
Can a glass of water before bed reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? These four groups of people should pay special attention to drinking more water before going to bed

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

As the old saying goes, "Water is the source of life and the foundation of health". As we all know, water plays an important role in human life and health, but many people are still controversial about the timing of drinking water. A glass of water in the morning can replenish the lack of water at night, and can moisten the intestines and laxative, "a glass of water in the morning" is still unanimously agreed, but for "a glass of water before bed" is controversial, some people think that drinking water before going to bed will cause skin edema the next day, drinking water before going to bed is also easy to get up in the middle of the night, affecting the quality of sleep.

Can a glass of water before bed reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? These four groups of people should pay special attention to drinking more water before going to bed

But for certain people, drinking plenty of water before bed can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially at night. This is because the body is asleep at night, the metabolism slows down, and the blood pressure and heart rate also decrease accordingly. In this process, blood flow slows down and blood viscosity increases, which increases the risk of thrombosis. Thrombosis is an important cause of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, drinking water before going to bed can increase blood flow, reduce blood viscosity, and help prevent blood clots. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Who is suitable to drink water at night?

1. The elderly

As people age, the amount of water in their bodies gradually decreases, so they are prone to dehydration. Dehydration will lead to an increase in blood viscosity, and the condition of the blood vessels in the elderly is not good, which is also the reason why the elderly are prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. In order to reduce the risk of dehydration at night and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, the elderly need to drink appropriate water before bedtime. This helps to maintain the body's water balance, reduces blood viscosity, and increases blood flow, which helps prevent blood clots.

Can a glass of water before bed reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? These four groups of people should pay special attention to drinking more water before going to bed

2. People who are obese or overweight

People who are overweight or obese are also at greater risk for their cardiovascular health. The vascular condition of this group of people is usually worse, or there is atherosclerosis, or there are three highs, and in severe cases, there will be obvious narrowing of blood vessels. It's dangerous. Especially at night, due to a slowdown in metabolism, blood pressure and heart rate decrease, the speed of blood flow slows down, and the blood viscosity increases. Therefore, it is particularly important for obese people to drink water appropriately before going to bed.

3. People with cardiovascular disease

It is very important for people with cardiovascular disease to keep their blood pressure and blood sugar levels stable. At night, the body's blood pressure and blood sugar are more likely to fluctuate, especially when sleeping, blood pressure and blood sugar are easy to get out of control. For patients with cardiovascular disease or those with three highs, this fluctuation may increase the risk of developing the disease. Drinking water properly can increase the flow of blood and prevent blood clots. At the same time, drinking water can also relieve the body's dehydration state and help maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Can a glass of water before bed reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? These four groups of people should pay special attention to drinking more water before going to bed

4. People with prostatic hyperplasia

Lack of water at night is a common problem for people with prostatic hyperplasia. They usually need to urinate more often, especially at night, due to difficulty urinating due to prostatic hyperplasia. This frequent urination can lead to dehydration of the body, increase blood viscosity, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

To avoid dehydration at night, people with prostatic hyperplasia should hydrate appropriately before bed and after waking up at night. However, it should be noted that people with prostatic hyperplasia should take care to control their water intake when drinking water. Drinking too much water can lead to frequent waking up at night and affecting sleep quality. Therefore, it is recommended that such people drink an appropriate amount of water before going to bed and make sure to replenish enough water after waking up at night to maintain the body's water balance and health.

Is it pseudoscience that drinking "hard water" may have cardiovascular health benefits?

When it comes to the benefits of drinking water for cardiovascular health, many people may have paid attention to a study, that is, not long ago, a new study found that drinking "hard water" may be beneficial for cardiovascular health, is this true or false?

Can a glass of water before bed reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? These four groups of people should pay special attention to drinking more water before going to bed

First of all, minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which are contained in hard water, have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. Magnesium can regulate myocardial and vascular function, improve sodium-potassium balance, help lower blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular disease. Calcium is also beneficial for cardiovascular health, improving blood vessel elasticity and reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis.

Secondly, hard water has a higher mineral content, which can replenish the trace elements needed by the body. Hard water is richer in minerals than soft water, and these minerals are essential for human health, they are essential for the maintenance of normal physiological functions of the body, and contribute to the maintenance of the body's normal metabolism and cardiovascular health. Therefore, drinking hard water in moderation can be used as a beneficial way to replenish minerals.

In addition, hard water helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have long shown that people living in hard-water areas have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This may be due to the high mineral content of hard water, which helps regulate various physiological functions of the body and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Can a glass of water before bed reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? These four groups of people should pay special attention to drinking more water before going to bed

It is important to note that although hard water is friendly to cardiovascular patients, it should not be consumed excessively. When drinking hard water, it is recommended to boil the water before drinking it to reduce the carbonate and mineral content in the water and avoid discomfort caused by excessive mineral intake. For those who drink soft water frequently, it is recommended to increase the intake of magnesium-rich foods such as legumes, dark green vegetables and nuts in moderation to supplement the trace elements needed by the body.

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