
Autumn and winter seasons are the key to improving immunity!

author:Dr. Wang of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

As autumn grows stronger, winter is quietly coming. At this time, it is particularly important to improve immunity and build a solid barrier against severe cold and disease. This article will reveal the key to boosting your immunity during the autumn and winter seasons, so that you can survive the autumn and winter months.

1. Get enough sleep to reduce stress and anxiety

In autumn and winter, the days are short and the nights are long, and the temperature plummets. The human body is prone to feelings of drowsiness, so getting enough sleep is crucial. A good night's sleep helps regulate endocrine and enhance immune function. At the same time, learning to reduce stress and anxiety and maintain a happy mood can help your physical and mental health.

Autumn and winter seasons are the key to improving immunity!

Second, the autumn freeze and spring cover, moderate acceptance of the cold

Allowing the body to receive cold stimuli can help stimulate immune system function. Of course, "autumn freezing" is not blindly frozen, but should be moderately adjusted according to your own situation. Covering spring and autumn frost, reasonably increasing or decreasing clothing, can help improve immunity.

3. Spend more time in the sun and supplement trace elements

Autumn and winter are warm but not scorching, which is a good time to bask in the sun. Drying your back every day helps to stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D in the body and promote the absorption and utilization of calcium. In addition, eat more foods rich in trace elements such as selenium, carotene, and vitamins to provide nutrients for the immune system.

Autumn and winter seasons are the key to improving immunity!

Fourth, a reasonable diet to enhance nutritional intake

In autumn and winter, it is advisable to eat warm foods such as lean meat, eggs, etc. Protein is an important substance to improve immunity, and proper consumption is conducive to enhancing physical fitness. At the same time, moderate consumption of chili peppers can promote blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, pay attention to supplementing nutrients such as vitamin C, B6, and vitamin E to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

5. Reduce the intake of sugar and refined foods

Try to avoid excessive intake of sugar and refined foods, such as milk tea, pickles, sausages, etc. These foods tend to be high in sugar and additives, which are not good for your health. Drink coffee and tea in moderation, avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol, and maintain good health.

6. Exercise appropriately and enhance physical fitness

Proper exercise helps to strengthen the physique and improve immunity. Choose the right way to exercise according to your personal situation, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc. In addition, it is also a good idea to add strength training to build muscle and promote immunity.

Autumn and winter seasons are the key to improving immunity!

7. Pay attention to food safety and ensure food hygiene

When purchasing ingredients, it is important to pay attention to food safety and hygiene. Avoid eating unclean, stale food that may cause gastrointestinal upset. At the same time, pay attention to reducing the intake of contaminated foods to provide a healthy eating environment for the immune system.

In short, the change of seasons in autumn and winter to improve immunity needs to start from many aspects. By getting enough sleep, taking the cold in moderation, getting more sunlight, eating a reasonable diet and exercising, we can strengthen our immunity against cold and disease. Let's pay attention to physical and mental health from now on, and welcome the beautiful autumn and winter time together!