whereabouts of the third jar did not matter. The fourth trick is Qiao'er's, and it happens after Yuan Tiangang attends the birthday banquet, which indicates the end of Qiao'er's death and the peaceful and prosperous world, and continues the plot behind.

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

On the one hand, the director also said that the plot is very simple, just to show passers-by and netizens, but on the other hand, such a big production, you are like the final battle, very much in the sixth season of Li Zhang vs. big ears.

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

But others in the main drama have a solid plot foundation, and in the movie, just for a girl who met in Pingshui, it became a fateful battle, a little bit of child's play, I should definitely add a little bit of Gangzi and Gorou's old hatred to be more convincing, Gorou's combat power with the character is really pulled. The plot is simple is not a problem, I see many netizens saying that you can figure out how to go to the movie, in fact, maybe my brain is half a beat slow, and I personally feel okay, except for some places I think I can make up for it, it's better.

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

There's also the battle.,Including the slightly messy Indian mirror.,Plus that knock-like heartbeat or something-like sound effect.,It's easy to get aesthetically tired if you use it too much.,I don't know if you feel the same way.。 I watched the finale of the drama quite well last time, but now it's a little boring.

Painting Tiangang of the Rivers and Lakes: The ending scene is similar to the ending of the sixth season, but the overall performance is still good!

Of course, the overall performance of the movie is still good, the details can be grasped, and the humor is very down-to-earth, including Zhang Cambodia's old naughty boys and Li Chunfeng, the rhythm is also good, the joy and sorrow are mixed, and Qiao'er's line is also good, I see that many netizens reject the handsome emotional drama, I don't think it's necessary, just like the movie says, the handsome is also a person, and the love is difficult to help himself in the depths, there is a feeling that the killer is not too cold, the uncle is paired with Lori, and Qiao's childhood has passed through the big birthday, and suddenly looks back on Gangzi or that Gangzi, which is still quite touching. It's just that Qiao'er asked the two uncles about the love history of Gangzi, which was not tightened, and it was a little abrupt. Overall, it's a relatively successful production, and I hope the official can collect it!